Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 738: Cover the sky with one hand, the Great Sage of Void Soul

Han Jue was a little surprised after hearing the words of the Xuandu Holy Venerable. The news spread so quickly?

Chu Ming Hei Zun is too courageous!

In the Battle of Heaven, he lost a total of fifteen lives. In addition to the thirteen lives killed by Han Juezhu, he also had the life of displaying his dark instinct, and the life of provoking the heaven in the first place.

provoked the fate of Heaven, Han Jue quietly left it to the Xietian Emperor before leaving.

It stands to reason that under normal circumstances, he was hit hard by this, and he should rest and rest for a period of time, but the first life black master is different, but he is more blatant and unscrupulous.

in addition.

The appearance of   Ming should also be regarded as destroying Chaos, why didn\'t it offend Chaos\' ignorance?

Could it be that in the eyes of Chaos Ignorance, they are not a threat at all?


After all, the first life Black Venerable is also Pangu\'s defeated general. The Dark Forbidden Lord is different. Since his reputation, he has not failed, and even the chaos and ignorance can\'t determine who it is.

Perhaps Chaos Ignorance already knows that Han Jue may be the Dark Forbidden Lord, but he must get a definite answer.

After all, the Dao of Heaven has set off the era of the Dark Forbidden Lord, countless practitioners imitated the Dark Forbidden Lord, and countless practitioners have guesses about the Dark Forbidden Lord in their hearts.

Han Jue thought silently, with a clear understanding in his heart.

asks the west to say: "As long as it does not threaten the way of heaven, then don\'t care about them. Although there are many great sages who associate with the way of heaven, the foundation of heaven is still too weak.

Fang Liang said: "Yes, never completely trust those Dadao saints."

Pan said: "I was attacked by Dijiang when I came back. He wanted to **** my sky-opening axe, which is really hateful."

His expression is very calm, not violent.

He had been besieged by a group of sages from the Great Avenue before, and he was still out of the siege. How could the Twelve Ancestor Witch stop him?

The other saints were silent, not knowing what to say.

It is already a consensus to cooperate with the Dao saints of the Guixu Divine Realm. The conflict between Pan Xin and Dijiang is only a matter of Pangu and cannot break the consensus.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "If this is the case, then don\'t worry about it for the time being. The Chaos Heaven Road should connect to more Chaos Heaven and Earth, so that the Heavenly Path and Qi Luck can grow quickly. In addition, you can create the Mortal Realm outside the Heavenly Path, and the Immortal Realm in the future. It is still the center of the Heavenly Dao, and when the Heavenly Dao covers the chaos, the immortal world is the center of the chaos..."

He began to talk about the plan endlessly, and the hearts of the saints were surging.

Today\'s way of heaven has become a trend, all saints and even sentient beings are tied to the rope of the general trend, and they are desperately rushing forward, and no one can stop this trend.

After half an hour, they began to discuss the new holy places.

Han never participated, no matter who got it, the impact was not big.

But he noticed that the Xuandu Holy Venerable seemed to want this place.

Heavenly Dao can have today, except for Han Jue\'s shelter, the Xuandu Holy Venerable has done the most. He has always been diligent and seldom put forward his own needs.

Han Absolutely had a good impression, and he said: "Teach others, the Taoist Xuantu has paid so much, and the education should also be promoted. In the future, there will be more than one Heavenly Dao Sage in each Qiyun sect, and the Heavenly Dao Sage is no longer ours. For the highest demands of others, I believe that you are all improving in cultivation and achieving comfort, which is by no means an extravagant hope."

As soon as he spoke, how could the saints dare to have an opinion, and at the same time he began to look forward to his words.

When others say this, they sneer.

But Han Jue is a saint on the road!

In the eyes of the saint on the road, what is the saint of ease?

For a time, all the saints began to speak in support of the Holy Venerable Xuandu, and even flattered the Holy Venerable Xuandu.

At this time, the Xuandu Holy Venerable would not refuse, but directly responded, thanking Han Jue by the way.

As the new saint, Su Qi watched all this silently, he had only one feeling.

Cover the sky with one hand!


After the sage talks ended, Han Jue\'s soul dissipated.

Han Jue continued to practice.

Five thousand years passed quickly.

【Hongmeng Heaven Prison Successfully Enslaved】

【The Great Sage of the Void Soul (Fate) has a good impression on you, the current good impression is full of stars)

Han Jue opened his eyes.

spent fifteen thousand years!

He immediately called up the Avatar of the Void Soul King to view.

[The Great Sage of Void Soul: In the late stage of the Dao Yuanyuan realm, the destiny of the Dao is determined, the creatures of chaos, after the Dao is achieved, they are attacked by the gods of the Dao, are suppressed at the edge of chaos, and later saved by the first-destined black master, turned into fate, current favorability For the Stars]

啧啧, another powerful man with a tragic past.

How many sins did the gods of the road do?

The Great Sage of Void Soul opened his eyes, got up and bowed down to worship Han Jue.

Han Jue asked, "Tell me all about your fate."

The Great Sage of Void Soul immediately confessed truthfully.

At present, the first life black veteran has developed more than fifty lives, of which the Dao Saints account for half of them. These Dao Saints are all driven out by the Chaos, or have hatred for the Chaos.

Under the fate, there are also the Dark Life Soldiers, countless races that have been oppressed by chaos.

Above the fate, below the first fate of the Black Venerable, there are seven divine fate, extremely mysterious, it is said that they are all older than the heavenly existence.

The Great Sage of Void Soul doesn\'t have a deep understanding of fate. He doesn\'t even know where the Black Venerable Chuming is hiding.

"The life master has been hiding, what is it to avoid?" Han Jue asked.

Ming Master, is the first black deity.

Void Soul Great Sage frowned: "I don\'t know, I only met him once, he mentioned a name, Hongmeng Demon God."

Han Jue squinted his eyes and asked, "Is the Hongmeng Demon God really hidden in the chaos?"

He knows that Chaos can only accommodate one Hongmeng Demon God, and that is him.

Void Soul Great Sage shook his head and said: "I don\'t know. I have also investigated the Hongmeng Demon God. It is said that the reason why the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods fight in chaos is not only for proving Dao, but also to transcend the existence of Chaos Demon God~www.novelhall. com~ is the Hongmeng Demon God. However, after Pangu succeeded, he did not become the Hongmeng Demon God, instead he died. Some people say that Pangu saw the horror of the Hongmeng Demon God, so he hid in fear and didn\'t really fall."

Han Jue fell into thinking.

He asked again: "I will let you go back now, do you think you can still sneak into the forces of fate?"

Void Soul Great Sage shook his head and said: "No, the life master has already felt my betrayal."

Han had no choice but to give up. He asked the Void Soul Great Sage to go out and find a place to practice, and later stay in Baiyue Xianchuan. He was not allowed to tell other people his true identity, so he said that he was a guard of the dojo.

The Great Sage of the Void Soul is also a great saint, who can protect the heaven in the future.

As for the second dojo, Han Jue still had to keep his original idea.

Only the Chaos Demon God can stay in the second dojo!

Han Jue asked in his heart: "I want to know if there is another Hongmeng Demon God besides me, including the blank realm outside of Chaos."

[Chaos can only accommodate one great demon god, the blank realm outside of chaos cannot evolve temporarily, blank realm means absolute blankness, there is no living creature, even if there is, it will lose consciousness, just like death]

This time, the life span is not deducted.


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