Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 478: In the quasi-sage mid-term, crazy curse!

Han Jue took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions. Fortunately, he has not yet begun to break through.

We have to guard against this situation in the future.

Han Jue chose to accept the dream, and soon entered the dream state.

In the magnificent hall, Han Jue saw Qiushilai, still aloof and domineering.

When Han Jue saw him, his stomach was full of fire.

I want to see what your old boy can make!

Qixilai said solemnly: "Prepare to fight for the holy throne!"

Han Jue said, "Oh."

Qiuxian asked, "There are two hundred immortal emperors under your family? Those people seem to be the secluded clan created by the Houtu Empress?"


Han Jue responded, he was not afraid of being asked to find out.

Qixilai said: "About the Houtu Empress, you can\'t completely trust her, after all, she bears the blood feud of the Witch Clan, don\'t be dragged down by her."

"Thank you saint for reminding."

"Well, Buddhism will be born soon, let the people of Chu be the Buddha at that time."


"As for the fight for the holy throne, you can figure it out by yourself. I have prepared the magnificent and purple energy needed for the holy throne. It depends on your own efforts."

"I understand, thank the saint for his kindness."


The dream is broken.

Han Jue returned to reality and immediately began to break through.

He should fart when he comes to Qiuxi.

Let\'s break first!

Twenty years later.

Han Jue broke through successfully!

A vast breath dissipated from his Taoist temple, causing the hidden disciple to look sideways.

Is Han Jue a breakthrough, or is he comprehending supernatural powers?

The Dao Sovereign of Rao is a sense of suffocation.

The gap is too big!

While consolidating his cultivation base, Han Jue checked his attribute list:

【Name: Han Jue】

[Life: 13987/32, 9000, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999]

[Race: Hongmeng Demon God (Immortal Emperor)]

[Repair: Quasi-Hunyuan Daluojin Wonderland Mid-term]

[Gong Method: Hongmeng Reincarnation Avenue (Dao-level), Zhoutian Body Tempering Method]

[Avenue: Avenue of Life and Death, Avenue of Cause and Effect, Avenue of Jiyuan]

The life span has almost tripled!


Han Jue\'s current life span is almost immortal, and the immortal world may not have such a long age.


There must be a wave of saints behind!

Han Jue closed his eyes in silence and continued to consolidate his cultivation.

It took another thirty years, and his cultivation was completely stable.

After that, he spent several months improving his kendo supernatural powers, and then continued to practice the demon gods.

Twenty years later.

Han Jue learned nine demon gods, namely, Thunderbolt Demon God, Chill Demon God, Abyss Demon God, Blood Demon God, Extreme Ice Demon God, Light Demon God, Cloud Demon God, Secret Demon God, and Demon God of Resentment.

So far, Han Jue has mastered a total of 22 demon gods!

Twenty-two demon gods came out together, and it took ten breaths for a saint to beat him.

Under the saint, no matter who it is, Han Jue is a spike!

When the realm is improved by a small level, Han Jue\'s strength will leap by a big margin!

Han Jue did not condense the new demon spirit in the world of stars, but took out the doom book and began to curse the saint of life.

The lifespan is refreshed and doubled, so he must be cursed to help!

Five days later.

Han Jue\'s life span began to decline rapidly.

He fixed his gaze on his attribute panel, and at the same time called up the email to check.

[Your friend, the Emperor of Heaven, gets mysterious and powerful guidance, and his Taoism rises sharply.]

[Your apprentice Long Hao reunites his body]

[Your disciple Fangliang enters the dark forbidden zone]

[Your good friend Li Daokong breaks through the chains of heaven and enters the realm of quasi-sages]

[Your Taoist companion, Xuan Qingjun, has realized the Taoism of the Heavenly Clan, and his Taoism has risen sharply.]

[Your friend\'s heart broke through the seal and was attacked by the ancient lord of the calamity, and was seriously injured]

[Your friend Jiang Dugu was attacked by your friend Li Daokong and was seriously injured]

Li Daokong turned out to be a quasi-sage, unexpectedly and logically.

After all, Li Daokong is a great disciple of human education, and he has already experienced a lot of calamity. How can he not make a leap in his cultivation?

It is estimated that Li Muyi opened a lot of small stoves.

Poor Jiang Dugu couldn\'t beat Li Daokong now.

Han Absolutely, the ancient master of the calamity is very curious, who is this servant?

Ask again later.

He can\'t just evolve just because of his curiosity, he must involve himself.

Otherwise, there are too many unknown things in the entire fairy world. If Han Jue really asked them one by one, no amount of lifespan would be enough to squander.

Han Jue\'s lifespan continued to decline.

Billion years!

Ten billion years!

Hundreds of billions of years!

Trillion years!

Two trillion years!

Thirty-three layers outside the sky.

In the main hall, the saint of ordering machine raised his hand to move his power, resisting the power of the weird curse.

"Damn the Dark Forbidden Lord, the power of the curse is strengthened, and he dares to pretend to be a saint!"

The sage of Mingji secretly cursed, the power of this curse has surpassed the power of the quasi-sage.

But he didn\'t panic and was able to resist.

As time went on, the brows of the saint of life became more frowning and tightened.

The demons he had suppressed before jumped out again.

"You are the most powerful saint, why look at the faces of other saints?"

"You have not relied on the Taoism of the ancestors, and there is no Qiyun sect. By virtue of your own practice and sanctification, you are the destiny of heaven!"

"Use the supernatural powers to destroy the Taoism, and ruin the orthodoxy of all the saints!"

The Sage of Mingji ignores the evil spirits of the heart, and protects his Dao Heart with supreme mana.

Some time passed. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

His mana began to be unstable, and the curse power of the Dark Forbidden Lord had reached a terrifying level.

"Who is it..."

The sage of the fortune teller gritted his teeth, with such curse power, he thought of a saint.

A saint who is not a saint of heaven!

People teach Li Muyi!


Li Muyi is not weaker than him, and he is not a saint of heaven. If Li Muyi cursed him, it would be difficult for him to count.

Moreover, as the leader of the human education, Li Muyi also controls the other two veins of the Taoist sect. Eliminating the other saints is really good for the Taoist sect.

The Sage of Mingji suddenly opened up, and his eyes became gloomy.

When Han Jue\'s lifespan dropped by 18 trillion years, he finally saw the e-mail about the saint of life, and he immediately stopped cursing.

[Your enemy\'s commander, the saint, has a crack in the heart of Dao because of your curse, and the demons of the heart are rising]


Worth it!

To treat a saint, it is almost impossible to curse to death at one time.

Han Jue just wanted to grind him to death.

After a few days of rest, Han Jue continued to curse, this time he cursed Qiushilai.

Although Qiu Xilai helped him in the last calamity, but he wanted to cheat him, and also used the holy throne to seduce him.

Han Jue cursed Qixi, but just wanted to warn him.

Lest he keeps coming to the screen to disturb him when he is okay.

Five days after cursing, Han Jue put down the doom book.

He stood up, twisted his waist, and began to stretch his muscles and bones.

This was a set of secret methods he had learned in his previous life, and the young eagle took off.

Just remembering, Han Jue is a quasi-sage, and he doesn\'t need to move his muscles and bones at all.

While he was moving, he observed the situation in the dojo with his spiritual thoughts.

Recently, several innate creatures have transformed. Like the previous inborn creatures, following Han Sengtianhun, he patrolled Baiyue Xianchuan from time to time to look out for the wind.