Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 853: 0 million years of appointment

, The fastest update of the top air luck, quietly practice the latest chapters of the millennium!

Sacrifice yourself for the sake of heaven?


Han Jue is not that kind of person!

He immediately answered the opponent with supreme power: "Joke, then you come to destroy the Heavenly Dao, as long as it is destroyed, I will definitely write down this grudge, and one day I will avenge the Heavenly Dao!"

The communication between Han Jue and the mysterious voice was in the heart, and all the saints in the Hall of Universe could not hear them, and they were still waiting patiently.

Han never waited to reply again.

He is ready to face one hundred thousand oracles.

Even if it is a dead end, there will be a battle. Anyway, there is a ray of will in the dojo, not afraid of death.

Han Jue cursed inwardly.

What is Pangu eating?

It is said that as long as the ten thousand gods are blocked, why is it still endless now?

Just as Han Jue thought of Pangu, a line of words appeared before his eyes:

[Pangu asks you to dream, do you accept it?]


Han Jue entered the dreamland, and at the same time he retained half of his will in the body, in case the divine power would strike again.

In his dream, Han Jue saw Pangu.

Pangu looked solemn and said: "There are variables in this matter. If you want to end it completely, there are only two options."

"One, you sacrifice yourself and let the supreme rule suppress, in exchange for the peace of heaven."

"Second, you have a battle with the head of the gods. If you win, the way of heaven and you can be guaranteed."

Han absolutely did not answer.

Pangu patiently waited.

After a few breaths, Han Jue asked, "Is this what you strived for?"

Pangu Dao: "What really controls the supreme rule is the existence of the supremacy beyond the avenue. Even I can\'t talk about its name or appearance. If he takes action, the heavens will really die."

Han Jue frowned.

He was a little disappointed with Pangu.

From this perspective, Pangu is not a chaotic and ignorant opponent, and negotiations are at a disadvantage.

Han Jue said, "If it\'s a fight with the head of the gods, do you have to start now?"

Although he can fight Ten Thousand Foolish Swords, he may not be able to beat the original ancestor god.

The original ancestor **** is a perfect existence, and the head of the gods, the cultivation base is absolutely powerful.

"I will try my best to help you fight for it." Pangu muttered.

Han Jue acquiesced.

After a while.

Pangu opened his mouth and said: "I will help you win for ten million years at most. After ten million years, you will fight alone with the head of the gods, and you have won. The supreme rule no longer targets the way of heaven, you have lost..."

Did Han Jue act as such: "It can only be thousands of years?"

Pangu sighed, and said: "Your growth rate is too fast. Ten million years is already the limit. For other people, a billion years is not a problem. The head of the gods retreats in a unit of billions of years, which is enough to show that he has. How afraid of you."

Han Jue also sighed, "All right."

"Ok, deal."

As the Pangu dialect fell, the dream was broken.

Han Jue did not immediately tell the saints about this, but continued to wait.

The divine power will not reappear, and the original ancestor **** will not pass a word to Han Jue.

Everything is calm.

a long time.

Pan Xin asked cautiously: "It\'s over? There has been no movement for so long..."

The other saints stared at Han Jue closely.

Han Jue asked in his heart: "Is this heavenly disaster over?"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]


[Temporarily over]

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Pangu had indeed succeeded in the negotiation.

He looked at all the saints and said: "It is over for the time being. For thousands of years, I will fight the first decisive battle with the gods. For this catastrophe but cause and effect, before this, the development of the way of heaven will remain the same, and everything will be left to you."

When the words fell, Han Jue returned to Baiyue Xianchuan.

Cheers erupted in the Qiankun Hall, and the four words Shenwei Tiansheng appeared the most.

Mysterious realm, the fog is majestic.

The Xietian Emperor looked at the illusion in front of him. He hadn\'t seen the figure of the divine power for a long time. He couldn\'t help asking, "This calamity is over?"

He resisted his excitement, and didn\'t dare to see the mysterious giant shadow.

The mysterious giant replied: "It\'s over for the time being. After tens of thousands of years, Han Jue needs to be the first of the gods of war. If he wins, the way of heaven will survive, if he loses, the way of heaven will perish."

Millions of years?

The Xietian Emperor is secretly confused, the head of the gods is so swollen?

"Pangu has just made a ten-thousand-year agreement, but this can be regarded as a step for the supreme rule. The divine power is indeed not Han Jue\'s opponent, and it is difficult for the head of the gods to appear in person." The mysterious giant shadow said quietly.

Xietian asked, "If Han Jue should go down, why shouldn\'t he fight after tens of thousands of years?"

The mysterious giant shadow said: "He will definitely fight, he has to fight."

Hearing these words made the Xietian Emperor even more confused, he hurriedly asked, but the mysterious giant shadow no longer answered.

"You should go now."

The voice of the mysterious giant shadow is illusory.

The Xietian Emperor bends down and salutes before turning to leave.

He just stepped out a few steps, the mysterious giant shadow\'s voice floated: "Xietian Emperor, don\'t forget the fate you set yourself."

Xietiandi didn\'t look back, but disappeared.

The catastrophe of the heavenly path is over, and 10,000 divine powers will all fall near the heavenly path!

The name of the God and Heavenly Sage is Megatron the entire chaos, and there are countless practitioners in the Heavenly Dao talking about this matter.

Gradually, the news spread throughout the fairy world, and the mighty heavenly saint once again became a myth worshipped by all beings.

Buddha realm.

Saint Zhenwu Buddha faced the Chu people and remained silent for a long time.

Chu Shiren asked, "How is my master?"

Sheng Zhenwu Buddha uttered two words: "Invincible."

He seemed calm, and there was a stormy sea in his heart!

That was the 10,000 divine power general who slaughtered the Chaos Demon God. He was killed by Han Jueyi\'s sword, and he didn\'t even touch the edge of Heaven\'s Path!

Before coming to the Way of Heaven, Saint Zhenwu Buddha did have expectations of Han Jue, but he didn\'t expect that Han Jue would not only block 10,000 divine generals, but also slay them with a single sword!

It\'s incredible!

Sheng Zhenwu Buddha had lived for so long, and it was the first time he was so shocked. He also had an unspeakable awe of Han Jue.

Joining Tiandao may be a great opportunity!

He could hear Han Absolutely Chaos\'s shouts before, but now that the catastrophe is lifted, heaven will inevitably soar into the sky, and even become the most prosperous place in Chaos!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he got, and finally couldn\'t help but smile.

Chixia sky, UU reading boundless sea.

A shining figure stood on the shoulders of the Virgin of Order.

"After tens of thousands of years, this son will be stronger, are you sure?" asked the Madonna of Order.

The light figure hummed: "What about giving him thousands of years? His aptitude is so powerful that he can reach the supremacy of the avenue. Do you think it is possible to catch up with me in thousands of years?"

"The reason for making this agreement is that the divine power will really have nothing to do with the way of heaven. The number of 20,000 is already the limit. I also paid a lot of money. Since Pangu gave me a step, I naturally got it."

Our Lady of Order asked: "Within ten million years, how will you challenge him?"

The light figure said: "You are optimistic, he will fight, now the Chaos Demon God has been eliminated, only a few people are left. In order to promote the great calamity, there will be a new large air transporter born out of the sky, and I will create momentum for the gods and heavenly saints. , So that he can\'t cultivate in peace for tens of thousands of years. As for the day of the decisive battle, I have already calculated that he must fight, and he will also die miserably."