Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 477: The mind of Hou Tu, Han Jue breaks through

For the needs of Taoist Supreme, Han absolutely can only use preaching to meet.

He focused on how to break through Da Luo, after all, he is a past person and has a lot of experience.

The preaching lasted for ten years, and the Taoist Supreme left with his own feelings.

Han Jue is looking forward to his breakthrough.

However, Dao Zhizun is too languid, and he just fell into trouble not long ago, and he still needs to temper his temper.

The same was true for Jiang Yi. Although Zhao Xuanyuan was cautious, he always felt that he couldn\'t bear the burden, and Li Yao would never leave the dojo with pure Gou Xiu.

It\'s better to start with Murong.

It is a pity that Murong Qi is not talented.

Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to practice.

Two hundred years later.

Dao Sovereign successfully achieved Da Luo, although there is no tribulation, but everyone can feel his tyrannical aura.

The realm of Da Luo!

A Da Luo finally appeared among the hidden disciples!

Five years later.

Dao Zhizun thoroughly stabilized his cultivation, and it was rare for Han Jue to walk out of the cave, summon all his disciples, and let Murong Qi hold a banquet.

Hidden Gate was established for tens of thousands of years, and it was the first time hosting a banquet.

What you eat is not meat, but all kinds of spirit fruits, and the wine is brewed.

At the banquet, Han Jue mentioned the development of the Great Luo Realm and the Hidden Gate.

"Hidden Gate, the gate of the hidden world, I hope that we maintain our original intentions and focus on all cultivation behaviors. Perhaps today, in the immortal world, on the power of the immortal emperor, we must be the first, but the gods, the Da Luo and even the higher quasi-sages, hidden There are too few doors and it is difficult to compete with other big forces. I hope you will not go out easily until you reach the realm of God. If you don\'t reach Da Luo, you will not easily provoke strong enemies."

"When the Dao Ancestor turned out to be born, it was already an invincible cultivation base. What we took was the path of the Dao Ancestor. We have been practicing hard, and we were already invincible when we were born."

Han Jue shook his glass in a casual tone.

Everyone couldn\'t help but look at Tao Supreme, and Tao Supreme couldn\'t help feeling ashamed.

His previous challenge to Jiang Dugu has spread to the hidden gate through Jiang Yi\'s mouth.

Ashamed to be ashamed, Da Luo is indeed worthy of admiration. After Han Jue has finished speaking, he will become the protagonist of the banquet.

Everyone is asking him how it feels to be Ronaldo.

The banquet lasted several days.

Han Jue returned to the Taoist Temple and continued to practice.

He was bored and asked in his heart: "How long is it from the next calamity?"

[10 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


For tens of billions of years, Han Jue has already ignored it.

[If there is no change in the way of heaven, it will take 4.9 billion years to usher in the next calamity]

4.9 billion years?

so long!

At that time I will be invincible under heaven!

Han could not help but surprise.

But he didn\'t believe it blindly, after all, there was a premise.

If the saint is anxious, it will definitely change the course of heaven.

Anyway, 100 million years should be fine.

In 100 million years, Han Jue is still full of self-confidence.

The immortal world has no years, especially in the practice.

Year after year passed.

Another thousand years have passed.

Han Jue was finally near the mid-stage of the Quasi-Holy Realm.

I think that four thousand years have passed since the last breakthrough.

The realm of quasi-sage is really not easy to cultivate.

Han Jue predicted that he would be able to make breakthroughs in at most one hundred years of practice.

There are more and more innate creatures in Baiyue Xianchuan, and there are already more than a thousand. Han Sangtian has established a good relationship with every innate creature, and it will not be difficult to conquer them in the future.

The You Clan people are also very quiet, and they have developed a penance and gentle temperament.

Han Absolute You clan began to pay attention.

Ten thousand immortal emperors, this will be the backbone of the hidden gate.

However, he was always wary of You Clan, worried that Empress Houtu would suddenly take them back.

Han Jue suddenly had a bold idea.

How about using Absolute Purification for every You Clan person?

Han Jue first called the patriarch Han You to absolutely purify him and consume 100 million years of life.

not much.

The immortal emperor is only worth one hundred million years.

After the purification was successful, Han You gathered the You Clan people in a valley, and Han Jue appeared and preached for them, while preaching and purifying.

This process lasted for nearly a hundred years, and Han Jue finally purified the entire You Clan.

The You Clan people did not know the absolute purification, and they were very moved. Han Jue even preached for them alone for a hundred years. How could they not remember this kindness?

Han Jue is equivalent to killing two birds with one stone, winning people\'s hearts and reassuring himself.

It only took a trillion years of life, not enough to curse the saint out of the heart demon.

Back in the Taoist Temple, Han Jue just started practicing.

[Houtu Empress asks you to dream, do you accept it?]


So timely?

It seems that Houtu Empress can really sense You Clan people.

Han Jue hesitated for a moment and chose to accept it.

Entering the dreamland, he came to Huangquan, Houtu Empress standing not far away, staring at him quietly.

Han Jue saluted and asked, "Houtu Niangniang, are you looking for me?"

The Houtu Empress asked: "How is the situation of You Clan?"

Han Jue replied: "It\'s not bad, follow me in retreat and practice, don\'t worry, I treat them as my own, and I will never treat them badly."

He pretended to be a fool, and what Houtu Niangniang asked must be absolute purification.

Houtu Niangniang said with a smile: "Then I can rest assured, I can feel that they have broken through to the emperor realm? How did you cultivate it, it\'s not easy to be able to endure it."

Han Jue sighed, "I will give them all my treasures."

Houtu Empress was silent.

Han Jue asked tentatively, "I want to take them back?"

The Houtu Empress shook her head and said: "Why?

As long as you know!

Houtu Niangniang said: "Your apprentice Yang Tiandong died in the miraculous power, but his soul has been sheltered by the saint, and his soul has come to my hands. When the order of reincarnation is restored, I will let him reincarnate."

Han Jue thanked him and said, "Thank you, Niang Niang."

The Empress Houtu asked, "What is your cultivation now?"

Han Jue hesitated for a moment, and said, "Daluo\'s early days."

The Empress Houtu exclaimed, "Your qualifications are really amazing."

The two chatted for a while.

Han Jue\'s consciousness returned to reality, and he asked in his heart: "Does Houtu Empress want to take back the You Clan?"

[Need to deduct 3 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[I do have this intention]

Han Jue sighed.

It\'s all benefits.

However, Han Jue would not let You Clan people out. He had a relationship with Houtu Niangniang in cooperation. How could he easily hand over You Clan with so much effort?

The Empress Houtu couldn\'t keep the Wu Clan at first, so she handed Tu Ling\'er, King Kong Fury, and You Clan to Han Jue. Her request was only that Han Jue could protect them, and Han Jue had already accomplished it well.

When he cultivated the You Clan to the realm of Da Luo, at that time Houtu Niangniang wanted to take it, but there was no way.

You people are not stupid, the nurturing and teaching are greater than the creation!

Han Jue abandoning distracting thoughts, began to practice, and hit the middle stage of the Quasi-Sage Realm.

Fifty years later.

Han Jue ushered in a breakthrough opportunity.

He is about to break through.

[I ask Xilai to ask you a dream, do you accept it?]

[I ask Xilai to ask you a dream, do you accept it?]

[I ask Xilai to ask you a dream, do you accept it?]

This force starts to swipe the screen again!

Han Jue almost exploded, why should he be at this time?