Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 743: The collapse of heaven

"The ants dare to shake the heavens?"

Han Jue sneered, a saint would dare to calculate the way of heaven, and he was completely seeking death!

He immediately entrusted the dream to Zhou Fan, passed the image, cause and effect of the saint to Zhou Fan, and asked Zhou Fan to go and kill him.

Han Jue can also kill the opponent, but it\'s not necessary.

The realm gap is too big, can adults care about children?

Zhou Fan immediately responded to this matter. He was very excited. Han Jue rarely asked him to do anything. He naturally wanted to prove it.

Soon, Han Jue entrusted a dream to enlighten the sword.

Before this, he had already considered the enlightenment sword, there was no crisis for the time being, and he was hiding in a place to recuperate.

Almost killed Zhou Fan before, making Han Jue feel sorry for him, not wanting to repeat the same mistakes.

The dream is under the hibiscus tree.

Today’s Enlightenment Sword is no longer like the innocent and glamorous girl back then. It is very similar to the former Tai Sutian. The temperament is excellent, the pretty face is cold, the temperament is even more extraordinary, very strong, even if you don’t open your eyes, it will let you People feel that she has not changed before the landslide.

Wu Dao Jian opened her eyes, and she couldn\'t help being stunned when she saw Han Jue.

She blinked, she couldn\'t believe her eyes.

For Han Jue, time passed very quickly, but for the Sword of Enlightenment and the disciples who were out, time was not fast. The last time I met was already a vicissitudes of life.

Wudao Sword hurriedly saluted, saying: "Master!"

In front of Han Jue, she lost the majesty of the patriarch of the Virgin, like a flattered little disciple.

Han Jue said: "Why don\'t you ask for help when you are in danger? Apart from me, you can also ask for help through Ten Thousand Worlds Projection, so why bother."

Wu Daojian was ashamed and moved. She thought Han Jue would have forgotten her.

She replied: "I think I can still hold it. After all, everyone else has developed very well. Zhou Fan founded the Dadao Tower on his own. Hao\'er is in charge of the dragon clan, and Su Qi is in charge of the cycle of the underworld. I ..."

Han Jue hummed: "If I didn\'t save Zhou Fan, how could he get the tower of the avenue? As for Long Hao and Su Qi, how could they live to this day without my backing? You have to understand the role of forces, then It is mutual support. You are embarrassed to look for them today. They have not helped you, and they are not embarrassed to look for you if something happens. What is the feeling of fellowship? It is just for sharing joy and comparing each other, rather than supporting each other to overcome difficulties and obstacles? "

Enlightenment Sword is so ashamed that he can\'t wait to find a place to dig into it.

She was also awakened.

I am indeed a little careful.

Because she cared about her skin, so many disciples died tragically.

Wudaojian couldn\'t control his emotions, he knelt on the ground with his forehead touching the ground, choked up and said: "Please save the Virgin Mary!"

Han Jue hummed: "I have already told Zhou Fan, if you really encounter an invincible enemy, you can use magic skills."

"If you are tired, come back at any time, the Virgin Mary can pass on to the disciples, as long as you want to get rid of it."

The dream is shattered.

Enlightenment Sword woke up suddenly, the cave where they were hiding in front of them, the light was dim, and hundreds of female disciples were meditating to recuperate.

A female disciple next to    nervously asked, "Master, what\'s wrong with you?"

Wudaojian came back to her senses, glanced at all the disciples, her eyes became firm, and she smiled softly: "It\'s nothing, we won\'t suffer anymore, because we were trapped in a narrow-mindedness before because of the teacher, and the crisis in front of me is actually nothing. "

The disciples looked at each other, all worried.

Is the leader of the gods in love?


After finishing his dream, Han Jue continued to devote himself to spiritual practice.

In his opinion, the god-robed Taoist will not be the last enemy of heaven.

He must seize the time to become stronger.

Gu   Heavenly Dao can\'t become the ancient world in the mouth of Unable Tianzun, only to be brushed by Dao ancestors.

that\'s all.

Time has passed year after year.

In less than eight thousand years, the reputation of the tower of the avenue spread throughout the immortal world, because with the help of the tower of the avenue, the vicinity of the Chaos Tianlu became safer. The saint who used to chase the Tiandao Qiyun sect was suppressed by Zhou Fan on the avenue. Inside the tower.

The influence of Zhou Fan\'s becoming the Way of Heaven has also been dug up.

He is also a Tianjiao!

is less than 400,000 years old now, and can already defeat the saint!

and he is also a disciple of the gods and gods.

Because of Zhou Fan, God\'s mighty Heavenly Sage has once again become a conversational resource for all beings after dinner and practice.

At the same time, the sage sect is also taking action to pass on the spirit of “fight for the way of heaven and never regret” proposed by Han Jue before. In order to increase the effect, their disciples also deliberately talked about the gods and gods when preaching. The myths and legends of defending the way of heaven before, heard the practitioners\' blood boiled with enthusiasm.

With the accumulation of time, this idea began to prevail.

A large number of practitioners appeared in the chaotic city on the edge of the immortal world, and they were waiting for it. Even the Chaos Tianlu was guarded by a large number of practitioners, and the heavens were ready to welcome the attack of the god-robed Taoists.


Thirty-six thousand years have passed.

The saints are still vigilant, but all beings don’t know it, each has its own splendor and arena.


This is an absolutely dark space domain, and nothing exists.

Suddenly a hand appeared, the forearm and palm of this hand exuded a faint light, but it appeared extremely dazzling in this darkness.

Mysterious hand opened, pressed downward, and a drop of water fell in the palm of his hand.

The drop of water went down, faster and faster, passing through the endless darkness.

I don\'t know how long it has passed, and there is light below.

Looking from the top to the bottom, it is a cloud layer. The cloud layer below is getting bigger and bigger and more and more. There are countless stars gathered near the cloud layer, and there are many cities built in all directions. One of the light paths connects the dark and deep. You can\'t see the end.

The Way of Heaven!

The drop of water quickly fell on the top of the heavenly path, thirty-three layers away.

A layer of invisible force blocks the drop of After the water is splashed, the invisible force shatters, like glass shattered, and the space presents a sense of regular folding and staggering.

After the drop of water splashed, it turned into countless tiny water droplets, and continued to fall. Each droplet elongated rapidly, like a spear, with the tip reflecting cold light.

Almost at the same time, all the saints appeared on the eaves of their respective dojos, looking up.

The rain arrows in the sky penetrated the void clouds and mist, and fell to the fairy world, densely packed, extremely magnificent, like the collapse of heaven.

"Not good! The power of heaven is broken!"

The voice of the Holy Venerable Xuandu spread through the ears of all the saints, and their expressions changed greatly.

I saw the Xuantuo Sage waving the whisk, and the white hair of the whisk turned into a huge ocean. He wanted to sweep away the rain arrows, but was torn to pieces by the countless rain arrows. The white hairs continued to fall, unstoppable.

All the saints cast spells one after another, trying to resist, but their mana couldn\'t stop them. In the blink of an eye, all of them were pierced by rain arrows, annihilated by the naked eye, including the Xuandu Holy Venerable.

can\'t stop it at all!

All the dojos and buildings outside the 33rd floor are annihilated!

The majestic rain arrow pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, and continued to sweep downwards, with a domineering posture that would crush the entire heaven!


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