Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 726: The power of darkness is coming

chatted with the Xietian emperor for a long time, and the dream was over.

Han Jue opened his eyes and took a deep breath.

He looked at his hands and felt his powerful mana.

He is really strong, and in a daze, he even thought he was invincible in the world.

But he thought of chaos and ignorance, of the miserable situation of the ancestors of Xitian.

can\'t swell!

Han Jue immediately entered the simulation trial, ready to wake up.

half an hour later.

He gave up the mock trial.

can\'t do it, instead of being calm, it\'s getting more swollen.

"At that time, I will test my life by simulating trials. If the road is the highest, I will run with my son directly."

Han Jue thought silently.

He thinks that fate should be the realm of the saint of the Dao Dao, otherwise, do you still need to gamble to conquer the heaven?

Han Jue adjusted his mentality and continued to practice.


Chaos, heaven.

In the High Heaven Hall, Zhou Fan brought a group of generals, including Qin Ling.

Since the last war, he has liked Qin Ling very much and he often takes him with him. With his help, Qin Ling’s cultivation base has also grown very fast. Now he is Da Luo Jinxian. According to the previous breakthrough speed, it is estimated that it will not be much. It is extremely exaggerated to be able to attain the quasi-sage in the first year!

Han Tuo nodded slightly when seeing Qin Ling.

Qin Ling is the same.

For Han Tuo, Qin Ling\'s mood was extremely complicated. His master Han Yu hoped that he would surpass Han Tuo. He thought that Han Tuo was a villain, but he didn\'t expect Han Tuo to take special care of him. This made him very contradictory.

Of course, in terms of qualifications, Qin Ling feels that he will not lose to Han Tuo!

He will still work hard to fulfill his master Han Yu\'s expectations and surpass Han Tuo!

Zhou Fan smiled and said: "Your Majesty, you really don\'t want to stop for a moment. You have just defeated a Chaos Demon God, and then you are on the bar? Your engagement can be described as spreading Chaos."

Xie Tiandi shook his head and said: "It\'s not that I made trouble, it was my order to provocation. It is estimated that he preached the rumors."

Zhou Fan\'s smile disappeared, and he said solemnly: "I also feel that something is wrong. I have brought all the elites of the tower of the avenue, no matter success or failure, I will support you!"

Xie Tiandi got up, came to him, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled: "I didn\'t expect my confidant to be a soldier of heaven."

Zhou Fan cast him a roll of eyes, this guy loves the matter before others, so Zhou Fan always bows his head.

"Speaking of which, when the tower of my avenue is in danger, you will also have the heaven."

"My temperament, you don\'t know? Would you not support it?"

The two looked at each other and laughed loudly.

The generals of    Avenue Tower and the fairy gods of heaven all smiled.

The chaos is boundless. After many joint battles, the two forces can already rely on each other and regard each other as brothers.

Zhou Fan said: "Recently, there may be other great powers from the Chaos forces coming. Will the Heavenly Court let them in at that time?"

Xie Tiandi smiled and said: "Let it go, it\'s natural to let it go. It\'s not just the heaven that is threatened. If we win, it will just raise my heaven and prestige. If we lose, it will make other forces feel cold and toothless."

Zhou Fan nodded, sighing inwardly.

The Xietian Emperor is the one who really does great things. Although Zhou Fan has drawn up a force, he is more like a king, without the spirit of the Xietian Emperor, let alone his strategy.

If he is replaced by the Xietian Emperor, he might be worried that other forces will fall into trouble.

In this way, the practitioners of the tower of the avenue lived in the heaven.

Zhou Fan pulls Han Tuo, Chu Shiren, and Qin Ling to narrate alone, nicknamed "Meeting Together with the Sect".

Some time later, forces came to visit one after another, and the Xietian Emperor released them into the heavenly court, with great arrogance.

Some people sneered the Xie Tiandi for being stupid and arrogant, and some admired his courage, style, and various attitudes.

But their real purpose is only one.

They want to know the power of fate!

In a floating stone pavilion behind the Lingxiao Hall, Emperor Xietian and an old Taoist are sitting and talking.

is the lead of Guixu God Realm.

The creator of Heavenly Taoism and Buddhism.

then said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, the little Taoist boy back then has also made a famous name in Chaos."

Xie Tiandi shook his head and said: "I am just a small mess, my own cultivation base can\'t be on the stage."

asked, "How is your father?"

Hearing the words, the Xietiandi\'s eyes were cold, but he quickly recovered. He smiled: "What is good or not, it can be turned into an ominous evil, and it is a great blessing to save one\'s life."

"I never imagined that he would become an evil evil creature, and become the owner of the evil evil evil." The enticement sighed.

"I think that back then, your father was the most outstanding tianjiao of the True Dragon clan, and his reputation was also circulated in the Guixu Divine Realm. However, he encountered accidents in the dark forbidden zone..."

The Xietian emperor said: "If he hadn\'t become an ominous evil creature, I would have been unable to get rid of the ominous evil creature\'s seizure before. Forget it, I won\'t mention this matter anymore. Senior, this time, regardless of success or failure, I have to find a way to keep him. Down."

then squinted his eyes and said: "Don\'t worry, I have already explained to Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa Empress, Fuxitian and Twelfth Ancestor Witch, my fate is too arrogant, and I threatened us earlier."

The Heavenly Court was not the first to be threatened, but the saints of the Dao Dao who had returned to the gods of the ruins were challenged by their lives one after another.

The Xietian emperor groaned: "Senior, why did you say that fate was done like this? No matter how I think, I feel that his behavior is seeking his own death. If he defeats one by one, it would be okay that he provokes all the famous forces of Chaos, and even despises the Chaos Demon God. ."

then said: "If you can\'t see what benefits he can get from thinking in another position, there is only one reason, he is just a pawn, and he is not fighting for himself."

Xie Tiandi frowned.

Chess pieces?


Three thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, he suddenly became a little anxious.

I don\'t know when the Xietian Emperor will use the Divine Art, he is very nervous, excited, and worried about the upcoming battle.

When he entrusted the dream before, he passed on the magical technique to the Xietian Emperor, and then the Xietian Emperor would call him.

Unable to practice meditation, Han Jue started a simulated trial. UU reading

He directly set up a hundred Xitian ancestors to fight with him, to see if he could win.

No matter how strong the fate is, it is also a one-on-one search for the Dao saints. Can you dare to face the siege of a hundred Dao saints?


Han Jue was brutally killed.

One hundred Xitian ancestors shot at the same time, which is indeed ridiculously strong.

But this also inspired his fighting spirit.

Just like this, Han Jue was immersed in the simulation trial while waiting for the Xietian Emperor to entrust his dream.

at the same time.

In the mysterious space, Li Daokong and Shi Dudao, who were still meditating in the pool, opened their eyes at the same time.

I saw a cloud of glow in front of them, and the sky was reflected in the glow.

"I will surrender the heavens, just to let you wait to see how powerful the power of darkness is!"

Fate\'s voice sounded, the voice was illusory, and it was impossible to trace his deity.

Li Daokong frowned upon hearing the words.

The relationship between the Heavenly Court and the Hidden Gate, he knew very well, and he had a very good personal relationship with the Xietian Emperor.

Shi Dudao suddenly asked: "You have been mentioning the power of darkness, except for your fate, is darkness a force?"


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