Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 651: Refuge, select the devil

[200 billion years need to be deducted, whether to continue]


Han Jue followed a line of words:

[Siwon Hongmeng and Heavenly Dao repulsion detected, unable to enter Heavenly Dao, Siwon Hongmeng has no evil thoughts towards Heavenly Dao]

No evil thoughts?

Then why did he come?

Han Jue continues to evolve, deducting another 200 billion years of life.

[He is avoiding some kind of powerful existence, what is it, the system cannot evolve]

turned out to be here to hide.

Han Jue hesitated whether to establish contact with Siwon Hongmeng. Once this boy was transformed successfully, he and Han Jue would be of the same kind.


Doesn\'t this reveal that he is the Hongmeng Demon God?

Anyway, this guy didn\'t want to endanger the way of heaven, regardless of him.

After Han Jue decided, he looked away.

The appearance of Siwon Hongmeng made Han Jue feel a sense of crisis, and he still had to speed up the cultivation of the Chaos Demon God.

Han Jue called Dasantian into Taoist temple.

Da Santian’s cultivation base is already Quasi-Sage Consummation, very suitable for directly transforming into the Chaos Demon God, just because Han absolutely didn’t want to give him the Dao Ziqi.

Seeing Han Jue, Dasan Tianqiang held back his excitement.

It has been a while since I came to Baiyue Xianchuan, and Han Jue finally saw him alone.

Is it to prove the truth?

The heart that has gone through the years and vicissitudes of life began to tremble.

Han Jue’s first sentence was: "Da Santian, is your goal a saint or higher?"

The sky is scattered and stunned.

Although    is a mighty power in the immortal world, Da Santian does not know the gods of Guixu and the transcendents hidden in the depths of the chaos.

Even if he had been to the Guixu God Realm, he would not be able to touch those existences.

Da Santian asked cautiously: "What do you mean?"

Han Juedao: "I now give you two paths. One is to preach to become a saint of heaven, but this is the end point, and the other is to give you the supreme bloodline to help you have the potential to surpass the saint."

"Beyond the way of heaven, there is a wider world, knowing how my position was obtained? If I was just an ordinary saint, how would other saints give the hidden door to develop gaps? It\'s just because I have surpassed the saints of heaven, and now all the saints join forces. None of my opponents!"

Han Jue\'s tone is firm and confident.

Hearing fascinated after a long walk, he said: "What is the price for the second road?"

Han Juedao: "Pain, the process of replacing the bloodline is painful. In addition, I will let you stay in a place for cultivating, which is equivalent to losing freedom. I will let you go after the great calamity is over."

The Great Way...

The sky is scattered and secretly shocked.

Although I don’t know what the Dao Qiao Qiao is, but thinking about the calamity of the Heavenly Demon and the Yan Clan before, it is obvious that the way of heaven is not as safe as before.

Dasantian fell into entanglement.

Han Jue is not in a hurry, he believes Da San Tian will make the right choice.

If it is difficult to get out of the creation of spirit stones, how can Han Jue find Da Santian?

This is a great opportunity!

a long time.

Scattered the sky and raised his eyes: "I choose the second way! Please also ask the sect master to grant me supreme blood!"

His blood aptitude is already the best of heaven, but he believes that Han definitely will not lie to him.

Han Jue waved Dasantian into the Hongmeng Realm, and directly crushed Dasantian\'s body with his free power, drawing his soul.

was frightened when he scattered the sky, but instead of yelling, he waited nervously.

Han Jue manipulated him to the front of the Demon God\'s Qi, and looked at the masses of Demon God\'s Qi in front of him, and the gods and souls shivered.

He has a feeling of facing natural enemies, and a fatal sense of crisis continues to erode his heart.

Han Jue hesitated for a while, and decided to bestow the Shadow Flood Demon God on Da Santian.

The shadow of the Hong Demon God and the clone Demon God have the same effect, they can divide the shadow of countless avenues, and belong to one of Han Jue\'s earliest comprehension of the magic of the demon god.

The process of fusion was more painful than Da Santian imagined, but in order not to be ashamed in front of Han Jue, he still resisted it.


Another thousand years have passed.

Han Jue saw that Da San Tian had adapted to the power of the Shadow Flood Demon God, so he no longer used his mana to protect Da San Tian.

He turned his attention back to reality and directly began to practice.

retreat for thousands of years.

opened his eyes again, Han Jue couldn\'t help stretching.

This kind of practice has become Han Jue\'s habit. If he doesn\'t practice for a thousand years, he will feel uncomfortable.

After two thousand years, dozens of new worlds have appeared at the junction of Yin and Yang, and the Celestial Clan has completely adapted to the days of the underworld.

Han Jue looked at the fairy world and decided to choose some more candidates for the demon god.

Before the Yan Clan attacked the fairy world, in terms of high-end combat power, the fairy world has fallen behind.

Han must have an instinct.

Yan Clan is by no means the strongest race in the chaos.

Han Jue\'s gaze fell on Yaojie, on Yuqing Saint Sect.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the Yuqing Sacred Sect is still there. It is the most powerful sacred place in the world, thanks to the support of the Buddha in white.

It’s just that the Jade Sect of the Qing Dynasty is no longer the same.

The former site of the Yuqing Saint Zong has been deserted, far away from the current Yuqing Saint Zong Mountain Gate.

Han Jue touched Jing Shengqing, and suddenly wanted to take a walk.

He separated a soul mind, turned into a clone, and descended to the former site of the Yuqing Saint Sect.

The hills here are ups and downs, and the eighteen peaks of the former Yuqing Zong are no longer visible, and they are even barely populated.

Walking in the woods, the sun shattered on Han Jue along the cracks in the leaves, and scenes from that year appeared before his eyes.

I don\'t know why, Han Jue thought of Li Qingzi, the former head of Shengzong Yuqing.

"Can you be satisfied with the current Yuqing Saint Sect?"

Han Jue murmured to himself in a daze.

It\'s a pity that the heavenly realm restarts, and the soul of Li Qingzi has long since disappeared, and he has no chance to see the Sacred Sect of Yuqing again.

Han never used the holy thoughts to scan the surroundings, but shielded the senses, wandering around, like traveling through the mountains and forests.

half a day later.

Han Jue stuffed a cheat book in the cracks of a mountain, which is exactly the six reincarnation exercises.

If someone can obtain this cheat and enter Han Jue\'s vision, then he can become a candidate for the Demon God.


The soul returned to the body, and Han Jue\'s eyes turned to the fairy world.

It’s more appropriate to select from the immortal world. The growth cycle of the mortal world’s creatures is too long. For example, Yang Du is still far away from the quasi-sage.

For some reason, Han Jue suddenly thought of Han Ming.

After    separated from Han Tuo, Han Ming retreats and practiced alone, and has not been out for tens of thousands of years.

Han Jue cut off brother\'s cause and effect with But this life Han Ming is very good to Han Tuo, but it makes him feel.

This kid has already been 6 stars in favor of Han Jue, so he shouldn\'t stab Han Jue.

Today\'s Han Ming is already in the Six Profound Divine Origin Realm, and has never been able to break through the Da Luo Jinxian.

The limit of his aptitude is already so, unless he enters the power of the door.

Han Jue passed the sound to him.

Han Ming, who was practicing in the cave, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Han Ming."

Han Jue\'s voice sounded again, letting Han Ming understand that it was not a hallucination.

This voice...

Han Ming can\'t forget!

Han Mingqiang endured the huge waves in his heart and asked, "What\'s the matter?"

"Join the Hidden Gate?"

"you need me?"

"It\'s not a need, it\'s just a chance for you."

"Forget it, I don\'t want to trouble you, I already owe you a lot."

Han Ming shook his head. He once resented Han Jue for being ruthless, but if it weren\'t for Han Jue, the Emperor would not help him reincarnate, so he had nothing but awe and gratitude for Han Jue, and he didn\'t even dare to climb high.


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