Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 834: Unprecedented!

After dozens of simulation trials, Han Jue opened his eyes and smiled.

Fighting Ten Thousand Foolish Swords is sacred now, it\'s very easy, but it can\'t reach the point of a spike.

Wanting to kill 10,000 Foolish Swords in a flash, his mana, Han Jue, stretched out and started checking emails.

The chaos seems to be lively again recently, and many friends have been attacked, but they still haven\'t seen the theocracy.

After reading the email, Han Jue asked in his heart: "How long will the divine power come to heaven?"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]


[About two million years]

Not long, but not short.

Han Jue thought for a while, and decided to tell his disciples about the matter, in case they encounter the divine power in advance and get rid of them.

He looked at the chaos and found that the disciples under his school were all rushing to the way of heaven, the Buddha realm, the tower of the avenue and even the whole realm were moving, and the picture was quite shocking.

After he pinched his fingers, he found that the disciples had made an appointment.

He couldn\'t help smiling and murmured: "It makes me feel relieved."

At the same time, this also proved the horror of the divine power generals, and even the disciples and grandchildren who had always loved waves began to come back.

Thinking of this, Han Jue took out the doom book to try if he could curse the divine general and delay time.

However, the power of his curse could not find the gods.

It seemed that there was no theocracy in the chaos, even if Han Jue recalled their image in his mind, it would not help.

Han Jue asked in his heart: "I have a chance to win when I face a divine power general?"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]



So decisive?

Han Jue\'s heart jumped sharply.


You have to hurry up and become the supremacy as soon as possible, otherwise you won\'t be able to win the theocracy at all.

There are still two million years, unless sudden changes, he should be able to break through before the war.

I\'m afraid of change!

Han Jue observed Heavenly Dao, and after making sure that there was no major chaos, he continued to practice.

"All the demon gods come to the realm of Taichu quickly!"

The voice of the Demon God from the beginning suddenly rang in Han Jue\'s mind, and he ignored it.

You guys go fight first!

Too early in the field.

At the beginning, the Demon God looked around at the Chaos Demon God in the hall, frowning.

With a few demon gods missing, Han Jue didn\'t come either.

For Han Jue, the Demon God had always minded in the beginning, he thought that Han Jue was lying about the matter about the Demon Ancestor and Han Tuo.

Yujian\'s sacredness has also come, and the expressions of every Chaos Demon God are extremely solemn.

Because they know what to face next!

At the beginning, the Demon God said solemnly: "Everyone, what Pangu has done for us, you should already know, we have nowhere to escape, but a battle! I didn\'t disappear before, just went to retreat. I knew the gods. That’s why he retreats for his true purpose!"

"The Divine Power is not to find the Great Demon God, but to eradicate the Chaos Demon God. If we are slaughtered, once the Hongmeng Demon God shows our aptitude, it is easy to be discovered, and without our luck, the Hongmeng Demon God cannot grow up at all."

"According to the original amount of calamity, the Hongmeng Demon God will be like Pangu in the past, stepping on our luck will quickly become stronger, and then chaos chaos, the Dao Spirits are to make the Hongmeng Demon God unable to become stronger, but it is me who sacrificed. Wait! Are you willing?"

His voice is extremely low and contains monstrous anger.

As soon as these words came out, all the Chaos Demon Gods spoke up, all unwilling.

Yu Jian said sacredly: "I didn\'t expect that the theocracy would actually deal with us. It may be related to our strength. Even if there is no Hongmeng Demon God, we also threaten the status and hegemony of the Dao God."

"Kill! Rather than get rid of one by one, it is better to join forces!"

As the Chaos Demon God who singled out Pangu and never died, Yujian Sheng now has a lot of power to speak.

A Chaos Demon asked, "But can we really stop the divine power by relying on us? I didn\'t say no to fight, but there is still time, so we can make more preparations."

The chaos is vast, and the divine power will still be monitored in the depths of the chaos, not directly directed at the chaos devil.

At the beginning of the demon said: "Pangu will be resurrected. In addition, he has already summoned the twelve ancestral witches to come to help out. Although the ancestral witch is not very strong, it is at least a power."

Pangu is resurrected!

The bodies of the Chaos Demon Gods shook!

Pangu\'s strength is beyond doubt, but he has singled out dozens of demon gods before!

The Chaos Demon Gods have made suggestions, gather all the forces that can be mobilized, and prepare to start an unprecedented battle!

The more they talk, the more excited they become.

Even the devil ancestor has to win!

At the beginning, the Demon God laughed and said: "Very well, let the gods see who is in charge of the current chaos!"

Perhaps this battle is not just a battle of life and death, but also a battle to change the chaotic pattern!

The demon gods are not without hope. After all, some of the demon gods are the highest cultivation bases, and one person is more than enough to fight against dozens of Dao saints.

God\'s way.

Shrines, a secluded hall, suddenly shook, and the door opened suddenly.

Qin Ling walked out slowly, with a golden dragon entwined with him, and there was a faint shadow of a large halberd.

He raised his eyes to the sky, shooting golden light, piercing the sky.

"Buddha, it\'s time to pay the blood debt!"

Qin Ling showed a grim smile.

At this time, a famous goddess Tianjiao arrived. Although the temple is a great power, there are not many quasi saints. Every birth is worthy of congratulations from the temple. UU reading

The lone star also came, naturally it was not the deity of the saint, it was nothing more than Dharma.

Qin Ling bowed his hands to the lone star.

Zang Lone Star came to him and said in a deep voice, "Why didn\'t you restrain your momentum?"

Qin Ling replied: "I\'m declaring war!"

"Are you... still stubborn?"

"Sage, please allow my obsession!"

When Lone Star heard this, his body trembled with anger, and his heart was filled with relief.

It\'s finally here!

It’s okay to end the calamity earlier, the way of heaven needs a unified spirit to prepare for the coming of the catastrophe.

At the same time, the 33rd floor is beyond the sky.

In Fang Liang\'s dojo, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Jiang Yi, Ji Xian Shen, and Su Qi gathered here.

"Is he Qin Ling? Why is the movement so loud?"

Jiang Yi asked curiously, Qin Ling\'s aura had spread to the 33rd floor, which was offensive to the saint.

Fang Liang didn\'t conceal it either.

Zhao Xuanyuan tweeted and said, "You guys really know how to play!"

Dao Zhizun thought of the last immeasurable catastrophe, and said with emotion: "No matter how the way of heaven develops, it is the saint who plays the chess after all, but fortunately, we have stepped out of the board and Qin Ling also has a hidden door to take care of it."

Su Qi nodded deeply.

He was played the worst in the last amount of calamity. So far, thinking about it, he can\'t help but feel deeply moved.

Jiang Yi said: "By the way, can the sect master have an explanation? Now we can\'t enter the way of heaven."

Fang Liang said: "No, but this is the best explanation."

Others felt reasonable and couldn\'t help but nod their heads.

If Han Jue is scared, he must be prepared to run away.

Did not say, that is to fight!

------Off-topic ------

Ya\'er, are you cold?

When I code, my hands are stiff!