Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 742: Fight for the way of heaven, never regret it if you die

"There is a great Taoist deity named Shenpao Taoist who claims that the development of Tiandao will oppress other worlds, races, and the Taoist traditions of the Taoist saints, deliberately creating the theory of the dangers of the heavens. This is not a good sign."

The Xuandu Sage murmured: "Although we have received the support of the Guixu Divine Realm, the Guixu Divine Realm and the Heavenly Dao together are just the tip of the iceberg of chaos. The chaos is boundless and seems lonely. How many ancient existences and races are hidden everywhere."

"The emergence of fate proves to us how big the chaos is, and the chaotic sky is getting longer and longer and more branches, and we have learned more and more heaven and earth, although it is not as good as the heavens and the gods of the ruins. Circumstances, but at least they exist, and they have great power."

All the saints are frowning, having just rested for 300,000 years, the way of heaven is facing a crisis again.

But when they saw Han Jue\'s expression calm, their inner anxiety disappeared.

includes the new Saint Lee Taikoo.

"It is worthy of being a divine power and heavenly sage.

Li Taigu thought silently.

asked the west to ask: "This god-robed Taoist was born in heaven?"

Sovereign Xuandu shook his head and said: "No, there are very few powers that are truly born in the Dao of Heaven. Almost all of them are concentrated in the Divine Realm of Guixu. During the time of the Pangu Giant God, many demon gods have fallen, but in addition to the three thousand demon gods, there are actually other existences. It\'s just not comparable to the three thousand demon gods, and not all of the three thousand demon gods have fallen. In the long years, they are also spreading their branches and leaves."

I can’t respect the gods: "Yes, I have also heard of the gods in the robe. They are one of the ancient gods of the Dao. The gods of the Dao are also divided into levels. The new gods of the Dao are relatively low-key. In order to consolidate his position and power, every period of time will set off a horrible storm, shock and chaos, desperate Dao Ling has just fallen, the prestige of the Dao gods has been compromised, and the gods of the gods want to use the Dao to rebuild their prestige. This is just a signal, he It will definitely attack Tiandao."

All Saints\' brows furrowed tighter.

The atmosphere is a bit depressing.

Li Taigu snorted: "What are you afraid of! We have waited for so many saints, and the gods of the Great Dao will come and kill them!"

After becoming a saint, he is immortal in the realm of heaven, so he is a little swollen.

After all, he has never seen the Dao Gods at all, and has never even played against the Free Saints.

The Profound Capital Sage glared at him, and said, "Don’t talk nonsense, how can the gods of the Great Dao be so easy to kill? Through the ages, they have fallen..."

Before he finished speaking, the Xuandu Holy Venerable stopped.

He suddenly remembered that Despair Daoling died in Han Jue\'s hands.

He looked at Han Jue.

Han Juedao: "You continue to say that it is also good to introduce the gods of the Dao Dao to Xin Sheng. The saints of the Heavenly Dao can not just practice in the heavenly path, but also have to improve their knowledge."

The Xuandu Holy Venerable continued with what he said just now, introducing the power of the Dao’s Gods and Dao Sages.

Han Jue asked in his heart: "Can I kill the god-robed Taoist in a second?"

【Need to deduct 300 billion years of life, whether to continue】


【can not】

Han Jue\'s heart trembled.

can not!

"Can I kill him?"


This time, life span was not deducted. After all, the two issues are related to the strength of the God Cannon Taoist.

Han Jue was relieved.

But there is still a risk if you can’t kill in seconds.

"If I kill the god-robed Taoist priest, will it arouse the anger of the chaotic gods?"

After all, the god-robed Taoists act in the name of maintaining the order of chaos.

[One quadrillion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


【will not】

Han Jue relaxes completely.

is interesting.

These Dao Gods are all pulling the banner of the Chaos Gods, and the Chaos Gods don\'t care about them.

Unable to say: "In fact, if you can survive this catastrophe, the way of heaven will really soar into the sky. After all, who would dare to provoke the two avenue gods? When the way of heaven is still in the fourth calamity, the chaos is on the other side. There is a heaven and earth that resembles the heaven and earth, which is extremely powerful and arouses the jealousy of the Dao Gods. Although the Dao Gods at that time were not as strong as they are now, that piece of heaven and earth held the Dao Gods to attack twice and completely stood firm in the chaos."

Su Qi couldn\'t help but ask: "Then are they better than heaven now?"

Unable to Tianzun glanced at him, and whispered: "No, Dao Ancestor destroyed it."

All Saints are silent.

Han Jue was also a little surprised.

Daozu is so domineering?

Unable to say: "The Dao Ancestor thinks that the creatures in that piece of heaven and earth are too easy to kill. After standing firm, they often slaughter other chaotic heavens and earths. This is also true. After destroying the heaven and earth, Dao Ancestor gained great merits and jumped out of the Dao in one fell swoop. Achieving a Saint of the Great Dao, this legend has been in Chaos for too long, and it is no longer able to spread it. I also learned it from an ancient predecessor."

When I heard that there are great merits, all the saints looked relaxed.

In their hearts, Daozu is kind.

"Friend Daoist Han, what do you think?" The Xuandu Holy Venerable looked at Han Jue and asked, as did the other sages.

The only saint who really hopes to deal with the gods of the Dao Dao is Han Jue.

Han Jue groaned: "To tell the truth, I am not sure, but if the heaven is in trouble, we must fight. Even if I wait to survive this catastrophe, there will be a stronger existence threatening the heaven in the future, and we must have someone to defend the heaven. Determination, this determination must also be passed on to all beings."

"To fight for the way of heaven is to defend your hometown without regrets if you die."

All the saints were infected, and they all agreed.

Xuandu Holy Venerable said with emotion: "Fight for the way of heaven, never regret it if you die, okay! This statement must be passed on to the immortal world, the heavens and the world! This will be the righteousness of heavenly practice!"

The saints all looked at Han Jue in admiration, especially Li Taigu, no longer the cold arrogance when they first saw him.

Han Jue is secretly ashamed, I just hope that you will work harder. If God\'s way is really dead, I may be the first to run away.

After half an hour, the saints left, and they were going to prepare for the defense of the heavens.

Han Jue returned to the Taoist temple, UU reading, he did not continue to practice, but observed the immortal world.

He discovered that Wu Dao Jian, Long Hao, Dao Zhi Zun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Han Yu and others were not in the immortal world.

is enough to see the attraction of Chaos to practitioners.

Han Jue pinpointed the Sword of Enlightenment. Since this girl went out, she hasn\'t come back again. Later, she was thrown off by Tu Ling\'er and Li Yao and became the leader of the Virgin Mary. After so many years, she is definitely different.


Han Jue suddenly realized that the Enlightened Sword was seriously injured, and he was hiding in a mysterious realm.

Tracing back to cause and effect, she and her teaching disciples have been hunted down for hundreds of years.

Han Jue, by the way, figured out who was chasing them.

If the difference in cultivation level is not big, he won\'t bother to care about it.

Han Jue squinted.

The saint instructed.

is not a saint of heaven, but a saint of chaos.

He continued to calculate that if there is a lower cultivation base than him, as long as there is no special treasure, he can calculate it without the evolutionary function of the system.

He discovered that this chaotic saint was not only targeting the Virgin Mary, but also targeting other Qiyun sects of the Heavenly Dao, sending his followers dozens of troops to kill the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Qiyun sect.


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