Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 475: The strength of the hidden gate, the rise of the desire for education

Fifty years later.

Immortal world, thirteen layers of heaven.

Palaces stand on a sea of ​​clouds, and rows of immortals and birds fly around and are as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Murong Qi, Dao Zhizun, and Jiang Yi flew with two hundred You Clan people. They moved forward while looking around.

"Here is the Celestial Clan?"

"It feels more magnificent than the sky before."

"It is said that the patriarch of the Celestial Clan has no shallow relationship with our sect master?"

"Ji Xian Shen once joined forces with Shizu to fight against Xian Shen."

"Is it really teaming up?"

The three of Murongqi chatted softly, and their gazes did not stop sweeping to all directions.

The aura of the two hundred immortal emperors gathered together extremely strong, attracting the attention of the creatures in front of the palaces along the way.

Jun Fang Huang flew over, came to Murong Qi, and asked, "You are..."

Murong Qi said: "Hidden disciple, Murong Qi."

Jun Fang Huang raised his eyebrows, and he looked at Dao Zhizun and Jiang Yi.

He moved slightly.

Dao Zhizun asked, "Where\'s Fang Liang, don\'t meet us yet."

Fang Huang Jundao: "You come with me, Fang Tiandi is talking with the ancestor of heaven."

Murong started.

The people in the hidden gate continued to move forward, and their appearance caused an undercurrent in the thirteenth layer.

Since Su Qi used his supernatural powers to destroy the Tao, not to mention the immortal emperor, even the existence of the gods has not left much, even if the immortal emperor of the Taoist three religions is rare.

The Celestial Clan has the most immortal emperors, and has not been affected by the supernatural powers of the Extinction Dao.

One of the palaces was a temporary residence for the Kiejiao.

In the hall, King Tiangong and Huang Zuntian are discussing the land they want to win.

Although the immortal world is large, as a Taoist school, Jiejiao cannot obtain a smaller area than other forces. This is a matter of face. If things go on like this, it will affect the position of Jiujiao in the hearts of all living beings.

A disciple suddenly rushed in.

"The leader, the deputy leader, there is a mysterious force on the 13th floor, and there are actually two hundred immortal emperors!"

The disciple of Jiejiao bowed down on the ground, and said solemnly.

Two hundred immortal emperors!

Sedum and Huang Zuntian were surprised.

Sedum King asked: "Which power?"

The disciple Jie taught: "It seems to be called a hidden door."

Hidden door!

Huang Zuntian\'s eyelids twitched.

Jing Tiangong squinted his eyes and said: "Hidden door...why haven\'t you heard of it, wait, it seems that Emperor Fang Tian came from the hidden door, and the hidden door is a mortal force?"

The disciple said: "The leader of the hidden door team is the **** emperor Miaozhen, the former Tianjiao of the Shrine, and Jiang Yi, the first Tianjiao of the Shrine, and the first Tianjiao of the Golden Crow Protoss is accompanied by him."

Sedum was not calm now.

Such powerful forces must pay attention!

Every time the calamity is over, great forces will emerge.

Just like the previous divine palace, the ancestors absorbed the losers of all forces, gathered the momentum of the divine palace, and once quartered the heavens.

"It seems that I have to go to the meeting in person." Jing Tiangong muttered to himself.

Such scenes were staged one after another in the palaces where the various forces lived.

After the amount of robbery is over, two hundred immortal emperors can still be taken out. Such a force is absolutely terrifying, and it must be as close as possible to at least forge a good relationship to avoid becoming an enemy in the future.

Baiyue Xianchuan.

Han Jue calculated the time, the Celestial Clan Banquet should have already begun.

He took out the order of heaven and communicated with Fang Liang, hoping that Fang Liang could take care of the hidden door.

Fang Liang promised that there would never be an accident to the hidden door, claiming that he had already discussed with the immortal **** Ji and would never treat the hidden door wrongly.

Han Absolutely trusted the two of them.

In the previous measurement, the two had not pitted a hidden disciple.

This day.

When Han Jue walked out of Taoist Temple, he found Zhou Mingyue.

Chu Shiren, Zhou Mingyue, Lu Huaxu, and Han Dengtian were meditating by a small river.

The people of Chu were propagating Buddhism, Zhou Mingyue was very impatient to hear it, but she could only bear it.

Seeing Han Jue appearing, Zhou Mingyue took the lead to get up and said in surprise: "Master!"

Hearing this, the other three people got up and saluted.

Han Jue still carried the birthday month of Yin and Yang, and the divine light shined so that people could not see his true face.

Han Suantian was very nervous. Every time he faced Han Jue, he was inexplicably afraid, but he usually admired Han Jue the most. This mood was extremely contradictory.

Lu Huaxu, who was reincarnated by Emperor Ziwei, secretly looked forward to it. Could it be that Han Jue would come to give them a treat?

The people of Chu were the first to ask, "Master, what\'s the matter?"

His eyes are burning.

After Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, Zhou Fan, Jiang Yi, and Li Yao, his talent is not weaker than anyone else, and he even wants to catch up.

Han Jue said, "I\'ve been sitting for a long time, if you want to come out around, you can walk with me."

Upon hearing this, the four masters and apprentices quickly nodded in agreement.

The group of five people began to wander in the mountains and forests, and Han Jue began to talk about the past. He told about his growth experience at the outer gate of Shengzong Yuqing when he was young, without involving the system.

They talked about the trivial matters of planting flowers and grass, and the five people in the Chu world listened very seriously.

Han Jue is not a person who talks a lot. He must have deep meaning in his words.

As he talked, Han Jue also fell into his memories.

Mortals turn into immortals, and the sun and the moon fight.

The vicissitudes of life are nothing more than this.

After Han Jue finished speaking, he stopped talking and walked, immersing himself in the past.

The five members of the Chu world thought separately.

What does this story show?

If they can\'t even understand this story, how can they have the face to let Han Jue give them a small stove?

In the end, when Han Jue separated from them, UU reading didn\'t point out the meaning, and the five began to discuss it in private.

Ten years later.

Han Jue thought that the Celestial Clan banquet was over, so he couldn\'t help checking his email.

[Your friend Ji Xian Shen was attacked by the quasi-sage, and his body was destroyed. Fortunately, he got the most precious body protection.]

[Your apprentice Dao Zhizun was attacked by your friend Jiang Dugu and was seriously injured]

[Your disciple Fangliang was attacked by your friend Jiang Dugu and was seriously injured]

[Your friend Jing Tian Gong was attacked by your friend Jiang Dugu and was seriously injured]

[Your friend Huang Zuntian was attacked by your friend Jiang Dugu and was seriously injured]

[Your friend Jiang Dugu was attacked by a mysterious quasi-sage]

Han Jue frowned, what happened, Jiang Dugu attacked the Celestial Party?

Hasn\'t Jiang Dugu joined the Celestial Clan?

Han Jue immediately asked: "Why did Jiang Dugu attack the Celestial Party?"

[Need to deduct two billion years of life, whether to continue]


Han Jue\'s consciousness fell into the illusion of evolution.

He came to a palace and looked at the vastness of its space, it is estimated that it is a saint dojo again.

Jiang Dugu knelt in front of a light and shadow.

Guangying opened the mouth and said: "The ancestors of the heavenly race are too inflated. They think that they can do whatever they want with the protection of the heavenly way. Before the calamity, the human education needs to become one of the best forces in the world."

"This time the Celestial Clan banquet, you go to teach the **** Ji Xian."

Jiang Dugu frowned and asked, "The next time I measure the calamity, the teaching will be robbed?"

The last calamity had just ended, so far he was afraid of it in retrospect, and he didn\'t want to enter the robbery again.

Guangying replied: "If you do a good job, you can prove to be holy before the calamity, and Nuwa has fallen, and her holy position has been controlled by the teaching, it depends on your performance."