Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 828: Devil's Tribulation

Han Jue\'s sacred thoughts penetrated into the fetus, trying to seal the blood of the Great Demon God.


Han Jue trembled all over and squinted suddenly.


A powerful force erupted from the fetus body, resisting his holy thoughts.

"This kid..."

Han Jue was excited.

I have to suppress your blood, don\'t you think of it?

Han Jue\'s eyes condensed, and he continued to try.

Xing Hongxuan frowned, feeling a little pain in her stomach, but she was also a saint anyway, and she was not afraid of pain at all.

The fetus continued to resist Han Jue\'s holy thoughts, and he had to use his force.

a long time.

Han Jue stopped and asked, "I really want him to be born. His blood is not simple. I will seal it. He will not be a genius after he is born."

Xing Hongxuan frowned and asked: "It must be sealed?"

Han Jue said: "You must, otherwise it will cause a catastrophe. You can\'t talk about this to anyone, including him."

Xing Hongxuan was silent.

She had already guessed that this son was extraordinary.

"Then wait, maybe I think too much, he is not yet born." Xing Hongxuan thought.

Han Jue nodded and quietly sealed his son\'s Lingzhi, lest he would grow into an old monster before he was born.

Xing Hongxuan got up and left.

After she left, Han Jue thought silently in his heart: "If I have always been the Hongmeng Demon God, will my son have been unable to be born normally?"

[Need to deduct 10 billion years of life, whether to continue]



Han Jue was relieved.

Then give birth to another 8 million years!

Let\'s wait until he gathers a great fortune.

One hundred thousand years later, Han Jue\'s mana had increased several times, and the 10.8 billion trillion stars transformed once again.

Han Jue was very satisfied with the success of this practice. Although he didn\'t know how long there was to break through, he was at least hopeful.

The supremacy of the Great Dao of Chaos is very few, and even most Dao saints do not know the existence of this realm. It is necessary to know that the number of Dao saints is very small.

The reason why he stopped was an aura that appeared outside the realm of heaven.

Chaos Demon God, Red Edge.

She has been waiting for more than two thousand years.

Han Jue created a clone and asked it to find a red fate.

In the dark restricted area, Hong Yuan is meditating.

She opened her eyes and saw Han Jue flying over, smiling.

"Why fellow Daoists visit again?" Han Jue asked.

He deliberately dried the red rim for more than two thousand years, but he did not expect that this woman would never leave.

Hong Yuan said, "Why is it okay, why is Fellow Daoist Han being so wary of me? I didn\'t attack Heaven\'s Dao, nor did I count you."

Han Jue was silent.

Hong Yuan said: "Forget it, let\'s talk about business, there is a terrifying existence called the divine power general in the depths of the chaos. It seems to be searching for something. A chaos divine demon resists the divine power general and is directly killed, and his body and spirit are destroyed."

So domineering?

Han Jue raised his eyebrows.


The theocracy will not want to clear the chaos in the name of monitoring, right?

Hong Yuan said: "I have asked the Demon God of Taichu and found that he is no longer in the realm of Taichu. He has disappeared. Not only that, but even his subordinates are gone."

Han Jue frowned.

Hong Yuan sighed and said: "This old guy must have known something in advance, and I don\'t know where to hide. I came to you this time just to discuss how to face the divine power general."

"Do you know the strength and number of divine power generals?" Han Jue asked.

Hongyuan Road: "The cultivation base of the Dao Sage, and it is the top Dao Sage, the number is nearly ten thousand, this force is almost invincible, you and I face it alone, or give up resistance, then die."

Han Jue asked, "Can you survive if you give up resistance?"

Hongyuan said: "The chaotic creatures can survive, but currently only one chaotic demon has encountered the divine power and died, plus the disappearance of the demon in the early days, I am worried..."

"Besides, Pangu has disappeared for a long time, don\'t you think it is strange?"

"I suspect that there is a mysterious existence secretly calculating the Chaos Demon God, and wants to eliminate the Chaos Demon God."

Han Jue\'s brows furrowed tighter, and he was awakened.

It\'s really possible!

Chaos and ignorance must know that Chaos Demon God can evolve into Hongmeng Demon God, and Pan Gu tried it back then.

If you can\'t find the Hongmeng Demon God, you have to get rid of all possibilities.

First get rid of all the Chaos Demon Gods, even if the Hongmeng Demon God is born from the Chaos creatures, it will take a long time to become stronger.

If the great avenue is supreme, and the great sage degenerates into the Hongmeng Demon God, the threat is too great!

Han Jue asked, "Is there a chance for Yujian to single out a divine power before he has attained the supremacy of the Great Dao?"

Hong Yuan asked curiously: "What is the avenue supremacy? The realm of the sage on the avenue?"

Han Jue hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Hongyuan thoughtfully.

Han Juefa coughed, interrupting her thoughts.

"Of course, Foolish Sword Sacred is definitely a first-class existence among Dao Sages. As far as I know, the chaotic demon **** who is extinguished in appearance and spirit first fought two divine generals, and then was swarmed to kill him cruelly." Hong Yuan Replied.

Han Jue said: "Since the divine power will be so powerful, what is the use of you looking for me? We can only hope that the divine power is not really going to eradicate the Chaos Demon God, and don\'t resist then."

He wished that the Chaos Demon would die more.

After all, the Chaos Demon God also hates the Hongmeng Demon God. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Hongyuan made a pity, "Friend Han, are you really willing to put your life in the hands of the divine power general? I came to you definitely not to join forces against the divine power general, it must be seeking death, I want to hide with you, friend Han Daoist The dojo is very mysterious, it is completely impossible to calculate, and it may be able to escape the divine power general."

So I was waiting here!

Han Jue snorted in his heart.

He shook his head and said, "It\'s just that there are special restrictions. If you really encounter a divine power general, the dojo is in the heaven and you can\'t hide."

Red margin frowned.

Han Jue said: "If you want to enter my dojo, you must surrender to me, and I will put some tricks on you, otherwise I will not worry."

Hongyuan is a sage of the Great Dao, and also a demon of chaos, and if you subdue it, it is also a great fighting power.

Hearing that, Hong Yuan\'s eyebrows frowned tighter.

"Go back and think about it. Think about it and find me again." Han Jue dropped these words and turned away.

Hong Yuan stayed there for a while, and then left.

Taoist temple.

Han Jue thought in his heart: "I want to see the process by which Divine Power will kill the Chaos Demon God mentioned by Hongyuan!"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]

Really expensive!


Han Jue followed into the illusion of evolution.

He opened his eyes and found that he appeared in a void, with dark rays of sunlight distributed parallel in the void. In front of him was a huge skeleton with numerous stars attached to it, densely packed.

Han Jue seemed to feel something, turning his head to look, only a strong light appeared in the dark depths behind him, sweeping across.

He squinted and saw that there were stalwart figures in the bright light, which were taller than the mountain of Buzhou. They walked side by side, their silhouettes resembling war armors, domineering and mighty, with terrifying aura.
