Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 787: The Forbidden Lord was born, the prehistoric fantasy land

Han Jue made a few polite words with Hong Yuan. Seeing that Han Jue was determined not to go out, Hong Yuan could only give up.

Hongyuan smiled and said, "In that case, I will visit Daoist Han again if I have the opportunity. If Daoist Han wants to find me, he can also come to me at any time."

After that, she walked away.

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, dealing with women is the most tiring.

Han Jue\'s clone followed back into the heavenly path, quickly flew into the deity\'s body, and disappeared.

Han Jue didn\'t bother to calculate Hong Yuan\'s true intentions, anyway, he just wouldn\'t go out.

Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to practice.

The next step is to start hitting the late stage of Dao Hunyuan Realm!

Nearly 600,000 years have passed since the last breakthrough.

In these six hundred thousand years, Han Jue felt that time has gone very fast, much faster than the previous six hundred thousand years.

Maybe this is life.

The older you get, the faster you feel.

Thirty-three floors outside the sky, the Hall of Universe.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable, the Heavenly Venerable, Pan Xin, Seeking the West, Tian Jue Jiao, and Fang Liang gathered here.

Pan Xin said what had happened recently in Chaos, and heard the other saints frown.

The Dark Forbidden Lord turned out!

For them, this name can be described as thunderous.

It is said that the reason why Tiandao restarted in the past was that the Dark Forbidden Lord General Commander Sage was in a hurry.

Behind the last immeasurable calamity, it can be said that the dark forbidden master is manipulating everything.

They only suspected that the Dark Forbidden Lord wanted to support the Heavenly Court. As a result, the Xietian Emperor was driven out of the Heavenly Dao. Looking at the ending, there was no winner. The Heavenly Dao as a whole was consumed by the Dark Forbidden Lord, which led to the return to the market and the God Realm to attack the Heavenly Dao. Absolutely, I\'m afraid God\'s way will be over long ago.

They had also doubted whether Han Jue had anything to do with the Dark Forbidden Lord, but after thinking about it, there was no logic. Han Jue also claimed to have been cursed by the Dark Forbidden Lord.

No Tianzun said with emotion: "The Dark Forbidden Lord is really powerful, even the peacock **** can surrender, this servant is notoriously arrogant, and no sage on the road will look at it."

Tianjue Sect Master frowned and said: "We don’t know how much power the Dark Forbidden Lord has accumulated, but there have always been remnants of the Dark Sect in the Immortal Realm and the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and King Tiangong has even taken a group of cronies to the chaos. It\'s just the way of heaven, looking at the entire chaos, its power may far exceed our expectations."

Qiu Xilai was also worried: "Yes, the Dark Forbidden Lord used to be aimed at the way of heaven. Maybe it will come back in the future. To be honest, every once in a while, I will be cursed. Although it is harmless, it makes me uneasy."

The Dark Forbidden Lord is a knife hanging above Tiandao\'s head.

In the last calamity, the life of the calamity that was supposed to last for millions of years was accelerated by the dark forbidden master, and finally even the magical power of extinction appeared, which became the most tragic calamity in history.

Xuandu Shengzun said: "In addition to being careful of the dark forbidden master, there is one more thing. Huang Zuntian, like Li Daokong and Shi Dudao, was ordered to be arrested, and his luck was broken.

The Lord Tianjue had an ugly face and nodded slightly.

He still respects Huang Zuntian very seriously, but he can\'t help it. Today\'s way of heaven is not suitable for a full-scale war with fate.

Pan Xin cursed: "Damn it, it\'s too arrogant, if we don\'t have to consider the way of heaven, I really want to kill them directly!"

Heaven needs to develop in chaos. Once a full-scale war begins, many of the creatures of Heaven will be affected. Even if Heaven is not defeated, it will stagnate and even continue to decline for a long time in the future.

"Do you want to tell Master about this?" Fang Liang asked.

Xuandu Shengzun said: "No need, Huang Zuntian is not a hidden disciple. As for the Dark Forbidden Lord, we can\'t find where he is. Telling fellow Daoist Han will only increase his worries and affect his cultivation."

"Heaven\'s Dao relies not on the unity of the moment, but on the strength of Fellow Daoist Han. You should know this in your heart."

The saint nodded.

Without Han Jue, how would they unite?

Without Han Jue, even if they are united, can they survive the previous catastrophes?

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "The immeasurable catastrophe is about to start, you have time to stare at the immortal world, in case some new sages don\'t understand the rules."

Bu Tianzun smiled and said, "If someone doesn\'t understand the rules, it\'s good to kill the chicken and the monkey."

Lord Tianjue, Pan Xin, Fang Liang, and Qiu Xilai all smiled.

With the increasing number of saints of heaven, there are also classes among saints. Although they are in the same realm, the status of old saints is higher than that of new saints.

All Saints continue to discuss the chaotic situation.

Under the blue sky, the mountains surround a large lake, and the lake is filled with mist, like a fairyland.

By the lake.

Lao Tan, dressed in a fungus, was fishing with his back leaning on the big buffalo lying on the grass. The fishing rod was very long and was submerged in the mist.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi meditated side by side not far away.

Zhao Xuanyuan suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Old man, how long shall we stay here? We have already passed through the prehistoric fantasy realm before, and we have completed the trial perfectly. Can\'t we leave?"

Old Tan hummed: "What\'s the hurry, your cultivation is too weak, if you leave now, you won\'t be able to keep the little golden crow at all."

Jiang Yi was dissatisfied, and said, "The Golden Crow is the Golden Crow, why add a small character? I am bigger than you!"

Old Tan chuckled.

Dao Zhizun asked: "Senior, where is this world? Aura is very good."

Hurry up and half of our Baiyue Xianchuan!

He did not say this sentence.

Old Tan said proudly: "This is nothing but a world, but there are no creatures. The old dojo contains majestic aura, innate aura and even chaos. You three stinky boys are lucky."

Zhao Xuanyuan rolled his eyes.

Dao Zhizun looked at Jiang Yi and asked, "How is your practice these days? There is nothing uncomfortable, right?"

Jiang Yi smiled and said, "No, the Immortal Shenyang Body is indeed powerful. It won\'t be long before I can recover the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Taoist Fruit."

Dao Zhizun nodded, his eyes filled with relief.

Obviously Jiang Yi is older than them, but he looks like the third brother among the three. Dao Zhizun and Zhao Xuanyuan will let him.

"By the way, five thousand years later, you still have to enter a wild illusion and experience the Conferred God War. Your opponent may be a saint or even a Taoist ancestor. Please be prepared."

Lao Tan\'s voice floated, and the three of Dao Zun were moved.


They did not panic, but UU reading was very excited.

Old Tan noticed their expressions and sighed secretly.

I have to say that these three brats are really good at courage. Once they are trained, they will definitely be the Tianjiao figures who will disturb the chaos situation in the future.

Old Tan couldn\'t help but think of Heavenly Dao Han Jue.

He hadn\'t seen Han Jue, but he had also heard of the name of God and Heavenly Sage in the chaos, plus the three Taoist Supremes, how could he not know Han Jue.

This son is talented, and there are so many talented but loyal disciples under his hand.

What kind of person is he?

Lao Tan suddenly became interested in Han Jue.


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