Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 682: Tower of the Avenue in 5000

Han Jue did not consume his life to calculate why Houtu Niangniang proclaimed. It is not necessary. After all, a person has personal fate, as long as he is not threatened.

He continued to read the mail.

I found that there are many friends who have the chance, and the atmosphere of the long-distance is finally back.

Still peace is good.

Han Jue was full of energy and continued to practice.


Thirty-three layers outside the sky.

Pangu Temple.

Pan Xin, Emperor Xiao, and God of Jin gather in one hall.

Emperor Xiao asked: "Is Huang Zun innocent really unable to win over?"

Pan Xin shook his head and said: "This son is too timid to follow the Master Tian Jue with his iron heart."

Jinshen did not interrupt.

"Recently, I am preparing to open a road to the depths of chaos. On this road, all beings will be protected by the heavenly path and not be attacked by chaos evil things. I need someone to go and determine the end point and where this road should lead. "

Pan Xin said, his tone was a little excited.

Once he succeeds, he will open the channel between Heavenly Dao and Chaos, so that the creatures of Heavenly Dao can better explore the chaos, and he will also gain infinite merits.

Emperor Xiao opened his mouth and said, "I will go."

He also understood that this was a matter of merit, so he took the initiative to respond.

Pan Xin said: "This matter is concealed for the time being. There are many big worlds hidden in the chaos. Although it is not as vast as the Guixu Divine Realm, and there is no such sound rules as the Heavenly Dao, it can be regarded as a place of opportunity. The predecessor was transformed by the Chaos Demon God. At the beginning, Pangu Giant God opened up the world, but it has inspired many demon gods. You must choose carefully when you go."

Emperor Xiao nodded.

Pan Xin asked a few more words, and Emperor Xiao left.

Pan Xin glanced at Jinshen and asked, "Xuan Du has been very close to you recently, what\'s the matter?"

Jinshen replied: "The Holy Venerable wants to take control of a small heaven with me. The place has been selected. If I control the small heaven, it will be good for you."

Hearing this, he snorted coldly and said: "Xuan Du is really good-minded, and the ordinary fashion is too ruthless, in fact, the mind is more than anyone else."

Jin Shen was silent.

"You go to arrange some Tianjiao, find a way to let them join the hidden door, I want to know what kind of power is under Han Jue\'s hidden door." Pan Xin ordered.

Jin Shen responded.

Which of the most powerful forces in the immortal world today is naturally a hidden door, sentient beings may not think so, but their saints see it thoroughly.

Han Jue seems to be low-key, but he has been developing the hidden line of hidden forces, and his heart is unpredictable.


Time flies.

Five thousand years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, stood up, stretched out.


Five thousand years of retreat is indeed better than one thousand years of retreat!

He seemed to have a dream. After waking up from the dream, his cultivation level improved a lot.

You can continue in the future!

Han Jue opened up the interpersonal relationship and found that the disciples and friends he cared about were still there, and they had not fallen.

Sure enough, whoever has left the world, it still turns around.

Han Jue suddenly lost a lot of burden in his heart, so he can practice with peace of mind in the future.

He found Li Xuan\'ao waiting outside the Baiyue Xianchuan, so he moved Li Xuan\'ao into the Taoist temple.

Li Xuan\'ao was stunned. He looked at Han Jue with a bit of resentment. He couldn\'t help but said: "Sect Master, I have been here five times, and you are finally willing to see me!"

He almost thought he had done something wrong and offended Han Jue.

Han Jue smiled and said, "From now on, I will retreat for five thousand years each time. You can tell the other disciples."

Li Xuan\'ao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "Don\'t worry, the hidden gate is already a huge monster. There is really no one in the immortal world that can shake me and so on. Like other sage sects, sages rarely intervene and are busy practicing. ."

Han Jue felt reasonable.

Li Xuan\'ao continued, "Sect Master, I want to send in one more Tianjiao, can I?"

The Hidden Gate is famous and has three sages.

Not only that, almost all sage sects give a hidden face, and they are considered unique in the immortal world. Sects with such an influence are naturally attractive, and it is normal for many sects to appear.

Han Jue nodded and said, "Okay, you can arrange it now."

Li Xuanao responded, he came for this.

Han Jue waved him out and checked the email.

The next day, Li Xuan\'ao led a hundred Tianjiao to Baiyue Xianchuan, and was then involved in the dojo by Han Jue.

Their participation attracted the people in Baiyue Xianchuan to watch.

The one hundred Tianjiao who came before have excellent aptitudes, and 80% of the disciples were admitted to the sect by direct disciples, which greatly stimulated the other named disciples.

Han Jue did not pay attention to the movement in the Baiyue Xianchuan, and quickly began to practice.

The higher the cultivation base, the more urgent he desires to become stronger.


In the dark forbidden zone, Han Tuo and Yitian led millions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals in the void.

They all face in one direction. It is a huge tower. It is impossible to see how many floors there are. This tower stands quietly, with countless monsters hovering around, more than the number of heavenly soldiers led by Han Tuo and the other two. There will be more.

Yitian swallowed his saliva and asked: "Are we really going to go?"

Han Tuo frowned, and said solemnly: "Are you retreating? What a shame!"

"The tower of the avenue is too evil. Just looking at it, I feel that the soul is about to be sucked away. We are still like this, not to mention the younger ones."

Yitian cursed in a low voice, with a nervous tone.

Han Tuo began to think about countermeasures.

At this time, a voice came into his ears:

"Despite the war, I will take action!"

Xie Tiandi!

When Han Tuo heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took out a sharp gun.

"Heavenly soldiers and generals obey orders! Follow me to kill! Until you win the tower of the avenue!"

Han Tuo raised his sharp spear high and shouted angrily. The sound resembled thunder, resounding through the void, and he took the lead in transforming into a long rainbow to kill.

Today\'s Han Tuo is no longer the immature boy back then, and his spirit is shocking.

The Yitian followed closely, and the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals rushed away like a torrent, with a spectacular momentum.

at the same time.

In the tower of the avenue, Zhou Fan meditated in the hall on the first floor. A beam of light stood in front of him. Inside the beam of light were floating stars of various colors, like a sea of ​​stars, beautiful and dreamy.

A voice of vicissitudes came from the beam of light: "Are you sure you want to follow this path? The Seven Paths of Saints have been unsuccessful after tens of billions of years."

Zhou Fan opened his and said vigorously: "I am better than him! I will make it to order!"

"Weird, you have already embarked on the great road, this kind of road will not reject my way."

"Nonsense, otherwise how am I confident?"

Zhou Fan hummed, admiring Han Jue even more in his heart.

Han Jue taught them such a powerful Dao Realm!

The vicissitudes of life said: "Finally, since you have obtained the tower of the avenue, then let you inherit this way. This will be a road of no return. It will require you to fight and fight continuously."

Zhou Fan said proudly: "I never fear to fight, I was born to fight!"


The tower of the avenue trembled violently, and it was obvious that it had encountered some kind of powerful impact.

Zhou Fan stood up and scolded: "Come again! Really, Zhou Fan is a soft persimmon. I want to grab it? This time I want to see who is not long-eyed who dares to grab it!"