Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 685: Chaos Tianlu

Hearing Han Jue\'s promise, the Xuandu Holy Venerable nodded.

Holy Master Xuandu thought, Han Jue was also warning him?

Even though he thought so, the Holy Venerable Xuandu did not panic at all. He did have selfishness and was also developing his personal connections, but there was no way. If he was really greedy for power, he would not come back at all, and he would stay in the ruins. Divine Realm, following a group of great saints, wouldn\'t it be overwhelmingly powerful?

The reason why he came back is to protect this hometown and defend the way of heaven that gave birth to him!

Xuandu Shengzun continued: "I will continue to observe Pan Xin. If he does not affect the life and death of Heaven\'s Dao, then I will open one eye and close one eye."

"In addition, what does Fellow Daoist Han think about the space of reincarnation?"

Han Jue said, "This is your idea, you decide."

The sage of Xuandu groaned: "I am going to push the space of reincarnation into chaos. Otherwise, I will only rely on the power of the mortal world. There is no need for the space of reincarnation. After all, the earth and immortal world has belonged to the heaven."

"Yes, you can arrange it."

Han Jue nodded and said, shaking his hand as the shopkeeper.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable is not angry, but is happy to see it. If Han Jue intervenes more, he will not be able to show his fists.

The reason why he wins over Han Jue is that he has taken a fancy to Han Jue\'s strength.

The two chatted for a while, and when it was over, Han Jue went straight back to Baiyue Xianchuan.

He entrusted the dream to Bu Tian Zun and asked Pan Xin why he was looking for him.

"Why, just want to win me over. Just like him, he has a soaring cultivation base, calculated like a child, I just dealt with a few words casually, and he left happily."

Bu Tianzun is quite disdainful of Pan Xin.

Although he is not an opponent of Pan Xin, he is also a free saint, so he can look at Pan Xin.

Han Jue said, "You can play with him appropriately and see what he wants to do with a moth."

Bu Tianzun smiled and said: "Well, if he really wants to mess around, it is a good thing to solve it early."


Han Jue lifted his dream and returned to reality.

He continued to entrust his dreams to Qiu Xilai and Tianjue Sect Master, with the same instructions. If Panxin continues to look for them, he doesn\'t have to refuse directly.

After the arrangement, Han Jue first looked at Xing Hongxuan, the fetus in his belly was still gestating, that vitality had surpassed the ordinary creatures in the fairyland, and Xing Hongxuan\'s cultivation level had been improving.

Mothers are kind and filial, and support each other.

Han Absolutely\'s younger son is looking forward to it more and more.

He suddenly thought of Han Tuo.

After the younger son is born, he won\'t let the younger son out. Such talents must be kept by his side, but if Han Tuo is known, will this kid have other thoughts in his heart?

Comparing heart to heart, Han Jue would be awkward if he were Han Tuo.

Although Han Jue has been secretly helping and protecting Han Tuo, Han Tuo is not entirely clear.

After thinking about it, Han Jue decided to entrust his dream to Han Tuo.

Before that, he first pinched Han Tuo and made sure that Han Tuo was not in danger, and he was cultivating. He just asked for a dream.

Unlike Zhou Fan, Han Tuo is a descendant of Han Jue. It is easier to calculate without using evolutionary functions.

In a dream.

Han Tuo suddenly opened his eyes, he saw Han Jue.

He couldn\'t help being in a trance.

For a long time, every time Han Jue appeared, he was obscured by divine light.

Han Tuo quickly got up to salute and saw his father.

He seemed very restrained. After all, he had only been with his father for twenty years. For his hundreds of thousands of years, that memory was too short, so short that it was almost blurred.

Han Jue looked at his son who was already alone, and couldn\'t help feeling a little bit.

From the last time I met, Han Tuo\'s momentum was stronger, no weaker than the Great God General or the Celestial General, or even stronger in posture.

Such a calm temperament must have experienced countless storms.

Han Jue said, "Yes, they have all become quasi saints, and they haven\'t embarrassed me."

Upon hearing this, Han Tuo showed excitement and said: "Thanks to your majesty\'s care, of course, the reason your majesty takes care of me is also because of you."

He is very self-aware that Emperor Xietian is good to him, but always treats him as Han Jue.

He even doubted the relationship between Emperor Xietian and Han Jue.

"I\'m here to see you today and pass on your magical powers by the way."

Han Jue smiled, facing his son, he did not pretend to be cold.

Han Tuo is even more excited.

Han Jue did not talk nonsense and began to pass on supernatural powers.


Inside the Taoist Temple, Han Jue slowly opened his eyes.

He suddenly laughed at himself, thinking that he had also complained that his parents in this life had ignored him. Unknowingly, he also became that kind of person.

Of course, the worries come and go quickly.

After all, Han Jue also raised Han Tuo before letting him leave.

Han Tuo\'s departure was determined by himself, not driven by Han Jue.

"I don\'t need to add psychological baggage to myself. In my whole life, I live only for myself. If I have the ability, I can help people around me, but I can\'t be dragged down by those around me."

Han Jue thought silently, his eyes became firm.

Having said that, Han Absolutely has taken good care of the people around him. At least his disciples are still alive, and even achieved achievements and status that they could not have achieved. ,Back to normal.

How can the powerful people be shackled by the seven emotions and six desires.

After reading the mail with gusto, Han Jue continued to practice in retreat.


"Today, I, Pan Xin, use my own Tao fruit to open up the chaos heaven road, connect the heaven and the chaos, and the heavenly creatures can enter the chaos heaven road and go to the chaos. On the heaven road, you can get the protection of the heaven!"

Pan Xin\'s voice suddenly resounded through heaven.

All beings are in an uproar!

All Saints were also scared.

A vast sky of majesty enveloped the immortal realm. At the same time, in the east of the immortal realm, the heavenly destiny turned into golden rain and sprinkled down, quickly condensing into a golden avenue, from the edge of the eastern boundary of the immortal realm to the depths of the chaos with extremely fast speed. .

The creatures in the nearby Chaos City were shocked.

"That\'s Chaos Road?"

"It\'s such a huge celestial luck, is this a saint?"

"Why go to Chaos?"

"It is said that there are countless opportunities in the chaos, and heaven is only a drop in the ocean in the chaos."

"Can the saint of heart believe it?"

Such remarks are not only in Chaos City, but also in every corner of the fairy world.

Pan Xin is not an ancient saint, and there is no Qiyun sect. Beings are not familiar with him, so they maintain a skeptical attitude.

When Han Jue heard these words, he didn\'t care and continued to practice.

Pan Xin will not betray the Dao of Heaven, and at most count other saints.

A heavenly road can\'t count on other saints.

It was not until the end of the five thousand years that Han Jue just opened his eyes again.

His cultivation has increased greatly!

Almost 30,000 years have passed since the last breakthrough.

That\'s right, 30,000 years have passed since Karma Tian was cursed by Han Jue to become a soul.

When Han Jue fully devoted himself to the practice, time became fast.