Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 681: Cultivator

When Jin Zhong was broken, Zhou Fan believed that the Seven Dao Sages had been beaten away by Han Jue.

and many more!

Master said that the Seven Paths of Saints are gone...


Is it dead?

Zhou Fan turned his head to look at Han Jue, with an incredible expression on his face.

Han Jue raised his hand, preparing to put Zhou Fan in his sleeve.

"Wait! Master, you should go back first, since the Seven Paths of Saints are gone, then I will occupy his treasure!"

Zhou Fan said suddenly, with a look of excitement on his face.

Han Jue frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Ten percent sure."


Han Jue turned directly and entered the black vortex.

Back in the Taoist Temple, Han Jue let out a sigh of relief.

Just now his heart kept holding it, for fear of encountering the existence of Transcending the Great Way.

Although this possibility is minimal, Han Jue had no choice but to guard against it.

Han Jue took out the book of doom and tried to curse the seven saints. As expected, the power of the curse was absorbed, and he immediately gave up.

Curse the devil!

court death!

Han Jue frowned, and he began to think about how to eradicate the cursed devil.

If he doesn\'t get rid of him, he will curse someone in the future, and curse the devil will protect him, and sooner or later he will pull up a huge group that hates Han Jue.

Han Jue suddenly thought of the peacock god.

Do you want the peacock **** to kill the cursed devil?

Just get rid of the entanglement of the ominous emperor!

Han Jue immediately entrusted the dream to the peacock god.

In the dream, the Peacock God Sovereign saw Han Jue, who had turned into a dark forbidden lord, with an expression of resentment, and asked: "Since I surrender to you, why let the ominous God Sovereign chase me down?"

Han Jue said indifferently: "Is the ominous God Emperor chasing you down?"

The Peacock God Sovereign gave a fake cough and said, "I can\'t find a place to practice. I stay in an ominous and evil place, and other practitioners dare not bother."

Han Jue understood that the reason why this servant kept getting beaten was because he stayed in the land of the ominous God Emperor.

The ominous emperor didn\'t let Han Jue wear a gang?

"Leave there and arrange a task for you to kill the cursed devil." Han Jue said.

The peacock **** asked in amazement: "Cursing the devil? Are you not cursing the devil?"

Han Jue despised: "The curse is only one of the great avenues I have mastered. This demon **** has just been born, and his cultivation level is not strong enough for you to deal with. It is a test for you. How to find him is up to you."

The Peacock God Lord immediately responded: "No problem, I can\'t beat the Ominous God Emperor, I\'m still afraid of him?"

This is not the first time that the Peacock God has challenged the Chaos Demon God, and he is not afraid.

Han Jue directly lifted the dream.

He was afraid of the request from the Peacock God, and he couldn\'t satisfy him, and by the way, he maintained the compulsion of the dark forbidden!

Han Jue adjusted his mentality.

Solving the seven saints made him feel inexplicably emotional.

The existence that was once aloof has fallen from the altar.

But he didn\'t swell. He really wanted to kill the saint of the Dadao. His curse alone was not enough.

"I don\'t want to play chess with Er Deng, but I will not be Er Deng\'s pawn. I am afraid of things, but when I really meet, I will never give in."

Han Jue\'s eyes were firm, and he continued to practice.

Let\'s talk about achievements first!

You can\'t always rely on your own magic weapon, whether your own fist is hard or not is the key!

In a dimly lit hall, Emperor Xietian sat lazily on the throne, looking down at the controversy of the immortals in the hall.

"This is definitely not a good time to enter the Divine Realm of Guixu!"

"How long do you have to wait?"

"The God Realm of Guixu is already in chaos. Taking the opportunity to recruit immortals is the main thrust of Heavenly Court\'s development."

"We don\'t even have information about the ancient wilderness, so how dare to go."

"It is said that the devil ancestor has escaped from the ancient wilderness. If he is returning to the ruins of the gods, wouldn\'t we go to the ruins of the gods to die?"

Emperor Xietian didn\'t interrupt these people\'s arguments, he was still thinking about another thing.

At this time.

An old immortal flew into the hall and said anxiously: "Return to the Lord of the Ruins God Realm, the seven saints have fallen!"

As soon as these words came out, the hall was silent, and all the gods were stunned.

Seven Saints!

Most of the fairy gods in the Heavenly Court came from the small heavenly realms or chaos from various parties. They knew a lot about the Guixu divine realm. Among them, the name of the seven sages can be described as prestigious and can be regarded as the leader among the saints of the great road.

The Xietian Emperor was also shocked. He subconsciously sat upright and asked in a deep voice, "Is this true?"

Lao Xian said anxiously: "Really, the news of the fall of the seven saints has spread, and the tower of the avenue is occupied by a practitioner named Zhou Fan!"

Zhou Fan?

The Xietian Emperor pinched and counted, it was not clear which Zhou Fan was.

The immortals were in an uproar and continued to dispute.

The immortal gods who had previously supported going to the God Realm of Guixu all shut up and dared not talk about going to the God Realm of Guixu again.

Even the seven saints have fallen, who would dare to return to the ruins of the gods?

Emperor Xietian frowned tightly and fell into thinking.

The fall of the Seven Dao Sages is definitely a very terrifying signal.

He knew that the Seven Dao Sages belonged to the same circle with many Dao Sages, and daring to kill the Seven Dao Sages was probably the work of a new force.

Xietiandi solemnly said: "Alright!"

The immortals shut up one after another and turned to look at him.

Just listen to the Xietian Emperor\'s command: "I will investigate immediately where the Seven Dao Sages died and whose hands they died!"

"At the same time, summon the heavenly soldiers and generals, and all return to defense!"

The gods did not dare to have any opinions and immediately responded.

The years are long, and the millennium is fleeting.

Han Jue opened his eyes and let out a long breath.


But it’s not too comfortable. Should we set a five-thousand-year period in the future?

Since the breakthrough to the late stage of the Free Hunyuan Realm, the speed of practice has slowed down.

The reason why Han Jue used the millennium as a period before was because he was worried that something happened to his disciples and that he would not have time to take care of it.

Then I thought about it, there was a projection of the Ten Thousand Worlds, and the disciple outside of the country should be able to notify the disciple in the Baiyue Xianchuan, unless the other party didn\'t want to notify, if he died, he would take the blame.

Han Jue decided to retreat for five thousand years!

He looked at Xing Hongxuan who was practicing in the Taoist temple next door.

Since being pregnant, Xing Hongxuan has been practicing in retreat, nurturing the children in her womb, and has hardly ever gone out.

During this time, Xing Hongxuan\'s cultivation has been improving.

I don\'t know when to break through to the mid-term of Da Luo Jinxian!

Xing Hongxuan is using the child as a training tool?

Han Jue suddenly suspected that the reason the child didn\'t land was because his mother didn\'t want to give birth to him.


He thinks too much.

Han Jue looked at the mother and son for a while, and then began to check the email.

Every time he watched Moments, he felt like opening a blind box.

[Your friend Peacock God is attacked by a mysterious power]

[Your son Han Tuo strayed into the chaos secret realm]

[Your friend Xitian ancestor was attacked by your enemy Jade Bodhi]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan is attacked by a mysterious Dao Demon] x66520942

[Your friend Pan Xin encounters a mysterious curse]

[Your friend Jiang Dugu has a mysterious and powerful guidance, UU reading www. road trip soaring]

[Your disciple Sun Fangliang comprehends the jade disc of good fortune, and the Taoism rises sharply]

[Your good friend Houtu Niangniang got mystery and powerful guidance to prove the Tao with strength, and prove the fruit of Hunyuan Taoism]

Houtu Niangniang proclaimed!

Han Jue flipped through the mail, and it turned out that Empress Tu had already left the way of heaven hundreds of years ago.

Who instructed the Houtu empress?

Could it be that mysterious ancestor Wudi Jiang?