Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 816: Extreme exercises, natural fortune

Thirty-three floors outside the sky, inside the Qiankun Hall.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable who was preaching suddenly stopped, and tens of thousands of listeners opened their eyes.

"What kind of breath is this?"

"Anyone has proven Da Luo Dao Guo?"

"Why is Da Luo Daoguo such a big movement?"

"No, it\'s not just Ronaldo!"

"Why can\'t I count this person\'s luck?"

The seekers talked a lot, their cultivation level is not low, and they can see Jiang Jueshi who is breaking through at a glance, but they can\'t count Jiang Jueshi\'s past.

A seeker looked at the Xuandu Holy Venerable and asked: "Dare to ask the Holy Venerable, where does this person come from?"

Xuandu Shengzun said: "Speaking of this person has a connection with my religion. His name is Jiang Jueshi. He and his brother Jiang Dugu had worshipped the religion together, but for some reason, this person left the religion and fell into the world."

He was full of confusion. He didn\'t recognize Jiang Jueshi before, but now that he counts, he finds that Jiang Jueshi is not easy.

Although only more than two thousand years old in this life, its origins are far away.

The most important thing is that he couldn\'t see why Jiang Peishi could achieve Da Luo in one day and still need to continue to break through.

Isn\'t this the ultimate arrogance that Daoyou Han wants?

The **** of Xuandu gave birth to the meaning of solicitation in his heart.

Not only the Palace of Heaven and Earth, but other saints\' dojos are also discussing Jiang Peishi.

Jiang Jueshi can be said to have tolerated trillions of years, and once shocked the sky!

All the saints, like the Xuandu Holy Venerable, don\'t know Jiang Peishi, but now they all want to subdue Jiang Peishi!

What a arrogant!

Since ancient times, there has not been such a huge breakthrough!

No one went to bother Jiang Peishi.

Ten days later.

Jiang Jueshi broke through to the quasi-sage in one breath, and he hasn\'t stopped!

The entire fairy world was affected by him, and the aura even began to thin far away, enough to show how exaggerated Jiang Jueshi\'s breakthrough was.

Han Jue is also paying attention to Jiang Jueshi.

Could this son master the avenue?


There is no great power!

It\'s a kind of exercise!

What kind of exercise is so powerful?

After attaining Hunyuan Daoguo, the practice became unimportant. The saint only enlightened the Dao, and it was the first time that Han Jue saw such a practice.

"I want to know what kind of exercises Jiang Jueshi cultivated?"

[Need to deduct 500 billion years of life, whether to continue]

This is comparable to the supremacy of the avenue!

Han Jue was moved and chose to continue in his heart.

[Rebirth Great Good Fortune Kungfu: The ultimate exercise method, which Jiang Jieshi realized when he was aware of the good fortune of the heavens. After eternal reincarnation, he can continuously compress his cultivation level and improve his qualifications, and it will never end]

The ultimate technique!

Han Jue was secretly surprised, so much criticism?

He couldn\'t help asking: "Why can Jiang Jueshi realize such a technique?"

[Need to deduct 3 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[The fate of good fortune is indefinable. Chaos and ignorance, Pangu, Daozu, Jiang Jieshi, etc. are all resources for great good fortune]

Han absolutely couldn\'t understand it, and it could only be attributed to his qualifications.

This kid is amazing.

It can be compared to Chaos Ignorance, Pangu, and Daozu!

A few months later.

Jiang Jueshi used his strength to prove the Dao, and directly achieved Hunyuan Dao Guo, shaking the ancients and shining the present, and the huge heavenly qi and luck poured into his body, and the boundless ocean set off stormy waves.

At this moment, Han Jue suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

[The first weather operator is detected, whether to check its origin]

Han Jue raised his eyebrows.

He immediately chose to view.

[Jiang Jueshi: Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the early days, born with great good fortune, the great emperor of heaven, the great emperor of life and death, the great reincarnation, the ultimate creator, because you have a companionship for him, you are full of favor with you, the current favorability rating is 5 stars]

Han Jue moved.

Under his nose, this servant has grown into a world-famous arrogant who alarms the system!


This series of descriptions of luck is not simple at first sight, there hasn\'t been before!

After obtaining Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, Jiang Peishi\'s breakthrough was finally over, and the aura no longer gathered to him.

Something horrified all the saints!

Jiang Jueshi was not expelled from the immortal realm by Heaven!

how is this possible!

He is not a saint of heaven, even if he is, he should be expelled to the 33rd layer of heaven, far away from all sentient beings!

On the top of the mountain, Jiang Peishi slowly opened his eyes.

A purple round wheel hovered above his head, which was larger than the entire island, rotating on its own, dazzling.

Jiang Jueshi looked at his hands.

He smiled.

Countless years of penance finally succeeded!

You should know that there are not many existences older than him today, and even extremely rare. Some saints can even be regarded as his descendants.

"Huang Tian pays off, I will have no limits in the future."

Jiang Jueshi muttered to himself, and he stood up.

One thought swept across the heavens and all realms!

All beings have entered the eyes of his Dharma!

For some reason, Jiang Jueshi thought of the old Taoist man who sacrificed himself to make his destiny for him inexplicably.

There are no surprises in his heart, only endless regrets.

He couldn\'t find the soul of the old Taoist, even if his luck connected with the heavenly realm, he couldn\'t find it.

It seems that he has really sacrificed, and his body and spirit are destroyed.

Jiang Jueshi\'s eyes became firm.

"Since the saint can\'t do it, then I will surpass the saint!"

Jiang Jueshi looked up at the sky, turned into a purple rainbow and rose into the sky, piercing through the 33rd layer of the sky, and reached the apex of the heavenly path.

He looked down, closed his eyes, and quietly felt his own cultivation.

At this time, a group of figures appeared nearby, it was the heavenly saints.

Taigu Li smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist is really powerful. Once he proves the Dao, he has never had it in the past!"

Yang Che laughed strangely: "This aptitude is probably beyond the mighty God and Heavenly Sage."

As soon as he said this, he felt a lot of dissatisfied eyes, and he was frightened to shut up quickly.

Damn it!

Are you all the dogs of the gods and gods?

If I just praise others, you are going to be anxious?

Yang Che was indignant, obviously he worked very hard, but he was always unable to integrate into the circle of saints.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable also appeared, staring at Jiang Jueshi and smiled: "I didn\'t expect people to teach such arrogance. It is fortunate for others to teach, and fortunate for others to teach."

Jiang Jueshi opened his eyes, glanced at him, and said, "I have nothing to do with human education, and have nothing to do with heaven. You are not worried. Although I can enter the world of immortality, I will not stay in the world of immortality. I will leave and continue to chase. Avenue."

When the voice fell, he turned and left without nostalgia.

All the saints were stunned, and then left?

"Thanks to God\'s kindness, but not repaying it?" Noble Tianzun hummed.

Jiang Jueshi paused and said, "Heaven will be in trouble in the future, I will come back."

Ji Xian said: "Tian Zhan, UU read the book to try his way."

After the words fell, the New Sage Battle immediately flew to Jiang Peishi.

Jiang Jueshi didn\'t look back and said, "Go out to fight, so as not to disturb all beings, you can take action, let me see how strong I am now!"

His tone was plain, but his words were extremely arrogant.

Han Jue, who was staying in the Taoist Temple, suddenly frowned.

How did this guy\'s temperament change so much?

The road is crooked!

Not stable enough!

Jiang Jueshi and Tianzhan came to the dark forbidden area, facing each other, Tianzhan took the lead and shot with both hands. The mana was transformed into the figure of countless heavenly soldiers, sweeping the dark forbidden area with mighty force.

Jiang Jueshi waved his sleeves and rolled away all his mana.

His left hand followed the pinch of the Fa Jue, and with a shot forward, the purple round wheel shot out, almost instantaneously crossing the space directly to the top of Tianzhan\'s head.