Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 759: Unbreakable

Han Jue comforted Shi Dudao a few words, and was relieved when he saw that he had no complaints.

After the dream is over.

Han Jue sighed with emotion: "Shi Dudao is good, he can focus on cultivation in the future, he has patience, perseverance, and has a boundless future."

Let\'s observe for hundreds of thousands of years.

Anyway, Shi Dudao and Li Daokong became fate, and there will be no accidents in a short time.

At present, fate is still unscrupulous, it seems that there is no force to contain them, and the gods of the great road are not moving.

Han Jue came to the second dojo and released the Enlightenment Sword.

The appearance of the two shocked Li Yao.

Li Yao opened her eyes and saw the Enlightenment Sword, and her face suddenly became happy.

Wu Daojian slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw Han Jue and Li Yao, she couldn\'t help but be in a trance.

During the process of fusion, Han Jue was busy practicing and ignored her, which caused her to be in a deep sleep. Because it was too painful, she could only use the deep sleep to paralyze herself.

She was stunned, and then felt the majestic power from her physical body far beyond before.

She is not dead?

Is she reborn?

"Congratulations to my sister for becoming the Chaos Demon God." Li Yao walked up to her and took her hand with a smile.

They have known each other for hundreds of thousands of years, and they founded the Church of Our Lady together, and their relationship is naturally good.

Wudaojian asked in astonishment: "How did I become the Chaos Demon God?"

Han Jue said, "Naturally, I helped. Didn\'t you come to me just to become stronger?"

Upon hearing the enlightened sword, her glamorous and pretty cheeks flushed instantly.

Han Jue followed: "You will stay here in the future."

When the voice fell, he returned to the main dojo.

As soon as he left, Wudaojian breathed a sigh of relief and recovered her nature. She looked at Li Yao and asked curiously: "How can the master make people transform into the Chaos Demon God? The Chaos Demon God is the top aptitude in the legend of Chaos."

Li Yao introduced the situation of the second dojo again, and she was shocked to learn that besides her, there were other people who became the Chaos Demon God.

How many secrets does the master hide?

She covered the second dojo with her spiritual thoughts, and felt a powerful breath, everyone did not lose to her!

This force is much stronger than the hidden door!

After releasing the enlightenment sword, Han Jue went into practice again.

There is no time in practice. In the eyes of the saint, time is a nihilistic existence, and longevity is sometimes boring.

Year after year passed.

Tens of thousands of years later.

[It is detected that you are at least 700,000 years old, and you have taken a step forward in your life. You have the following options]

[One, leave the customs immediately, raise the prestige of the Hongmeng Demon God, set off the tribulation of the avenue, and obtain a piece of avenue fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a heaven spirit stone]

[Two, low-key practice, stay away from right and wrong, you can get a piece of avenue fragment, a piece of creation spirit stone, and a piece of treasure]

Exactly the same as the 600,000-year-old choice, Han Jue directly chose the second option.

[Congratulations on getting the Chaos Treasure—Three Thousand Heavens Dragon Scarf]

[Three Thousand Heavens Dragon Scarf: The treasure of chaos defense, which is transformed by the luck of three thousand chaos dragons, contains extremely strong defense power, can withstand attacks from the avenue level, and can isolate the damage of cause and effect and karma]


It is the treasure of defense again!

With four defensive treasures in the body, even if the avenue is supreme, it is impossible to kill him in seconds!


Han Jue asked in his heart.

[Need to deduct 500 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[Yes, there is no way to kill in seconds]

The corners of Han Jue\'s mouth raised, and then he took out the Three Thousand Heavens Dragon Scarf and started refining.

Eighty years later, the refining and chemical industry was successful.

The Three Thousand Sky Dragon Scarf automatically wraps Han Jue along the waist and around the arms, falling behind him at both ends, golden light bursts out, dragon shadows burst out behind him, the group of dragons twists, and the power is majestic.

Han Jue looked at himself for a moment, and forced his rank to improve again.

Han Jue immediately entered the simulation trial and challenged the sacredness of Yujian.

He just stood and let Yujian fight holy.

In the past half an hour, the sacred Yujian was still unable to break his defenses, and Han Jue took out the sky-opening axe and shot him in seconds.


Han Jue opened his eyes and couldn\'t help sighing.

No one can fight!

Later, he will create the spirit stone to merge with the Chiqing Demon God.

On a vast hall, Emperor Xietian stood in front of a large cauldron.

In the tripod, Han Tuo meditated in the boiling potion, frowning, his face extremely ugly.

The eyes of Emperor Xietian were full of worry.

At this time, the voice of the Dao Dao Demon God sounded: "Don\'t worry, I have cleared the power of the space in his body."

The Xietian emperor complained: "I have said that we are not Dijiang\'s opponent, not to mention that other ancestor witches are not weak, especially the time ancestor witch with nine shades, invincible in freedom."

The Dao Demon God was silent.

a long time.

He faintly said: "I didn\'t expect Dijiang to be so powerful. It seems that Pangu Qi Luck is protecting them in the dark."

The Xietian emperor hummed: "Then you want me to wait to continue fighting with the 12th Ancestor Witch? If you fight again, my heaven will be destroyed."

The Dao Dao Demon God hummed: "Things that are unconvincing, nothing more, I will deal with Dijiang personally by then."

Emperor Xietian suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you, senior, for your sympathy."

The Great Cover Road Demon God did not show up, I don\'t know what his expression was.

After a while, the Dao Dao Demon God suddenly asked, "How is Han Jue? Why is there no movement?"

Today\'s Heavenly Dao has gained a firm foothold in Chaos, and its development trend is very fierce, and sooner or later it will surpass the former God Realm of Guixu. UU reading

"In all likelihood, I am practicing in retreat, I know him too well." Xietian said with a smile.

Dazhadao Demon God asked curiously: "Why does he cultivate so hard? He doesn\'t seem to pursue it."

Emperor Xietian said: "Cultivation is pursuit."

The Dao Dao Demon said in deep thought, "After a while, you can accompany me to the Heavenly Dao to visit him."

Xietian emperor frowned and asked, "What do you want to do? Don\'t try to use any chance to lead him to help. He is most afraid of trouble."

The Dao Demon God said helplessly: "Why do you keep talking to him, I treat you so well, why don\'t you think about me?"

"You and I are in love with father and son, why bother about this."

"Ha ha."

Silence was restored in the hall.

Emperor Xietian\'s gaze fell on Han Tuo again.

In the darkness, a coffin quickly shuttled.

There was a figure sitting on the coffin, and it was Huang Zuntian.

Huang Zuntian looked ahead and asked softly: "Where to go?"

A voice came from his body, deep and hoarse: "Guhuang."


"Help us activate the Hunyuan Stele. The Hunyuan Stele is the treasure born at the beginning of Chaos. It is not inferior to Pangu\'s Heavenly Axe. With it, you can truly rise."

Huang Zuntian raised his eyebrows, and he was naturally familiar with the axe.

That is the treasure that Pan Xin is proud of. At the beginning, Pan Xin relied on the Open Heaven Axe to kill through the gods of the ruins. So far, this record is still very scary.

Huang Zuntian asked, "Isn\'t the ancient wilderness dangerous?"

Shiyuan Hongmeng replied: "I have counted it. The ancient famine is relatively safe during this period. Those horrible existences have already left. After that, you should look away when you see tombstones and mirages, and don\'t provoke them."

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