Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 815: 1st Da Luo

Han Jue opened his eyes after being closed for 30,000 years. It was not because of Jiang Jueshi, but because the Holy Venerable Xuandu had previously transmitted to him.

As for Jiang Peishi, Han never intends to take care of it anymore, he has already planted cause and effect, and will reap it in the future.

He believes that this experience is very unforgettable for Jiang Jueshi.

One day, Jiang Jueshi will face troubles that he can\'t resist.

Han Jue came to the 33rd floor outside the sky.

He noticed that there were more practitioners here, not to mention that there were millions of monks distributed in various saint dojos.

It is estimated to be to implement the Hundred Saints Development Plan of Xuandu Shengzun.

When Han Jue came to the Qiankun Hall, he and Xuandu Sovereign met in another space, which seemed to be the same as the Qiankun Hall, but there were tens of thousands of Taoist seekers in the real Qiankun Hall.

Xuandu Shengzun smiled and said, "How is Fellow Daoist Han\'s practice recently?"

Han Jue said, "It\'s okay, just tell me something polite."

"That\'s it, the way of God is wide open, the head of the gods declared that they would give the chaos creatures a chance, all beings can go to the gods, there will be five places for the gods of the Dao, do you want to go?" Xuantu Shengzun said with a smile.

There was a hint of expectation in his tone.

Avenue of the gods is not easy!

Don\'t look at Han Jue killing the Great Dao Spirits, but in the chaos, the Dao Spirits are supreme, mastering the power of the chaos order of one party, and getting the spiritual luck of the gods, and the cultivation base will advance by leaps and bounds.

The most important thing is the change of identity!

Dadao gods, just like the emperor of the mortal world, the gods of the immortal realm, the supreme power that is justified!

Han Jue said, "Forget it, don\'t go, it\'s too dangerous."

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said in confusion: "Are you still afraid of danger now?"

He thought Han Jue was already invincible.

Even his teacher did not have a sturdy record of slaying thirteen lives at once, let alone slaughtering the gods of the Great Dao!

"That\'s natural. There are people outside the world and there are heaven and heaven. Fellow Xuantu Taoist, I still have to be cautious and don\'t act too recklessly. Heaven\'s path is not easy to develop. Sometimes the closing is quite good. Don\'t always be the first in everything." Han Jue Said meaningfully.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable is thoughtful.

He didn\'t care when other people said this, but from Han Jue\'s point of view, the meaning was different.

Thinking about it carefully, he has indeed swelled recently, not just him, but also other saints. Facing the other worlds nearby, he is a bit arrogant. He wants to get a share of all major events, as if he is already the mighty power of Chaos.

But the chaos is so great, the realm covered by the heavens is like a drop in the ocean, which is not worth mentioning at all.

The position of the gods in this great avenue is the entire chaos to compete, is it possible for the heavens to get involved?

The more the Xuandu holy venerable thought, the more he was afraid.

Han Jue said: "Recently, there are good Tianjiao in Tiandao? I mean Tianjiao like Li Dakong and Yitian."

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "There is and there is, but it is always a little bit worse, especially when compared with Yitian and your son. I have to say that these two younger generations are really great fortuners, and they have proven themselves in the realm of comfort not long ago. Make a name for yourself in the chaos."

He was also very depressed, always feeling that God was a little bit short of it.

He couldn\'t notice the specific difference.

There are many Tianjiao, but there are still few that are amazing.

Perhaps it is too peaceful, but it limits the talents of some Tianjiao.

There is also a certain reason for heroes in troubled times.

Some Tianjiao need the environment, the stimulation and spur of the experience.

"After the calamity is over, allow the internal competition of Heaven\'s Dao?" Xuandu Shengzun asked cautiously.

Han Jue said, "You don\'t need to make it public, it\'s better for the Qiyun sect to intervene less, and it\'s time for the gods to stand up."

Xuan Du Shengzun nodded.

Afterwards, the Xuandu Holy Venerable mentioned the Buddha Realm.

The development of the Buddhist world is extremely good, especially after a great power of freedom joins, the attraction to chaotic creatures is even greater.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable knew that the Lord of the Buddha Realm was Han Jue\'s disciple, and he couldn\'t help sighing when he mentioned it.

Where is there no big air transporter, the supreme arrogant talent?

Haven\'t all been taken away by you?

The two chatted for a long time before Han Jue left.

Han Jue came to the dojo of Immortal Ji. There were also many practitioners in the dojo, most of them were the Celestial tribe and the Ecuadorian tribe. The two came to the palace in the depths.

Ji Xian Shen was still very nervous facing Han Jue.

Since he failed in the fight with Fang Liang, his relationship with Yinmen is very delicate, and he has no contact with Han Jue.

Mainly because he feels ashamed.

Afterwards, he did realize his mistake during the retreat, but he and Fang Liang couldn\'t reconcile. The once best brother is now a stranger, and occasionally they just nodded.

"Master, I..." God Ji said, but didn\'t know what to say.

Han Jue asked him how he has practiced recently and how the heavens have managed it. As if there is no grievance, Immortal Ji is no longer nervous before he knows it.

It\'s ridiculous to think about it.

How could the conflict between him and Fang Liang affect Han Jue?

Their dispute is probably a child\'s play in Han Jue\'s eyes.

Han Jue said, "Good students cultivate, don\'t slacken off when you reach the Saint Realm, and get the Great Dao as soon as possible, understand?"

Ji Xian Shen said excitedly: "The disciple understands!"

It turns out that Master expected me so much?

Han Jue suddenly said with emotion: "Remember that you and I joined forces to fight against the gods? At that time, I thought you would be the one who accompany me to the end of the avenue. I am the most optimistic about your qualifications, but since you came to power , Began to slack off."

Ji Xian Shen was both surprised and ashamed.

Unexpectedly, Han Jue was the most optimistic about him.

The shame is that the gap between the two is really too great.

Consider Han Jue, who rarely cares about the hidden door, but the hidden door is still very well developed.

Should I let go too?

Han Jue stopped talking nonsense and began to preach alone for God Ji.

A hundred years later, he approached Fang Liang and Su Qi to preach together for the two.

After hundreds of years of tossing, he returned to the Taoist temple to continue practicing.

It is also necessary to win over the disciples occasionally, so as not to become alienated over time.

He also saw Ji Xian\'s excitement in his eyes, and it was very useful in his heart.

This kid is still thinking about Master.

Time flies.

One hundred thousand years are fleeting!

Han Jue is about to reach two million years old, which he is still looking forward to.

Two million years old, you should get a very good reward option.

On this day, he opened his eyes and checked his mail habitually.

at this time.

He suddenly felt something and looked intently.

Tiandaoqi luck has changed drastically!

From an overseas island in the fairy world. UU reading

It is Jiang Jieshi.

Jiang Jueshi meditated on the mountain top of the island, his robe fluttering, his mana rising steadily, shaking the sky.

Erxuan Shenyuan!

Sanxuan Shenyuan!

Big Luo Jinxian!

In just one day, Jiang Peishi directly proved the Golden Immortal Daluo. He waved his hands constantly, evolving strangely around his body, and a purple round wheel appeared between his brows, which looked like a Tai Chi picture.

"It\'s time to awaken from the accumulation of fifteen thousand years."

Jiang Jueshi muttered to himself, the purple round wheel between his eyebrows was spinning at high speed, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth crazily.

The majestic aura and innate aura of the entire immortal world were shaken, and a terrifying storm formed with him as the center, covering hundreds of millions of miles of sea area and alarming the 33rd layer of the sky.