Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 686: Go to Chaos

"Breakthrough soon."

Han Jue felt his own cultivation, and thought about it happily.

He first observed the fairy world.

Chaos Tianlu has been opened for more than three thousand years, but it has not formed a lively atmosphere, and there are not many creatures even going to Chaos Tianlu.

Han Jue counted, his expression was weird.

It turns out that Panxin and Jinshen each established the Qiyun sect, and only by joining their Qiyun sect can you embark on the Chaos Road.

Han Jue felt there was a problem with Pan Xin\'s mind.

At the beginning of the Chaos Road, it is impossible for normal creatures to rush to it, after all, it is not possible to soar into the sky by setting foot on this road.

Pan Xin limits the threshold of stepping on the Chaos Road, and will definitely delay the speed at which the Chaos Road shines.

Only with the influx of a large number of creatures, can profit-making be born faster, thereby attracting more influx of creatures.

Han Jue set his sights on the immortal realm and the mortal realm, and discovered that five thousand years have passed, and the heavens and myriad realms have made great progress.

Today\'s Heavenly Dao is already very strong, and coupled with the Ecuadorian, Han Jue believes that there is no race in the chaos that can compare to Heavenly Dao.

It is not so easy for chaotic forces to attack Heavenly Dao. It is estimated that it will be difficult to even attack Heavenly Dao.

Han Jue was very satisfied with the development of the Tao of Heaven. The stronger the Tao of Heaven, the safer he is, and he can practice with peace of mind.

Then he started to check the email.

[Your apprentice Su Qi comprehends supernatural powers, and his Taoism rises sharply]

[Your son Han Tuo was attacked by a mysterious Dao Demon] x10048792

[Your friend Peacock God is attacked by your enemy cursed by the devil]

[Your enemy cursed the devil was attacked by your friend, the Peacock God, and was seriously injured]

[Your good friend Xitian ancestor encounters mysterious and powerful suppression, Taoism decays]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan visited the tower of the avenue, learned the magical powers of the avenue, and his luck was greatly increased.]

[Your friend Xietian enters the sea of ​​fate on the road]

[Your good friend Li Yao occasionally got the Taikoo Treasure, and his luck is soaring]

Lots of opportunities!

What satisfied Han Jue the most was the Peacock God Lord, who was still chasing the cursed devil.

I don\'t know when the cursed demon **** can be killed.

If it is a story, the existence of the curse of the devil will definitely not be killed by the plot, and will always be alive, one day stepping on the peacock **** and provoking the protagonist.

However, Han Absolutely Peacock God still had a glimmer of expectation.

Isn\'t the Peacock God the protagonist?

"I hope you don\'t let me do it myself."

Han Jue thought so.

He continued to look down and found that some new locations had appeared, such as the Great Dao Sea of ​​Destiny involved by Emperor Xietian.

Han Jue saw it with great interest.

After he had read all the emails, he immediately plunged into the practice, and did not take the time to preach to the disciples.

Let\'s break through as soon as possible!

Dark restricted area.

After tens of thousands of years of development, the tower of the avenue has exclusively occupied a space. With the tower of the avenue as the center, there are countless pieces of land suspended around it, of various sizes, in addition to the patrolling monsters, but also inhabited by many creatures.

These creatures were rescued by Zhou Fan from different places.

There are a lot of small heavens hidden in the chaos, because of the invasion of ominous evil spirits, causing the living beings to drift away.

In addition to the Xiaotiandao, the same is true of the Guixu Divine Realm. Since the ancient famine seal was broken, the creatures of the Guixu Divine Realm fled and died. Today, the Guixu Divine Realm has been completely reduced to a forbidden place, and no creatures should enter.

In the palace on the first floor of the tower of the avenue, Zhou Fan sat on the first seat with dozens of figures standing below them. The auras of these figures were very strong, and at the weakest, they had the cultivation of the immortal emperor.

Zhou Fan opened his mouth and said: "Recently, there are ominous evil spirits approaching the tower of the avenue. You must patrol strictly."


Dozens of generals responded in unison.

At this time, an old man stood up and asked: "Your Majesty, Yuanshi Tianzun has invited you to the Holy Realm of Explaining Education, are you going?"

Zhou Fan waved his hand and said, "If you don\'t go, you may not be able to come back!"

The generals couldn\'t help but laugh.

After the ancient wilderness was broken, the sages of the avenue seemed to fall from the trees and scattered, all fleeing the gods of the return market, and each opened up a small world. This matter was widely circulated in the chaos and invisible, making all living creatures feel that the sages of the avenue were not absolutely invincible and invincible. No, even a little embarrassed.

The chaos is so big and boundless, Yuanshi Tianzun invited many forces. If the tower of the avenue is not gone, naturally there will be other small forces that will not go, and the impact will be little.

"Recently, the Heavenly Dao Society has sent some practitioners to help the Great Avenue Tower improve its power structure. You can\'t neglect it."

Zhou Fan commanded that what he was talking about was naturally a hidden disciple. He had already contacted Li Xuan\'ao through the projection of the world. Li Xuan\'ao felt that it was a good thing for his disciples to see the chaos.

According to the current development trend of the Way of Heaven, sooner or later, we will get involved in chaos.

Involved earlier, it is more beneficial to the hidden door.

Zhou Fan also understood that he was not the material to manage a big power, so he asked Li Xuan\'ao for help.

Li Xuan\'ao has trained a large number of disciples who specialize in management, who can be sent to help Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan\'s reason for cultivating power was actually for the hidden door.

Han Jue\'s life-saving grace, he can\'t afford it, he can only compensate the hidden door.

Later, Zhou Fan explained a few more points, and the generals wrote them down.

As a new force, the morale of the tower of the avenue is still very high, UU reading from top to bottom, all creatures have expectations.

Another five thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes and couldn\'t help stretching.


It\'s almost a breakthrough!

Han Jue was very excited, as if he was playing a stand-alone game, enjoying it.

Forget it, he can break through at most two thousand years.


He is only two hundred and thirty thousand years old now, and he has attained the great road before one million years old. He is very hopeful!

After attaining the Dao, Han will never show off to the sage of Xuandu. He will continue to practice. When he reaches the creator of the Tao, there will be a crisis in the heavens, and the sage of the Xuandu will be ashamed. No way, at that time Han Jue made another move, killing everything in seconds!

Han Jueguang was very happy to think about it.

Of course, if there is no crisis in Heaven, it would be best.

Han Jue hopes to be invincible as soon as possible and do whatever he wants than others to make trouble.

Han Jue called out the mail to check, as before, there were beatings, opportunities, and new locations appeared, but overall there was no place that attracted his attention.

As soon as Han Jue finished reading the email, a figure appeared in front of the Taoist temple.

Chu Shiren!

Han Jue let him into the view.

People of Chu seldom come to visit Han Jue, so there is probably something to do.

The Chu people bowed and saluted, and then said: "Master, I want to go to the Chaos Heaven Road."

Han Jue discovered that the Chu people had reached the perfect cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian, and only one step was enough to get the holy sage.

His aptitude has always been very high, but his attitude towards cultivation is not good, but he controls it very well, accurately keeping up with the pace of the top disciples of the Hidden Gate, and does not compete with others for glory.

Han Jue asked, "Why?"

Chu Shiren said: "I can feel that there is a chance waiting for me in the chaos. It is not calculated. I have felt this way in my previous life. In the end, I rely on that chance to win the prestige of the Buddha."