Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 788: 100 million billion years!

[Lao Tan has a good opinion of you, the current degree of goodwill is 1 star]

Han Jue who was cultivating jumped out of this line to remind him, he didn\'t care, and continued to practice.

If the deity of Lao Tzu had a good impression on him, he might be curious.

Time continues to pass.

Year after year passed.

Han Jue was in retreat for 120,000 years and finally ushered in a breakthrough!

He opened his eyes and adjusted his mind.

Finally a breakthrough.

If he didn\'t break through, Han Jue thought he would be mediocre.

But before the breakthrough, should we use life span?

It will refresh anyway!

Han Jue used the Miaoyuan book to deduct half of his lifespan before, but he still has a life span of more than 1,000, trillion, billion years.

Who is it for?

The first choice according to the degree of hatred, it must be the First Life Black Venerable.

But Han Jue also wanted to use the First Life Black Venerable to attract firepower from all parties in the Chaos, to give heaven and buy time for him to develop.

Forget it, curse.

So as not to keep digging the corner of heaven.

Han Jue took out the book of doom and began to curse the first life Black Venerable.

Five days later, his life span began to plummet.

He cursed while hesitating, how much lifespan would he use this time?

Give the other party 100 million billion billion years of life?

It\'s just a fraction!

Will it be cursed to death directly?

Give it a try.

Han Jue silently thought that the black light of the book of doom shone in the Taoist temple, looking extremely gloomy and frightening.

In a dimly lit palace, Chu Ming Hei Zun was working to resist the power of the curse.

He still maintains the image of a dark shadow, it is difficult to see the real body.

"Huh, come again, this time I want to see if you can hurt me!"

Chuming Black Sovereign snorted coldly, and he began to use the magical powers he had learned before, specifically to resist the curse.

He waved his hands slowly and contained a certain deep law, and gradually lifted up afterimages, dazzling.

at this time!

His face suddenly changed!

The power of the curse suddenly strengthened!

Much stronger than before, and it continues to increase!

Chu Ming Black Lord was horrified to find that his supernatural powers were not worthwhile at all.

"Damn it, that dog lied to me, this supernatural power can\'t stop it..."

Chuming Black Lord panicked.

He concluded that once the curse exceeds five days, it means that the dark forbidden has taken the initiative to kill.

Could it be because he has deliberately discredited the Dark Forbidden Lord recently?

First Ming Hei Zun was uneasy.

Having lived for countless years, it was the first time he encountered such a terrifying opponent.

He doesn\'t even know who the other party is.

Chu Ming Black Venerable could only resist with all his strength, while praying in his heart.

Taoist temple.

Han Jue was staring at the life span, maintaining a state of full output.

He has deducted one quadrillion years of life!

Two quadrillion years of life!

Five quadrillion years of life!

[Your enemy first ordered Black Lord because of your curse, a crack appeared in Dao Heart]


Seven quadrillion years!

Nine quadrillion years!

100 million years!

[Your enemy first ordered Black Lord because of your curse, the Taoist heart was damaged, the cultivation base was damaged, and he was overwhelmed.]

never mind.

This guy can\'t afford to play.

Han Jue put down the doom book.

Is he hesitating whether to entrust his dream to the Black Lord Chuming?

You can look at his attitude.

Han Jue immediately cast a dark nightmare, and met the first life black master in the image of the dark forbidden.

The dream is a void, and only the two of them exist here.

Chu Ming Black Lord opened his eyes, both sides were in the form of black shadows, but the Dark Forbidden Lord was surrounded by black flames, which looked even more weird.

"Sure enough, it\'s you..."

Chuming Black Lord spoke with a complicated tone.

The image of the enemy passed to him by the **** Xinyu before his death is the image of the dark forbidden lord.

Han Jue stared at him indifferently without speaking.

Both sides fell into silence.

For the Dark Forbidden Lord, Chuming Hei Zun naturally hates and is very angry, but reason tells him that he can\'t mess around.

Facing the curse of the dark forbidden, he could not resist at all.

a long time.

Chuming Black Venerable asked in a deep voice, "What on earth do fellow Daoists want?"

Han Jue asked in a hoarse voice, "First Ming Black Venerable, what do you want?"

Chuming Black Lord was shocked.

He has been hiding his identity, how can the other party know his Dao number?

Is it also an ancient existence?

Chu Ming Hei Zun panicked, and there were silhouettes passing through his mind, all beings older than the heavens.

Han Jue suddenly lifted his dream.

He opened his eyes and smiled intriguingly.

He had already felt Chu Ming Black Venerable\'s confusion just now.


There are too many mistakes, just click and stop.

Next, let\'s see what the First Life Black Venerable will do.

Han Jue suddenly felt melancholy again.

His enemies are still too few.

It\'s hard to find someone to vent.

Han Jue sighed, and then he could only start to prepare for a breakthrough.

Not Zhou Shenshan, on the top of the mountain.

Han Yu and the woman in Tsing Yi stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the bottom of the mountain. The sea of ​​clouds covered the scenery below.

The woman in Tsing Yi asked curiously, "Senior, what are you thinking?"

Han Yu whispered: "After so many years, is the hatred in your heart still there?"

The woman in Tsing Yi frowned and replied, "I am ashamed, but it is indeed a lot lighter."

Staying by Han Yu\'s side for hundreds of thousands of years, she has not experienced too many things, but she has become more relieved. Many things that she didn\'t understand have already been figured out, and many things that she cared about have become unimportant.

She doesn\'t know whether her changes are correct.

Is she seeing through Hong Chen, or is she afraid of Hong Chen, letting go of all obsessions, just to save herself?

"You have been on this mountain for so long, isolated from the world, what do you think of the world now?" Han Yu asked, his eyes melancholy, and he didn\'t know what he was thinking.

The woman in Tsing Yi said: "One day in the sky, one year on the earth. This statement is by no means a false statement. From the perspective of one life, the suffering of humans really overrides everything, but from the perspective of all generations and all generations, you will eventually die, and the suffering of one life can be counted. What? A mortal floating in reincarnation is a great suffering in itself, better than any kind of suffering in the world."

"Senior, what do you say that humans exist for after all? Why do those mortals without spiritual roots exist? Is this human world a prison, but if a practitioner makes a mistake, he has to suffer in samsara?"

Han Yu glanced at her and said, "Actually, I don\'t know, but I know one thing. Fate does exist. What is fate is a destiny set by birth."

The reason why he was sad was that he saw that Qin Ling was suffering.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, Qin Ling has become stronger, but the grievances he bears on his body are increasing, and his obsessions are getting deeper and deeper.

Looking at it in this way, Qin Ling\'s life is so hard that Han Yu can\'t stand it.

But Han Yu knew that this was just a calamity, after the calamity, Qin Ling was able to transcend and gain a greater future.

The conflict caused by the front and back contrast made Han Yu very confused.

Are all beings just a game of chess for saints?

Whose **** is that saint?

Who is manipulating everything in the dark, all sentient beings fall into his eyes, is he laughing or crying?

Or he was indifferent.

The woman in Tsing Yi said: "However, there is still a ray of life in the three thousand avenues. In addition to suffering from the earth, there are still mortals in the world who walk against the sky and become gods and sanctifications?"


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