Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 703: Erase the past

After Da Santian left, Han Jue set his sights on Ren Gang and Yin Hongchen whom he had trained before.

With the integration of the earth and immortal worlds, the morality of practice has also been significantly improved. The Samsara Space has awarded a large number of practice resources to the Samsaras. As the top Samsaras, Ren Gang and Yin Hongchen enjoy the most.

The cultivation base of the two is still in the realm of the immortal emperor, although there is still a distance from the **** realm, but at least it is still improving.

Their aptitude is not strong, and they rely solely on the resources of the reincarnation space.

The two of them have had a very difficult time recently, and more and more immortal practitioners have arrived, and there are many forces and families among them, and the contradictions have naturally erupted.

In the immortal world, practitioners still worry about the saints, but not in the earth immortal world. They don\'t know which saint is in charge of the earth immortal world.

There was even a situation in which the forces of the fairy world had an insoluble contradiction, and they met to fight in the fairy world to decide the victory and resolve the dispute.

When the saints saw this situation, they would turn one eye and close one eye. To suppress the contradiction, it will intensify the contradiction. It is also good to have a place to vent.

Han Jue gave a dream to Ren Gang and Yin Hongchen, and wanted to ask them if they were ready to give up their freedom.

After the two struggled, both chose to wait.

They haven\'t given up their minds yet, and want to see where they can go on their own.

In this regard, Han Jue also chose to respect, not in a hurry.

Only with great enlightenment can you truly cultivate hard, otherwise even if Han Jue forces them to the second dojo, they will be impetuous, and instead cultivate demons.

As his cultivation became stronger and stronger, Han Jue\'s heart gradually opened up. In the past, he was only afraid that his disciples would cause trouble for him. Now if a disciple asks him to apply for it, he will not strictly block him.

However, the disciples have not been told to go out recently, they may have been used to staying in the Baiyue Xianchuan.

When Han Jue returned to Baiyue Xianchuan, he just saw Li Xuan\'ao waiting in front of the Taoist temple, and he was about to go out again.

Han Jue sent him out at the first thought.

Although it is troublesome, at least it is safe. It is absolutely impossible for Han to give his disciples free access rights.

The higher the cultivation base, the more careful Han Jue must be.

The strong always capsize in the gutter.

Han Jue was full of energy and continued to practice.

He proved that the matter of the saint of the Dao Dao did not cause turmoil in the heavenly path, because no one knew it.

Han Jue is now the only great saint in heaven!

Thirty-three floors outside the sky, inside the Pangu Hall.

Sitting cross-hearted on his futon, he let out a sigh, his brows were full of fatigue.

Not long after, Emperor Jin and Emperor Xiao arrived.

The two saluted Pan Xin and waved to Pan Xin, motioning them to sit down.

"This trip to Chaos is to establish a great backer. In the future, it is convenient for you to walk to Chaos, but it can only be regarded as convenient. Chaos is chaotic, so you have to be very careful." Pan Xin said.

When Jinshen and Xiao Emperor heard this, they couldn\'t help but smile.

Going to the chaos is already the consensus of the upper and lower heavens. Although the Guixu Divine Realm has repeatedly invaded the heavens before, the Guixu Divine Realm cannot represent the entire chaos. The chaos is huge, and the Guixu Divine Realm is only a small corner.

The two saints noticed that the nature of Panxin is not high.

Emperor Xiao asked, "What happened?"

Pan Xin said: "It\'s okay, it\'s just a matter of my personal practice. I still want to get a proof of the Daoist Saint, but the senior said that my background is not enough, and I need to wait."

Avenue saint!

Emperor Xiao and Jin Shen were frightened.

They know that above the heavenly saints are the free saints, and above them are the great saints.

Pan Xin has begun to touch that realm?

Really invincible in the heavens!

Emperor Xiao squinted his eyes and asked: "Other saints want to open a dojo at the end of Chaos Heaven Road, do you agree?"

Pan Xin hummed: "Why agree, is the immortal world and the heavens and worlds not enough for them? All refused! They dare not use their deities to go, if we agree, we will have to take care of their dojo in the future."

He has already learned the face of a saint, and today he agrees that tomorrow the saints should make more demands. He was speechless for various reasons and logic.

Pan Xin also wants to restore his image now, and doesn\'t want to be as sloppy as in the past, without the mighty tolerance, but in terms of lip service, he is really inferior to those saints.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Xiao nodded.

Jin Shen glanced at him, not knowing what he was thinking.

Five thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, his face looked confused.

Although he has attained the Daoist Saint, he is not yet considered a detached person, obviously he is not restricted by the Daoist.

Could it be that he created Jiyuan Avenue, which is inseparable from Jiyuan Avenue in a sense, and is also considered a Dao saint?

It can only be explained in this way.

After becoming a Dao Sage, Han Jue\'s cultivation speed suddenly slowed down, and his current cultivation method is still enlightenment.

Enlightenment seems like meditation, but it actually helps the Dao to develop. Whatever his whimsical ideas, Dao will develop in that direction.

Han Jue didn\'t think too much anymore and called up the email to check.

[Your friend Xie Tiandi got mysterious and powerful guidance, and his Taoism rose sharply.]

[Your friend proving the Dao with great strength and gaining Hunyuan Daoguo after a long break from the sky]

[Your disciple Fangliang got the dream of Dao Zutuo]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan got the Seven Paths of Santo Dreams of Your Enemy]

[Your apprentice Yang Tiandong enters the dark forbidden zone]

[Your friend Peacock God is attacked by your enemy cursed by the devil]

[Your enemy cursed the devil was attacked by your friend, the Peacock God, UU Reading www. uukā was seriously injured, leaving only a trace of remnant soul]

[Your friend Houtu Niangniang was attacked by your enemy Fuxitian]

The success of Dasantian preaching was not unexpected to Han.

It was the Peacock God Sovereign who gave Han Jue a surprise.

This servant is really persevering in hunting down the cursed devil.

Further down, Houtu Niangniang and Fu Xitian fought, Han Jue felt that this was just a microcosm, maybe it was a collision of two forces.

The ancestral witches shouldn\'t be regarded as the forces of the gods of the ruins, they may be retaliating against the gods of the ruins.

Speaking of which, the terrible situation of the Wu clan really has to be attributed to the saints.

Why can the demon clan mix so well, and the witch clan can\'t?

To blame, the original Wu Clan did not have a saint. The Houtu Empress was only a six-sage saint, far behind the heavenly saints.

Behind the Yaozu are the Nuwa Empress and Fuxitian.

Han Jue continued to look down, watching with gusto.

After becoming a great saint, look at these enemies again, don\'t have a strange feeling.

At least he felt no threat.

at this time.

Han Jue suddenly jumped out a line like this:

[Detected that you are being obliterated by mysterious powers, whether to go to the chaos and destiny to stop]

[If you go, the system will protect your cause and effect, so that you will not be attacked by forces outside the chaotic destiny]

Han Jue frowned, what does this mean?

What will happen if I don\'t go?

[It will be erased, your disciples, relatives, and everyone who knows you will all forget your existence]