Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 827: Master's magical powers

Zhou Fanzhen couldn\'t take revenge, and finally said helplessly: "After you prove the Dao, I will take you back to the Dao of Heaven."


Mo Fu\'s face was full of vengeance with a smile, some looking forward to seeing Han Jue.

He suddenly thought of Mo Zhu and the Mo family.

More than two million years old.

They might have fallen into reincarnation long ago.

Thinking of this, Mo Revenge sighed.

Zhou Fan was afraid of Mo\'s revenge and then mentioned Han Jue, and immediately changed the subject to chat about the recent interesting things about Chaos.

Mo Fu\'s revenge soon aroused interest and began to listen with gusto.

Zhou Fan heaved a sigh of relief, and began to pretend to be forceful as he talked, talking about the recent majesty of the tower of the avenue.


Wanjie projection.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi appeared at the same time.

The black jail rooster in the corner cried, "Have you three been beaten again recently?"

Zhao Xuanyuan glared at him and cursed: "What is being beaten! We call hard fighting! Recently, our cultivation base has risen sharply!"

Jiang Yi said proudly, "I\'m sorry, I\'m already a saint at ease!"

As soon as this statement came out, other people in the space gathered one after another.


"Where are Dao Zhizun and Zhao Xuanyuan, they can also prove at ease?"

"It\'s coming soon, and we will come in again next time, we brothers will prove to be at ease."

"Awesome, faster than Li Daokong!"

"That\'s natural, the three of us have to carry the tripod at the hidden gate."

"Hehe, Master Ji will soon catch up!"

Everyone was talking verbally, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Zhou Fan appeared, heard their conversation, and quickly disappeared.

Guan Unbeaten smiled and said, "Someone is stimulated."

Dao Zhizun said: "Zhou Fan is estimated to be fast too, he has been walking in the front."

In the past, Zhou Fan was the one who pretended to be the most forceful, making other disciples hateful. Of course, it was just a joke. After all, everyone was in the same school, and when they were in trouble, they would definitely support each other.

Everyone smiled, and did not continue to mock Zhou Fan.

Zhao Xuanyuan asked, "Where are the people of Chu? Are you there?"

Xun Changan said: "He is very mysterious recently, and he hasn\'t come to the Ten Thousand Realms for projection for some time."

The Taoist trio frowned.

Undefeated Guan came to Jiang Yi and said: "Come to simulate the trial and compare, I want to taste the power of the saint of freedom."

Jiang Yi smiled, he just wanted to show it!

The two disappeared, and the other disciples began to wait eagerly, waiting for the result.


time flies.

In the process of continuously refining the stars, Han Jue was finally able to control the time without having to be completely immersed in it like before.

He deliberately woke up at fifty thousand years.

The stars in the Hongmeng Realm have far surpassed before, and the energy contained in them is unparalleled compared with the stars in the heavenly path.

Now, Han Jue\'s mana has habitually poured into the stars, tempering the stars independently, this is a good sign.

Han Jue called out the mail to check.

Soon, he saw an email.

[Your friend Yu Jian Sheng is attacked by your enemy Pangu]

Yes, Lao Yu will not be seriously injured anymore when he challenges Pangu.

It seems that this is indeed not what it used to be.

Han Absolute Pangu is also very curious. After so long, his injuries should have recovered. Could it be that he is afraid of the Dark Forbidden Lord?

Not that it was Pangu.

It is estimated that it is waiting for instructions.

fair enough.

Han Jue now only wants to realize the supremacy of the great avenue as soon as possible. The calmer the chaos, the better. When he breaks through and there is a storm again, then he can show his power.

Han Jue continued to look down, but he didn\'t see any other emails that interested him.

After reading the email, Han Jue suddenly thought of Jiang Jueshi.

After so many years, Jiang Jueshi\'s favorability towards him has not declined.

Han Jue hesitated for a moment and decided to give Jiang Jueshi a dream.

This time, he turned the dream into an illusory and hazy dream.

He appeared in the old image he had faced Jiang Peishe before.

Jiang Jueshi opened his eyes and saw Han Jue, he couldn\'t help but be in a daze.


Jiang Jueshi muttered to himself, his emotions were surging, but he restrained it well and did not burst out.

Han Jue said, "Apprentice, how are you doing these days?"

Jiang Jueshi suddenly woke up, where is this place?

He couldn\'t perceive, but he couldn\'t feel his physical body either.

Not reality, could it be fantasy?

Maybe I miss Master too much...

After Jiang Jueshi figured it out, he was relieved. Since this is the case, it is better to tell the old story with the master he imagined.

Jiang Jueshi said: "Very good, Master, these years..."

He began to talk about his past.

Han Jue listened patiently.

After a long time, Jiang Jueshi finished talking about his own experience. As Han Jue knew, he was still locked up by the ancestors of Xitian and was practicing with peace of mind.

Han Jue said: "After suffering you, you still have to stay vigilant after leaving the way of heaven. You must know that there are people outside the world and there are heaven outside the sky, and the saint is only the culmination of the heavenly way."

Jiang Jueshi smiled bitterly: "It\'s really reckless."

Han Jue said, "Master will always look at you, believe you, and I will teach you a magical power. If you can\'t hold it up and encounter death, you can use this magical power."

Jiang Peishi was silent.

Han Jue immediately taught Jiang Jueshi the magical technique.

After finishing the teaching, Han Jue exhorted: "Remember, you can\'t use it rashly until the critical moment."

Jiang Jueshi nodded.

The dream is broken.

Jiang Peishi woke up suddenly, he still meditated on the top of the mountain.

He sighed slightly.

"Unexpectedly, I can still dream of his old after more than a hundred thousand years of reincarnation, I miss someone so much. Why on earth?"

Jiang Jueshi muttered to himself, his eyes blurred.

As for the magical powers taught by the master in the dream, he believes that he has realized it by himself. In these years, he has created countless magical powers and various kinds.

Jiang Jueshi stopped thinking and continued to practice.

Although it is good here, it makes him uneasy, he must hold his life firmly in his own hands.


Taoist temple.

Xing Hongxuan opened his eyes and touched her belly.

She frowned slightly.

In recent years, she can feel the fetus moving.

Being active means that the wisdom has been born.

She began to hesitate. Although it was a good practice to use her son as a training aid, she never gave birth and treated her son too badly.

How about forcibly born?

Xing Hongxuan had a bold idea in his heart.

But she thought of her dreams, what she said in the future.

She stood up, walked out of the Taoist temple, and went to visit Han Jue.

Han Jue was still observing the Dao of Heaven, and just when he was free, he let her in.

"Born early? No, this child must be born normally, otherwise he will die." Han Jue said solemnly.

Xing Hongxuan asked in confusion: "Why? Is there a destiny restriction?"

Han never knew how to answer.

Xing Hongxuan said anxiously: "He has moved more and more recently, as if begging me to let him be born earlier."

Han Jue frowned, his eyes fell on Xing Hongxuan\'s belly.

He can see that the fetus is indeed moving.

Already has a sage, but it is very weak, temporarily unable to think independently.

If you want him to be born, he must temporarily seal his blood.

"Sit down next to me." Han Jue whispered.