Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 854: The prestige of the gods and gods

Thirty-three floors outside the sky, the Hall of Universe.

All the saints are still gathering here, the Xuandu saint has let the old man avoid suspicion and leave, and the hidden sage sees this and left, leaving only the heavenly saints.

The sage of Xuandu glanced at the saint and slowly said: "Everyone, the catastrophe of the heavenly path is not over yet. You should have heard the tens of thousands of years that Fellow Daoist Han said. What we have to do next is to build momentum for Fellow Dao Han and grow stronger. Heavenly Way."

"This battle has proven that behind the divine power is the head of the gods, we cannot sit and wait for death, we must be prepared, and we cannot always rely on Fellow Daoist Han."

All Saints nodded.

Although they did not take action in this battle, they greatly increased the cohesion of the Heavenly Dao.

Witnessing Han Jue\'s slaying of 20,000 divine generals with a single sword, their Dao heart is still agitated, unable to calm down.

"It is necessary. From today onwards, Heavenly Dao is completely independent of Chaos. Since it has been offended, what are you afraid of?"

"Yes, Heaven never relies on chaos anyway."

"What are the gods of the Great Dao? You know how to make small moves behind your back."

"Theocratic power will make people panic. We can deliberately exaggerate, saying that theocratic power will be the power controlled by the Dao Gods. The Dao Gods will act recklessly. Before the Chaos Demon God, there will inevitably be other great powers in the future. Set up as a chaotic hazard."

"I think it\'s feasible. In addition, it is necessary to promote the power of God\'s mighty Heavenly Sage, God\'s might and God\'s Way, invincible God\'s power, how about it?"

The saints began to discuss that this time the Xuandu saint did not directly make a plan to involve all saints.

Looking at the excitement in the temple, the Holy Venerable Xuantu\'s heart was surging.

He seemed to see the rise of the heavens!

One day, the way of heaven will become the center of chaos!

The Xuandu Holy Venerable is also knowledgeable in Chaos, and there are really few people in Chaos that can be Han Jue\'s opponent.

As the leader of the gods, Han is by no means the strongest, but also the second in Chaos!

Besides, if the head of the gods can really defeat Han Jue, why set a ten-thousand-year period?

The Holy Venerable Xuandu became more excited as he thought about it, and his awe of Han Jue grew deeper.

He made up his mind to follow Han Jue forever.

Taoist temple.

Han Jue was sitting on the thirty-sixth-rank reincarnation black lotus. He was reviewing the course of this battle and rehearsing his words and deeds.

He has disguised himself as a reckless image that does not care about the survival of God, and he does not know whether the original ancestor **** and Chaos Ignorance believe it.

In any case, a period of tens of millions of years is also a buffer.

Thousands of years later, Han Jue\'s strength will inevitably rise to a new class.

However, there is Pangu\'s constraints. If he is the head of the gods, how can he wait for thousands of years?

No matter how arrogant it is, Han Jue has already shown strength after all, and the original ancestor still has a six-star hatred for him.

Find a chance to curse this fellow!

It cannot be now, it is easy to reveal the identity.

Wait a million years, you can curse him.

Han Jue thought silently.

In the future, if the Heavenly Dao Lingshi reappears, he must strengthen it on the book of doom. As the book of doom becomes stronger and stronger, he believes that as long as the book of doom is strong enough, one day, he can ignore all obstacles.

Han Jue began a mock trial.

Challenge the sacred Foolish Sword of the Supreme Realm of One Hundred Thousand Dao!

After a simulated trial, he calmed down a lot, realized his weakness and limits, and his anxious heart calmed down.

The heart was still underwater, and he began to practice.

After the scenery, I still have to practice hard.

Han Jue must become stronger, always stronger, and maintain this state where he can always be better no matter how strong an enemy appears.

Everything is deceptive, but cultivation will not!

As long as you work hard, you can change everything!

In the dim universe, countless meteorites are everywhere.

Above a meteorite, a group of figures are meditating here, among them are Li Daokong, Xitian ancestor, and Shi Dudao.

The ancestor Xitian slowly opened his eyes and said: "The divine power will be destroyed, and we have survived a catastrophe."

Hearing this, all lives opened their eyes.

Since the death of the first Black Venerable, the fate of the dragons has no leader, and the divine power has been rampant, and they have to hide, all of them feel uneasy and even desperate.

They can\'t get rid of the identity of the destiny, and they have been killed by the gods. Where they are the opponents of ten thousand gods, they can only keep hiding.

Li Daokong looked at the ancestor Xitian, his eyes flickering.

He had already learned about the battle of the heavens from the projection of the world, and he was extremely excited.

"Start blowing, blow hard!"

Li Daokong thought silently.

The ancestor of Xitian said: "Ten thousand gods will be killed to heaven, and they will be killed by the gods and gods of heaven. You should have heard the previous voices. It is not a joker. The gods and gods will not only kill 10,000 gods, but also two The power of the gods was still killed by the sword of the mighty heavenly sage."


Dozens of life were all excited, and even stood up, trembling all over.


"Heaven\'s Dao has such a character!"

"It is said that the gods of the Dao Dao attacked Tiandao before, and were also killed by the gods of the gods. The gods of the gods are too majestic, just like the old Pangu."

"More than that, Pangu\'s resurrection was killed by the divine power. The mighty heavenly saint has long surpassed Pangu, which is a myth in the world."

"Isn\'t the divine power the rules of chaos? The gods and gods can already ignore the rules of chaos?"

Dozens of people were extremely excited and admired Han Jue.

Although they don\'t know the gods and gods, UU read, but the gods and gods and the gods are equivalent to saving them, so they are naturally happy.

Speaking of it, the gods and gods and destiny also have festivals, but they have nothing to do with them.

Xitian ancestor said: "Divine power will be gone, but the next life will have to be careful, I will make plans again, and I should re-develop the power of life. As for the power of God, from today onwards, I will persuade God to be a favor. In the future, try not to offend us. We are not the evil existence in the mouth of the gods of Dao Dao. We just want to overturn the unbearable and decadent rule of chaos."

Hearing these words, dozens of people nodded, and Li Daokong smiled.

Shi Dudao also smiled.

"As expected of the Dark Forbidden Lord, it\'s really powerful. Both identities stand up, and the means are amazing."

Thought of Shi Dudao worship.

Li Daokong glanced at him and said, "What are you laughing at? So afraid of death?"

"Then what are you laughing at?"

"Shenwei Tiansheng is my sect master, of course I am proud of you."

"Hehe, you have betrayed the hidden door, what\'s your honor!"

"That is compelling."

Shi Dudao didn\'t bother to talk to Li Daokong.

Can your old relationship compare to me?

The Dark Forbidden Lord recognizes my aptitude most!

Shi Dudao thought to himself that he felt that his realm was completely different from Li Daokong.

Li Daokong thought he was on the second floor, and he was taller.

He had long noticed that Li Daokong was the undercover of the mighty Heavenly Sage, but Li Daokong did not know his relationship with the Dark Forbidden Lord.

What does this show!

It shows that in the eyes of the Dark Forbidden Lord, he is a cron, and Li Daokong is just the most common chess piece.

Xitian ancestor said: "Preparing to leave, since the dragons have no leader, then we will regain control of our lives. Now all the chaotic demon gods have fallen, and the chaos has fallen silent. This is a chance for fate!"