Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 704: Chaos Core Causality

"If I go, can I beat the opponent?"

Han Jue asked in his heart.

[Need to deduct 200 billion years of life, whether to continue]



The pressure in Han Jue\'s heart suddenly eased, and he asked:

"If I go, will I encounter more and stronger presence attacks?"

[No, the long river of chaotic fate is a special space, which can only be entered by the soul, and there must be a causal bond to meet, and the system will isolate other causality except the other party]

I see.

Han Jue suddenly realized that, at the same time, he felt his memory passing by. This feeling was very weird, but the feeling of being a sage on the Dadao could indeed be felt.

He immediately chose to go.

Immediately afterwards, his soul jumped directly out of heaven, out of chaos, and came to a higher realm.

Han Jue looked intently, and there was a magical colorful light around him, all distorting, making people dizzy.

Under Han Jue\'s feet is a golden river of light, which is made up of countless light stars. Even if he is a sage, he can\'t count it at a glance. It is too dense and boundless.

Looking up, there is no end in sight in all directions, including above.

This is the long river of chaos and fate?

Han Jue frowned and immediately searched for the mysterious existence who wanted to erase his past.

Soon, he locked in one direction and hurried away immediately.

After a short while, he came behind a figure.

This figure is a black shadow, unable to see the specific truth, he kept waving and casting spells at the river of fate below.

Without saying a word, Han Jue directly waved his palm.

Too easy to seal the palm!

The black shadow suddenly disappeared, dodging this palm, and appeared several feet away.

"It\'s you?"

The shadow said in astonishment, Han Jue heard it with a strange expression.

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Fang Liang!

Han Jue frowned, Fang Liang was absolutely purified, why did he come to erase his past?

Could it be that Fang Liang is not Fang Liang in his timeline?

Han Jue asked, "Why do you do this?"

The black shadow couldn\'t hide the shock, and murmured: "You have already achieved the Dadao at this time?"

Han Jue shot again, suddenly appeared behind Fang Liang, and Tai Yi sealed his palm to follow him.

Fang Liang continued to avoid, Han Jue chased him.

"Master! Wait! I\'m not going to harm you!"

Fang Liang said anxiously.

Han Jue stopped and said, "Frankly explain, otherwise you will die."

Fang Liang stopped and said: "I came from the period of the Great Dao Liangjiue. Regarding your identity as the Dark Forbidden Lord, the power of the chaos wants to get rid of you, so I want to erase your past and make them count. To your existence."

Han Jue\'s brows still frowned.

He asked in his heart: "If he succeeds in erasing my past, will I die?"

[No, but will be repelled by chaos and heaven, and flow into unknown blank areas]

"What is a blank field?"

[No cause and effect, the system cannot evolve]

Han Jue hesitated.

At least after erasing the past, you won\'t die immediately, that is, Fang Liang\'s words still have a certain degree of credibility.

Fang Liang gritted his teeth: "Master, although you are aware of this matter, this matter involves many unimaginable powers. Even if you change your fate, you will be noticed by them. Either make them an enemy or let me. Erase your past so that they can\'t count it."

Han Jue hummed: "What about being an enemy? I\'m not afraid. I won\'t be able to do this for me in the future. This is not the first time!"

He remembered that Fang Lianghun wanted to change his fate when he wore Taikoo. Although it was for his own good, he didn\'t need it.

The path he is walking now is the most correct path!

Today\'s dojo circle is at the level of creation Taoist, even if the Chaos Gods strikes, it can\'t be broken in a short time.

Moreover, even if the future chaotic gods detect him, they cannot count him. The dojo can block all prying eyes!

Fang Liang wanted to speak but stopped.

Han Jue waved his hand, "Go back!"

Fang Liang took a deep breath and said, "Master, it\'s not my wish to see you again. Now that you have decided, then I will not insist on doing it anymore. I can only give you one more piece of advice, don\'t push the road ahead. Robbery."

When the voice fell, Fang Liang disappeared in place.

Han Jue left immediately and returned to his body.

He opened his eyes and recalled Fang Liang\'s words.

Promote the amount of robbery?

Why should I do this?

There is only one possibility, someone provokes me, or someone by my side is killed.

Han Jue fell into deep thought.

Do you want to summon all the disciples who are away?

never mind.

In doing so, I am afraid that something has to be changed.

Han Jue asked in his heart: "How long will it be before the next tribulation?"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]


[If there is no major change, it will be about 23 billion years]

Han Jue was relieved, but fortunately there was no change.

He was puzzled: "Why Fang Liang did before, I can\'t notice it?"

[Just because he entered the long river of chaos and destiny, this river is higher than the ordinary long river of destiny, above the chaos, it is extremely difficult to find, if the future you are still alive, even if there is no system, the future you will soon be able to detect it, Unless the future you are suppressed]

Then it makes sense. In the future, he will be chased and killed by the Chaos Gods. Maybe the waves will be suppressed and he will not be able to save his past self.

It\'s so difficult, why can Fang Liang find it?

and many more!

Could it be the power of Dao Ancestor?

Since Fang Liang was stared at by Dao Ancestor, he was able to penetrate the ancient times, indicating that Dao Ancestor had the ability to spy on the long river of fate.

"You have to be cautious in the future, and you can\'t leave the way of heaven easily."

Han Jue thought silently.

He suddenly had a curiosity, and immediately asked in his heart: "How many gods are there in Chaos?"

[Involving the core causality of chaos, cannot evolve, so as not to induce causal backlash]

Han Jue was stunned.

This is the first time that this has happened, and it could not be counted because the opponent is better than the system.

This chaotic fruit is very deep.

Han Jue cursed secretly.

After being engaged in this way by Fang Liang, he suddenly became unconfident, and he was very swollen before. After all, the ancestors of Xitian were not his opponents.

Han Jue suddenly hoped that if a powerful enemy attacked Heaven\'s Dao, he could gain confidence.

It\'s really not enough to look at the Chaos Gods now.

Han Jue shook his head. He took out the heavenly spirit stone and the book of doom, and decided to strengthen the book of doom and other magic weapons, and he could not fight the chaos gods. might as well go all the way to the dark.

From Fang Liang\'s words, it can be known that the Chaos God cannot be regarded as the true identity of the Dark Forbidden Lord, and he has been exposed.

He made up his mind that he would not use the Doom Book easily in the future, and he had better wait until the Doom Book could hurt the Chaos God before doing it.

Han Jue observed the immortal world as he merged.

He has just experienced a thrilling experience here, but the fairy world is still very calm.

Recently, Heavenly Dao Qi Luck has increased a lot, and Han Jue can feel that Heavenly Dao can accommodate one more Heavenly Dao saint.

It is estimated that the saints have to intrigue again.

Han Jue did not have the idea of ​​fighting, now he has too easy to seal the palm, even if the new saint is not obedient, he will be thrown directly into the Hongmeng Heaven Prison.

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