Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 833: Hidden Gate

Back in the Taoist Temple, Han Jue was thoughtful.

He ignored the oppressive feeling that ten thousand theocracy would put on other people, even he was under a lot of pressure, let alone other people.

"That\'s okay, it must take an ordeal to consider all the saints."

Han Jue silently thought that his primary goal was still a breakthrough.

Breaking through as soon as possible, will be more sure to deal with 10,000 gods.

As for the saint, it\'s okay to run away, just stand up again.

Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to refine the stars.

Seven hundred thousand years have passed since the last breakthrough.

Time passed by Han Jue very fast, but for sentient beings, several times have passed.

The immortal realm is more heroic and powerful, and arrogant talents gather.

Wanjie Projection, the disciples gathered in person.

Every once in a while, they will gather together, organized by the black jail chicken.

Although the black jail chicken has never gone out for experience, it has a very high status among direct disciples.

Everyone gathered together and was discussing the matter of theocracy.

"Ten thousand Dadao saints? It\'s too exaggerated, how can we stop it?"

"Yes, the news has been leaked, and many heavenly beings are trying to get rid of heavenly luck."

"This will be the biggest catastrophe in the history of Heaven."

"What shall I do?"

"I don\'t know, Master didn\'t speak."

"Don\'t worry, if the master was afraid, he would have spoken and ran away."

"The main reason is that you can\'t escape. It is said that where the divine power will go, if there are unsupervised creatures, the divine power will appear in front of him in an instant!"

Everyone talked a lot.

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "It\'s okay. It\'s fine to return to the dojo at that time. Master\'s dojo should be able to stop the divine power general."

Chu Shiren said: "It\'s really impossible, you can also come to my Buddhist realm."

Li Xuan\'ao hummed, "Speaking of which, there have been quite a few objections in the Heavenly Dao recently, and some people even deliberately introduced rumors to the sect master, saying that the divine power will not target the Heavenly Dao, but the Chaos Demon God."

Su Qi hummed: "I have also heard that some saints are unruly and speak loudly when preaching."

Dao Zhizun blinked and said, "Are these saints crazy? Do you really think you are immortal?"

Although the Xuandu Holy Venerable explained to all the saints that he wanted to suppress the divine power to suppress the news of the Heavenly Dao, this fact was too great, and some saints could not help telling their disciples. Gradually, the news was above the Da Luo Jinxian. It spreads from layer to layer.

"It\'s ridiculous. If there were no our sect master, Heaven\'s Dao would have died a long time ago. Why, now I have forgotten my roots?" Jiang Yi said with disdain.

The black jail chicken looked at Li Daokong and asked, "Dharma Protector, why don\'t you say anything, what\'s the force of fate recently?"

Li Daokong shook his head and said, "Stay lingering, hiding everywhere, but the emergence of the divine power has indeed relieved the pressure of life."

Li Xuanao suggested: "Everyone, why don\'t you come back, just in case, gather all the power of the hidden gate, and then fight against the divine power together."

As soon as these words came out, the other disciples nodded one after another.

Zhou Fan and Chu Shiren also nodded, and letting their forces face the divine powers would be a dead end.

They are also heavenly creatures!

They believed that Han Absolutely did not lie, that the divine power would be aimed at the Chaos Demon God and the Heavenly Dao creatures.

The Sanqing Sacred Realm is in a cloud of glow, with layers of continents stacked on top of each other, and its light illuminates this void.

Yang Che flew, directly into the Sanqing Sacred Realm, flew into the highest level continent, and entered a bright world.

Along the way, he quickly came to the front of a huge palace, in front of which stood two stalwart gods, vividly, with gods in his eyes.

Yang Che knelt down in front of the door and said: "Senior Sanqing, junior Tiandao Yang Che come to see you."

The door opened, and Yang Che followed into the hall, his expression a little excited.

He was meditating and cultivating outside the thirty-third layer of the sky, in Qiu Xilai\'s dojo.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Qiuxi Lai, illusory like a mirage, and it was a catch.

Begging Xilai opened his eyes and frowned.

The leading face was expressionless and said: "Theocratic power will be unstoppable. Would you like to return to Western religion?"

I beg Xilai to be silent.

Leading the road: "Every divine power general is an invincible existence of the saints of the vertical and horizontal roads. Ten thousand divine power generals. You should understand what it means. This is the supreme power of chaos. The demon gods and the heavens are irreversible trends. If you stay in the way of heaven, there is only one dead end."

"Some of the saints of heaven are already looking for a way out. The reason why I am looking for you is just thinking about old feelings."

Qiu Xilai asked, "You also come from the way of heaven, how can you be sure that it must not be the goal of the gods?"

This time it was the turn to lead the silence.

It\'s not in a hurry to ask for the west, and wait patiently.

Supplementing Youyou Dao: "The God Realm of Guixu has already cut off the luck of the Heavenly Dao. We are naturally not a creature of the Heavenly Dao. I don\'t know why you are so desperate for Heaven and Han Jue. If you want to, come to me at any time."

"The divine power is already approaching, and there is not much time left for you."

The voice fell, and the lead disappeared like smoke.

Qiu Xilai had no expression on his face, but he snorted coldly in his heart.

Now he is loyal to Han Jue, how could he be shaken?

"I want to see which saints want to leave..."

Qixilai\'s eyes flickered, and he decided to do something for Han Jue.

There are some things that don’t bother Han Jue.

He immediately got up and went to visit the other saints.

Loft by the lake. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"What? You are going back to heaven! Are you crazy!"

Old Tan scolded with a beard and staring, with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

Dao Zhizun resolutely said: "The way of heaven is in trouble, so the hidden disciple must return!"

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi nodded. Although they have been away from Heaven for a long time, they will never forget their identities.

Old Tanqiang endured his anger and said: "Ten thousand gods will destroy the heavens and slaughter the chaotic demon gods. You will die when you go back. You can achieve freedom. It is indeed a great power for one party, but facing the gods, it is not enough, even The old deity is not the opponent of ten thousand gods!"

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi were silent, but their eyes were still firm.

They never fear death!

a long time.

"I want to see how strong the divine power will be!" Jiang Yi hummed.

Lao Tan\'s face changed.

Zhao Xuanyuan cursed: "Old man, don\'t you want to let us go, do you?"

Lao Tan hummed: "Go and go! The old man will accompany you for a while, and the old man will have to see what kind of existence the Lord of the Hidden Door actually exists, and he can make you so loyal."

The three of them laughed, and the atmosphere instantly became cheerful.

Zhao Xuanyuan began to advocate Han Jue.

At the same time, the towers of the avenue and the realm of the Buddha are also advancing towards the realm of heaven.

Zhou Fan and Chu Shiren directly led their respective forces to move forward with great momentum.

Han Jue did not know the actions of his disciples, he was still practicing in retreat.

Another fifty thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, his face looked expectant.

His mana is diligent again!

He began to simulate trials and challenge 10,000 Foolish Swords.

Although he hasn\'t made a breakthrough, his mana has been increasing over the years by refining the stars, so that when he casts his fascinating fascination too easily, more than a thousand demon gods fascinations have also become stronger.
