Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 725: Yesterday, the design

Facing the Xietian Emperor’s provocation, he directly agreed: "Why don\'t you dare! You set the time!"

Ming is also full of confidence.

He just wants to defeat the self-confidence of the Xietian Emperor and the Heavenly Court, and then conquer the Heavenly Court!

Xie Tiandi proudly said: "Ten thousand years later, it will be in the heaven!"

"Okay! I\'ll wait for you for ten thousand years, but I want to see what kind of arrogance your heaven can send!"

Laughing presumptuously, the laughter is getting smaller and smaller, as if going away.

After his laughter disappeared completely, the immortals turned and looked at the Xietian Emperor.

Yitian stood up and said: "It seems that the heaven needs me, then I..."

"Tuoer, this battle is up to you."

Xie Tiandi didn\'t wait for Yitian to finish, then forcibly interrupted.

Yitian’s smile instantly solidified.

All the heavens can\'t help but laugh.

Han Tuo took a step forward, clasped his fist and said, "Even if you are crushed, I will definitely beat him!"

His eyes are firm and confident.

He is not what he used to be!

The same is true for all the gods in the Heavenly Court, Han Tuo proved himself in battle after battle!

Xie Tiandi nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to discuss the previous issues, and the Lingxiao Palace became noisy again.

The entire heaven doesn\'t seem to have life in his eyes.


Thousands of years are like clouds of smoke, the years are long, but it is like a big dream, suddenly passing away.

Han Jue opened his eyes.

He is three hundred and fifty thousand years old, and his three hundred thousand years old seems to be yesterday.

Han Jue began to look forward to the system selection rewards triggered when he was four hundred thousand years old.

He began to observe the heavenly path.

He found that his luck was soaring, and countless gods and gods and temples were erected in the immortal world, the heavens and the world.

He figured out that the saints can preach his legend.

During a sermon, the Holy Venerable Xuandu told the Tianjiao that the strongest Tianjiao was Han Jue, who was 30,000 years old to proclaim the Dao.

After the preaching, this matter quickly spread throughout the immortal world, the heavens and all the worlds.

The prestige of    Hidden Gate has skyrocketed as a result!

Han Jue frowned.

He doesn\'t want to be so high-profile.

He continued to calculate and found that it was to suppress Pangu, so his brows stretched out.

I have to say, this strategy is good!

Diverting attention is the best way to suppress!

Han Jue discovered that Li Xuan\'ao was rushing to Baiyue Xianchuan, and he estimated that he would be there in a few hours.

He directly moved Li Xuan\'ao into Taoist temple.

Li Xuanao landed, couldn\'t help being taken aback.

He was still flying at full speed, just a panic, and he came to Han Jue.

Such a means......

Li Xuan\'ao was full of awe and hurriedly saluted.

Every time he saw Han Jue, he felt that Han Jue was even more unpredictable.

He had heard Zhou Fan mentioned before, that Han Jue is at least a sage on the Dadao!

"What\'s the matter?" Han Jue asked.

Li Xuan\'ao opened the mouth and said: "I and Zhou Fan have established a sound cooperation. At present, we have established three hundred teleportation circles, which can directly lead to the tower of the avenue..."

He first introduced the recent development of the Hidden Gate, and finally said the key point: "Recently, there have been many Tianjiao inherited from Pangu in the immortal world. These Tianjiaoes are all physically powerful. The Hidden Gate has also accepted a group of Pangu descendants. I think Use Baiyue Xianchuan to collect their hearts."

Han Jue said: "You can arrange it, and then bring them together after ten thousand years, or you can choose another batch of Outer Tianjiao, the number is about 100,000."

so much!

Li Xuan\'ao was pleasantly surprised, and quickly thanked Han Jue.

The aura of Baiyue Xianchuan is extremely abundant, and just coming in is a great opportunity!

Han Jue waved Li Xuan\'ao out.

The reason for opening up 100,000 places this time is also to guard against fate.

There is no shortage of immortal emperors and gods in the immortal world, but it still lacks the great Luo Jinxian and the quasi-sages, especially the quasi-sages.

At present, the direct disciples have begun to attack the quasi-sage one after another, and the weakest Chang Yueer also has the cultivation base of the late Daluo Jinxian.

Han Jue is going to help all his disciples to become quasi-sages within fifty thousand years.

Sitting on the aura that far surpasses the heavens, coupled with the preaching of the Dao saints, even a pig, as long as you give time, there is hope to rise, not to mention the aptitudes of the hidden disciples are not bad, and there is even no lack of peerless Tianjiao. generation.

Han Jue starts to check the email.

This ten-thousand-year-old mail is not much different from the past, but he still reads it with gusto.

[Xietiandi asks you to dream, do you accept it?]

Han Jue was okay, so he agreed to the dream.

He entered a dreamland.

Dreamland is the forest outside the Yuqing Sacred Sect a long time ago. The sun was just right, falling down the cracks of the leaves, falling on Han Jue and the Xietian Emperor, but the two were no longer what they were in the past.

Xie Tiandi smiled and said, "Remember this place?"

Han Jue said: "Naturally remember."

"I didn\'t expect so many years passed, you still remember."

"Actually, for me, it feels like a hundred years have not passed."

Hearing Han Jue\'s words, the Xietian emperor was stunned, Xuan even understood.


This kid has been in retreat, and the things he has experienced may not add up to the things that mortals have encountered in his life.

The past that has become blurred in his memory, perhaps in the eyes of this kid, is yesterday.

Han Juexiao asked, "Your Majesty, what\'s the matter, just tell me, you don\'t usually talk to me for reminiscence."

Xie Tiandi gave him a white look, and said, "You are still the same as before, boring, and there is something to ask for you, do you know your fate?"

Han Jue squinted his eyes and said, "I don\'t know."

Xie Tiandi continued: "Thousands of years ago, he was sent to the Heavenly Court to make a gambling agreement with me. Both parties will send Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to a duel. If the Heavenly Court loses, they will have to surrender."

Han Jue was surprised, and he was betting again!

Why does this fate like to bet so much?

"I plan to send Tuo\'er to a decisive battle." After Xietian finished speaking, he paused, wanting to see Han Jue\'s reaction, but it was a pity that Han Jue didn\'t change his face, which made him unable to guess.

This kid is really more and more unpredictable.

Xie Tiandi continued: "I would like to invite you, then I will take action and take my life!"

Han Jue asked, "Isn\'t it a duel?"

Xietiandi shook his head and laughed: "He is so He must have confidence. I never fight uncertain battles. What if I win? He will definitely repent and become angry, so he might as well take the opportunity to grab him. My intelligence has learned that there is more than one fate, but the fate has a special identity. Only one fate must be seized to figure out their origins and what their purpose is!"

Han Jue listened in silence.

In this battle, he has to go to the Heavenly Court, and he feels a little imaginary.

Once you go out, it means there is danger.

But if he refuses, Emperor Xietian and Han Tuo must be in danger, just like Li Daokong.

Han cannot guarantee his fate and wants to subdue Xietian Emperor and Han Tuo, what if they die?

If Han Jue is really weak, that\'s it, there is nothing he can do.

But he is very strong now!

The Chaos God has no reason to deal with him for the time being. As for the great avenue, even if he can\'t beat him, he can\'t escape?

In an instant, Han Jue thought of countless possibilities.

He opened his mouth and said: "Okay!"

Xie Tiandi was moved. He knew Han Jue\'s temperament. He didn\'t expect that he had just finished speaking. Han Jue immediately agreed, without hesitation.


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