Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 652: Kudos to heaven, mystery senior

Hearing Han Ming\'s answer, Han Jue was speechless.

Do you want me to confess?

will not save me face?

Han Jue was silent.

Han Ming was also silent.

Calm down, Han Ming realized that there was a problem with what he had just said, and it was absolutely impossible for Han to look for him for no reason.

Han Ming asked again: "Are you still there?"


"Okay, I would like to join the hidden gate."

"Then you clean up."


After a stick of incense, Han Ming left and went to Baiyue Xianchuan.

Han Jue adjusted his state of mind and soon went into practice again.

A few years later, Han Ming came to Baiyue Xianchuan and was directly admitted to the Taoist Temple by Han Jue. He did not let Han Ming go out, but stayed in the Taoist Temple to practice.

Han Ming sat on a futon and glanced at Han Jue cautiously.

Han Jue, who was shining with divine light, prevented him from prying into his real body. This was the first time he felt the pressure.

Han Ming took a deep breath.

He once also fantasized about cultivating next to Han Jue, but he knew that Han Jue was cold and could only be a delusion. Now that it has become a reality, he actually feels unreal.

Han Ming laughed at himself in his heart, what was he thinking?

He stopped thinking about it and started to concentrate on cultivation.

Han never said a word to him, maybe he just wanted to see his cultivation attitude and aptitude, he can\'t be ashamed!

As everyone knows, the reason why Han Jue ignores him is to complete the goal of retreating for a thousand years, and his practice cannot be interrupted.


Thirty-third layer outside the sky, all the saints gathered in the Qiankun Hall.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable has already returned. He scanned the sages and said: "I joined forces with fellow Daoist Han to obtain the Earth Immortal Realm. Next, I am going to merge the Earth Immortal Realm into the Heavenly Dao, and establish a space-time channel between the two heavens and earth to connect with each other. "

Earth fairy world!

All the saints looked at each other. They all heard about this world. Once the immortal world was regarded as a part of the immortal world. Like the ancient wilderness, after the saint war, the ancient world was broken and divided into many pieces, and now only left in the heavens is left. Under the fairy world.

asked from the west and said, "Well, what we need to do, please tell me directly."

The other saints also have no objection, and think this matter is not too big.

The Great Emperor    Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and said: "Recently, a mysterious coffin appeared outside the underworld. Its breath is unfathomable. I dare not approach it. It is up to the Lord to decide."


The Xuandu Holy Venerable couldn\'t help looking out of the underworld.

It took a while before he saw Siwon Hongmeng\'s coffin, and he couldn\'t help frowning.

He immediately disappeared in the same place.

The other saints followed.

All the saints came to Shiyuan Hongmeng\'s coffin together, and Fang Liang stared at the coffin, frowning.

The stone stele in front of the coffin was motionless, but the saints were inexplicably palpitated.

"what is this?"

"When did it appear? Emperor Xiao, why didn\'t you say it earlier?"

"I found out not long ago. Besides, there is no holy priest, so you dare to come and investigate? Anyway, I dare not."

"Why haven\'t you found this before?"

"Could this be the one who attacked the Houtu Empress earlier?"

All the saints communicated in a low voice, and the Holy Venerable Xuantu transmitted the voice to the Houtu Niangniang. Soon, the Houtu Niangniang appeared here.

"But did this thing hurt you?" The Xuandu Holy Venerable asked, pointing to Shiyuan Hongmeng\'s coffin.

Houtu Empress shook her head and said: "No, the aura is completely different, what is this? Who is hiding in the coffin?"

Xuandu Shengzun said: "We don\'t know."

Antarctic Tianzun raised his eyebrows and said: "Do you want to find a way to suppress it?"

Xuandu Shengzun shook his head.

He stared at Siwon Hongmeng\'s coffin carefully, lost in thought.

At this moment, the stone tablet trembled violently, shocking all the saints to be vigilant, and one after another they took out their treasures and waited for them.

I saw a pen blood mark on the surface of the stele, and the font was written, as if long worms were entrenched on it, oozing blood.

soon, a line of words appeared, obscure and difficult to understand.

The saints can’t understand it.

Fang Liangnian said: "Born in chaos, meritorious in heaven, die in fate, rebirth in Hongmeng."

Antarctic Tianzun asked in surprise: "Can you understand?"

Fang Liangdao: "There are records of this type of writing in the Taoism passed down by the ancestors of Taoism, which are written by the Chaos Demon God."

The saints are thoughtful.

They couldn\'t understand, so they didn\'t dare to be sure whether Fang Liang was true.

Li Dakong said: "I still think of a way to get rid of it, or drive it away."

Shi Dudao nodded and said: "I agree."

Li Daokong glanced at him with a look of disdain.

Shi Dudao pretended not to see it.

"Achievement in the way of heaven..." Xuantu Shengzun muttered to himself.

Fang Liang said: "There should be a certain Chaos Demon God in the coffin. As for this stone tablet, it is probably a treasure. It is better to be careful."

All Saints nodded and continued to discuss how to deal with Shiyuan Hongmeng.


Han Jue opened his eyes.

He has been in retreat for a thousand years again, and his body and mind are happy.

He has started to regard the millennium as a day, and he is improving day by day. This feeling is so cool.

Han Jue looked at Han Ming next to him. For thousands of years, Han Ming has also been cultivating hard. He has not spoken, and is very honest.

not bad!

Han Jue directly took Han Ming and teleported to the second dojo.

Han Ming opened his eyes and found that the Taoist temple had changed.

Han Juedao: "You will cultivate here in the future, you can go outside. There are five people in this dojo plus you, and you will listen to Murongqi in the future."

Murong Qi?

Han Ming wrote down silently.

Han Jue gave Murongqi a message, and after explaining the origin of Han Ming, he returned to Baiyue Xianchuan.

He stood in the Taoist temple and moved his muscles and bones, checking his emails by the way.

[Your son Han Tuo invades a small heaven]

[Your friend Xietiandi was attacked by your enemy Fuxitian and was seriously injured]

[Your friend Jing Tian Gong enters the dark restricted area]

[Your apprentice Long Hao absorbs the luck of the dragon clan, and his Taoism skyrocketed]

[Your son Han Tuo was attacked by a creature from the little heaven] x6720239

[Your friend Xitian ancestor enters the ancient wilderness]

[Your friend Pan Xin entered the ancient wilderness]

[Your offspring Han Yu got your enemy Nuwa Empress’s dream, and the Taoism rose sharply]


Fu Xitian has been very active recently, and even the Nuwa Empress has also started activities, and she also found Han Yu.

There is definitely a calculation!

Han Jue continues to look down, UU reading www. uukanshu. com waited for him to read all the emails before he entrusted the dream to Han Yu.


Han Yu opened his eyes and saw Han Jue who was shining with divine light all over, he was immediately alert.

"What\'s the matter? Fantasyland?"

Han Yu frowned tightly, as if facing an enemy.

Han Jue jokingly smiled: "Little guy, don\'t you remember me?"

Hearing this, Han Yu\'s eyes widened, and he trembled: "Senior, is it you?"

Although he has been apprentice to Li Daokong, he will never forget the mysterious power that gave him the technique.

Without that great power, how could he cultivate to the point of satisfying Li Daokong?

"So you still remember me, I thought you forgot me after apprenticeship." Han Jue smiled.

Han Yu hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Senior\'s great grace, I will never forget, what is the command of Senior?"

Han Jue said: "Is someone entrusting you with a dream recently?"

Han Yu frowned.

He couldn\'t help but think of the dream of the former Nuwa Empress, why did he attract this mysterious senior?

Nuwa Empress is an existence beyond the saint, then this mysterious predecessor must not be weak, otherwise it is impossible to detect it.


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