Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 739: Tiandao territory

The blank area will lose consciousness, like death?

Han Jue frowned.

He recalled the words of Fang Liang in the future, that Fang Liang wanted to introduce him into the blank realm in order to escape the chasing and killing of the chaotic gods.

Is this to kill him?


Fang Liang has been domesticated by the Hongmeng Heaven Prison, and he will not be harmed, only being used by others.

, just like the previous Xietian Emperor, was used by the Dao Dao Demon God to attract Han Jue to take action.

But Han Jue already knew about this, and there must be changes in the future.

He doesn\'t want to know too much, so as not to change the process of volume hijacking.

Thinking of the process of mass robbery, Han Jue had to evolve.

"I want to know how long is it from the Great Dao to weigh the catastrophe?"

[One trillion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


[About 18.9 billion years left]


speed up!

Is it because he killed him earlier?

Han Jue continued to ask: "Who promoted the process of tribulation?"

[500 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue\'s eyes, which was the other party\'s information introduction.

First Ming Black Lord!

Han Jue\'s brows furrowed tighter.

In addition to him, other people may also push the big way, which is not a good thing.

Does    mean that the time calculated by the system is not always certain?

Do you want to find a way to get rid of the first life black master?

No, if you get rid of it, no one will pick up the Dark Forbidden Lord\'s pot.

Han Jue fell into thinking.

a long time.

Han Jue\'s voice resounded through Baiyue Xianchuan, and said, "All the disciples are ready to listen."

Because there are new disciples joining, Han Jue still informs in advance.

As soon as these words came out, the Baiyuexianchuan boiled!

Especially the 100,000 new disciples who joined Han Jue are full of illusions.

After a stick of incense, Han Jue began to preach, and Jiyuan Avenue covered the entire Baiyue Xianchuan.

This sermon lasted for two hundred years.

Rao is the Great Sage of the Void Soul and has also been realized.

After the sermon, Han Jue went directly into practice.

Now he is already in the realm of the sage of the great road, he is not lost, but wants to keep it, and even become more powerful.

His goal is to compare the chaos gods and truly dominate the chaos!


The chaos is boundless, and the chaotic sky traverses the darkness.

At this moment, Han Yu and Qin Ling meet on a section of Chaos Tian Road.

Qin Ling was very excited and bowed down in front of Han Yu.

Han Yu smiled and helped him up, and the grandson and grandson began to chat.

"Master, you are finally willing to come out, I don\'t know why you are? I know a lot of friends in Chaos, maybe I can help you." Qin Ling slapped his chest and smiled. He is now following the hidden disciple as the tower of the avenue. Effectiveness.

Gu </span>   Today\'s Dadao Tower is already a subsidiary force of the Hidden Gate. In order to cultivate peace of mind, Zhou Fan asked Li Xuanao to send a large number of practitioners who are good at government management to take power.

Avenue Tower did not resist, especially after experiencing the Battle of Heaven, they were looking forward to joining the Hidden Gate.

As long as those who join the tower of the avenue are those who have no fixed homes and have a stronger backing for shelter, why not do it?

Han Yu said: "I know your connections and capabilities, so I came to you. I don’t know what to say. I learned that my master Li Daokong has been missing for a long time. I have visited the saint and said that I don’t know it. I am a little worried, although my master is a saint. , But in Chaos, it is still very small, I am worried that something will happen to him."

With the prevalence of the chaotic road, the beings of the heavenly path have more and more understanding of the chaos.

Chaos is too big!

Don’t talk about the heavens, it’s the dark forbidden zone, and it only occupies a small part of the chaos. So far, no one knows how big the chaos is, and even some might think that the chaos is boundless and infinite.

The saint may be supreme in this small corner of Heavenly Dao, but in Chaos, it is absolutely no different from Fanling.

Chaos also hides many dangerous places, and the saint strayed into it, and it was a life of nine deaths.

For Han Yu, Li Daokong is not just as simple as a master and apprentice, but more like a father and son.

Qin Ling frowned when he heard it. He could understand Han Yu. If Han Yu was missing, he would definitely venture to find it.

"This matter is very important. Why don\'t I take you to see the master of the tower of the avenue, he is also a hidden disciple, and it is said that he has a very good relationship with the ancestor." Qin Ling said in deep thought.

Han Yu nodded, and they left immediately.

On the way, Qin Ling asked where his master Tianyong was.

Han Yu said helplessly: "He, he has already set foot on the Chaos Road, I don\'t know where he went, maybe he is dead."

Qin Ling didn\'t ask too much. He didn\'t like Tianyong, saying that it was his master and he hadn\'t taught him anything at all.

Such episodes are not uncommon in Chaos Tianlu. More and more heavenly creatures go to Chaos not only to find opportunities, but also to find relatives.

Now that the heavenly beings heading to the chaos can no longer be calculated, the heavenly ways are spreading branches and leaves at an extremely exaggerated speed, and the places where the heavenly beings stop will soon form the heavenly qi fortune, expanding the territory of the heavenly way.


Ten thousand years are fleeting.

Han Jue’s life fell into a calm again, no one was disturbed. Li Daokong, who was lurking in the fate of the forces, had not used magical skills, and it is estimated that there is no danger for the time being.

In these years, another heavenly saint was born in the immortal world, who came from human education and was named Li Taigu.

The popularity of teaching people rose sharply, and many disciples were recruited.

Today\'s immortal world can be described as a hundred flowers blooming, there is no absolutely unique Qiyun sect and race.

Although the human race has become a heavenly race, it will not suppress other races under the instructions of the saints. More and more Primordial races are reappearing in the world, and they are also developing their power in chaos.

After leaving the Way of Heaven, no matter what race, as long as it is a creature of Heaven, they will feel more cordial.

Of course, this is just a general trend. There are many worms in the heavens, and they will kill people and steal treasures on the Chaotian Road, and they will be full of evil.

Pan Xin also specially set up a Tianlu patrol army for this purpose, all of whom selected Pangu descendants.

Relying on the name of the Pangu saint, Panxin has won over most of the Pangu descendants, and UU reading established the Pangu clan.

Han Jue starts to check the email.

Some people get chance, some people are still being beaten, and there are friends who light up the name of the new map. It\'s still interesting, but there is no email worthy of Han Jue\'s special attention.

After reading the email, Han Jue got up and went to the Taoist temple of Xing Hongxuan next door.

Xing Hongxuan is still cultivating, and his cultivation has reached the quasi-sage stage.

Such a speed has surpassed the direct disciple, Han Jue doubted whether she had stolen her son\'s talent.

Han Jue’s visit made Xing Hongxuan very happy, and the two of them sat on the bed and started chatting.

Xing Hongxuan was very excited, and proudly talked about his speed of practice.

She feels that she will be able to preach in one hundred thousand years.

Han Jue asked, "Will you have a burden if a child has not been born?"

Xing Hongxuan smiled and said: "No, the longer he was conceived, the stronger his aptitude, anyway, even if he was not born, he could help me practice."

She started stroking her belly, her face was sweet, she felt filial piety by her son.

Han Jue was speechless.

This woman has a big heart, it\'s okay.

He didn\'t tell the truth either, lest Xing Hongxuan worry.


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