Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 760: Great ambition!

"In other words, Guhuang has broken its seal for so long, why didn\'t those powerful beings leave? Isn\'t Guhuang a prison created by Taoist ancestors?"

Huang Zuntian touched his chin and asked, because of Shiyuan Hongmeng, he knew many secrets of chaos.

Shiyuan Hongmeng replied: "The original Taoist ancestor was indeed powerful, and was even suspected to be the reincarnation of Pangu by the great powers of Chaos. The Shang suppressed many powerful people, and over time, the ancient wilderness has become an independent big world, self-developing roads, aside from the existence of violence, it can be regarded as an excellent practice."

Huang Zuntian asked, "What is the most powerful existence in the ancient wilderness?"

Shiyuan Hongmeng was silent.

Huang Zuntian waited for a moment and asked, "Why don\'t you say?"

"You can\'t speak a taboo by name, a taboo, kid, remember, chaos is not as simple as you think, all beings are in vain, and there are some things that you can\'t ask, let alone remember."

Siyuan Hongmeng\'s tone was full of emotion, as if he was plunged into infinite remembrance.

Huang Zuntian was even more curious, but he didn\'t ask, fearing to cause trouble.

The longer he gets along with Shiyuan Hongmeng, the more he becomes curious about everything in Chaos.

How was such a vast chaos born?

What was before Chaos?

Dadao saint is really the end of cultivation?

Can\'t get out of the chaos after practicing?

Huang Zuntian felt that besides becoming stronger, there are many mysteries worth exploring by himself.

The years are long.

Eighty thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face.

For 80,000 years, he has been cultivating without interruption, and the period has not stopped.

After waking up this time, looking back, his cultivation base has increased a lot.

Han Jue suddenly had a bold idea.

He wants to retreat to breakthrough in one breath!

However, this is not good, it takes too long, and I am afraid that Heavenly Dao will undergo earth-shaking changes, even out of his control.

Maybe he can suppress it again with absolute strength, but it is always a little troublesome.

Han Jue first came to the second dojo, released the Demon God Chiqing, and asked Murong to come to receive him.

After the two demon gods left, Han Jue looked at Li Yao and Wudao Sword.

The two women meditate side by side, each with its own style, and the whole country is all over the city.

What Han Jue is concerned about is their cultivation. The avenue he merged with the Enlightenment Sword is the avenue of swords, and he can already feel the sword energy inside the Enlightenment Sword.

This sword aura is very strong, even if it has not yet proven the Dao, it is no less inferior to the saint who has just proven the Dao.

When Han Jue was looking at them, they were also looking at Han Jue.

They were dressed in four Chaos Supreme Treasures, and Han Jue\'s temperament amazed them.

They have never seen such a handsome person, even if the other person is already the person they are most familiar with, this attitude still fascinates them.

Li Yao said, "Don\'t leave."

Han Jue asked, "What\'s the matter?"

Li Yao glanced at the Enlightenment Sword, and said, "We have doubts in our practice, and we want to ask you."

Han Jue nodded, then sat down by himself.

The three began to talk.

Fifty years passed quickly.

Han Jue returned to the main dojo with a smile on his face.

"These two girls are good, they didn\'t disappoint me."

Han Jue began to look forward to the future of Li Yao and Wu Dao Jian.

Then he started to check the email.

Eighty thousand years have passed, and the cumulative number of e-mails has reached a terrifying number, but as a saint on the road, Han Jue can easily read all the e-mails.

The Chu people have been quite active recently. After this fellow proving the Dao, his cultivation has grown rapidly, reaching the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Han Jue decided to entrust his dream to the people of Chu and wait for a while.

The dream is under the hibiscus tree, full of nostalgia.

Shiren Chu opened his eyes and saw everything in front of him, indeed in a daze.

As far as Han Jue is concerned, he may have left just a few days ago, but for him, the experience contained in hundreds of thousands of years is endless for three days and three nights.

When the people of Chu saw Han Jue, they immediately woke up, and then bowed to Han Jue in salute.

Wearing a robe of Shen Dao for years, the crown of the God of Beginning on his head, and his hands with the Golden Dragon Scarf, Han Jue\'s image and temperament reached the extreme, and the three thousand dragon shadows swayed behind him, making Chu people feel full of hearts. In awe.

No wonder it can punish the gods of the Dao Dao!

This body\'s temperament is even more mighty than the great Dao gods imagined by the people of Chu.

Han Jue smiled and asked, "Yes, you even created your own avenue and opened up a world. You really are my most respected disciple."

Hearing this, Chu Shiren suddenly became excited. On weekdays, he was very calm and calm when facing anyone. Only in the face of Han Jue, he would always be like a junior.

"The disciples can have today, thanks to the gift of the master."

Chu Shiren resisted the surprise and said, Han Jue had said this to him before, and he hadn\'t been moved for long. After calming down, he felt that Han Jue was coaxing him.

Now it seems that all this is in Han Jue\'s expectation.

He had heard that Dadao saints could see through the future and fate of others.

Han Jue asked, "Let\'s talk about the development of the Buddhist world. Although I can see it, it must be more exciting to say it from your mouth."

Chu Shiren nodded, UU read www.uukanshu. Com followed by feeling an irresistible force holding him up, he began to talk about his own experience of founding the Buddhist realm.

Speaking for several hours.

The development of the Buddhism world is good. It is not a purely independent world, but more like a sect. It establishes connections with many worlds. The disciples of the Buddhism are all practitioners who are displaced in the chaos. After learning the Dharma, they begin to wander through the chaos. Purdue the suffering of living beings.

The people of Chu said that he was very proud. He felt that his Buddhist realm was more like a Buddha than the heavenly Buddhists.

The real Buddha should cultivate to save all the suffering of all living beings, rather than fighting for power.

Han Jue smiled and said: "Very good, you can not forget your original intentions, I am very satisfied, but chaos is chaos after all, sometimes do not trust others too much, if you encounter trouble, remember to contact the hidden door, although you create your own Buddhist realm, But you haven\'t escaped the hidden door, have you?"

Chu Shiren was shocked, and said, "Tao Sun Yongshi is a hidden disciple!"

Han Jue nodded with a smile, and then began to preach in his dream.

It happens that the people of Chu are in retreat and don\'t need to end their dreams immediately.

Ten years later.

Han Jue opened his eyes, he suddenly felt that Chu Shiren might indeed be the best qualified.

He found that after listening to the Tao, the people of Chu had a deep understanding of Jiyuan Dao. If Jiyuan Dao had a path of cultivation, Chu Shiren had already walked in front of many disciples, and many of them had cultivated beyond him, such as Zhou Fan. The understanding of Jiyuan Dao is not as good as that of Chu people.

The most important thing is that Chu people have a kind heart.

The vast majority of Han\'s disciples are practicing to become stronger, and there are very few disciples with great ambitions, not even Han Jue.

Han Jue smiled and stopped thinking about it.

He was about to cultivate, suddenly he felt something, and raised his eyes to look at the chaotic sky beyond the sky.

Avenue saint!

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