Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 474: Celestial banquet, the bearer of the hidden gate

After hearing Ma Chao\'s words, Han Jue frowned slightly.

This is not a good thing!

"Can the saints of the Great Thousand World enter the dojo through the time and space vortex?" Han Jue asked secretly.

[Need to deduct 4 billion years of life, whether to continue]


What a dawdle!

[Not for the time being, the dojo is located in the Dao of Heaven, and the saints need to cross the control of the Dao to enter the Dojo]

Han Jue was relieved.

This is not a good thing after all.

Hidden dangers must be eliminated.

Han Jue suddenly thought of Su Qi. Absolute purification allows Su Qi to perfectly control bad luck. Can the hibiscus tree master the time and space vortex?

He directly purified the hibiscus tree absolutely.

[Need to deduct one billion years of life, whether to continue]


Han Jue was too lazy to ask, anyway, it would cost hundreds of millions of lifetimes to ask, so it\'s better to operate directly.

The hibiscus tree began to shake, as if a person was itching all over, twisting constantly.

Han Jue said, "Don\'t worry, I am helping you."

When the hibiscus tree heard it, he curiously asked, "What can I do for me?"

"Help you control the space-time vortex. It\'s too dangerous here. If it\'s really hard to control, you can only..."

Han Jue didn\'t say much afterwards, and the hibiscus tree was almost frightened to death.

Ma Chao, Dian Wei, and Zhao Yun did not speak.

The guards can communicate, but their thinking is single, and they only follow Han Jue\'s orders, and will not consider other things.

Han Jue stayed on the hibiscus tree, waiting for the absolute purification to end.

Come over for a while.

The absolute purification is over.

The space-time vortex shrinks accordingly.

The hibiscus tree said in surprise: "I can control this spatio-temporal vortex, just like my branch, I can control its budding and flowering."

Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and had a deeper understanding of absolute purification.

Not only eliminates the bad, but also gains!

Han Jue said, "You are not allowed to open the space-time vortex without my instructions in the future."

The hibiscus tree responded: "Okay!"

For precaution, Han Jue still stayed here with Dianwei, and other guards guarded all sides of Baiyue Xianchuan.

Han Jue returned to the Taoist Temple and continued to practice.

After so many years, he is still far from the mid-stage of the Quasi-Sacred Realm, but fortunately, his progress is obvious.

Since obtaining Jiyuan Avenue, Zhou Fan, Li Yao, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi have started to retreat on their own. Everyone can feel that their aura is getting stronger, and other disciples are curious, Han Juege What little stove did they open.

Han Jue had a goal, let the entire hidden gate practice Jiyuan Dao.

As the deeper the practice of the Dao, the more the hidden disciple cannot betray him.

If he falls, it will harm all the practitioners of Jiyuan Avenue.

Of course, the stronger he is, the practitioners of Jiyuan Dao can benefit.

Han Jue wants to be his own.

Five hundred years passed in a flash.

There are more and more fierce beasts around the Baiyue Xianchuan, not because of being attracted, but more and more fierce beasts between heaven and earth.

Many fierce beasts have also been bred in Baiyue Xianchuan, because they are isolated from the heavens and are not affected by the fate of the heavens. They have not turned into fierce beasts, but are innate creatures like Han Tiantian.

The aptitudes of these innate creatures were far inferior to those of Han Tiantian, and Han Jue ignored them without triggering the prompts of the predecessors.

On the contrary, Han Sangtian was very interested in them, and he called them brothers and sisters before they were transformed, and he accepted them all as his own little brothers.

Han Jue didn\'t care about this.

As the person with the lowest level of the Hidden Clan, Han Dangtian would not be bad if he could include those innate creatures.

This day.

Baiyue Xianchuan welcomes guests.

"In the Xiatian Clan, Lord Fang Huang, specially came to visit the master of the hidden gate."

A voice came into the dojo.

Han Jue opened his eyes.

Jun Fang Huang is not the current patriarch of the Fang clan created by Fang Liang?

Han is not surprised by the exposure of the dojo.

The Celestial Clan is the biggest force today, and it is not difficult to travel through the fairy world without many lives.

Han Jue said, "What\'s the matter?"

Jun Fang Huang’s voice came again: “The Celestial Clan is preparing to host a banquet on the thirteenth floor, inviting all forces from the heavens and the earth, and the patriarch specifically explained that the hidden gate is also a big power, let me personally invite it.”

Have a banquet?

Han Jue thought for a while and said, "I still won\'t go, thank you for your kindness from the patriarch."

Fang Huangjun continued: "The patriarch said, don’t worry, the Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Clan will take care of the hidden gate by then. If you don’t want to come, you can send your disciples. Within the sphere of influence, trouble will continue then, how do you cultivate?"

Han Jue was silent.

This is true.

He doesn\'t want to keep friction with other big forces.

"Is what Mr. Fang Huang said is the true feelings of God Ji?" Han Jue asked in his heart.

[Need to deduct one billion years of life, whether to continue]


[Fang Huangjun did not lie]

Han Jue said, "When?"

"Fifty years later, ten years will be held."

"it is good."

"That\'s goodbye."

"Walk slowly, don\'t give it away."

After Fang Huangjun left, Han Jue called Murongqi, Dao Zhizun, and Jiang Yi.

"For the banquet of the Celestial Clan in fifty years, the three of you can go there, and you can lead a hundred You Clan members. Murong takes the lead, and the others listen to his arrangements." Han Jue ordered.

Although Murong Qi\'s seniority is low, UU reading www.ukanshu. Com, but the most calm, has also controlled his own forces.

Tao Zhizun smiled and said, "No problem."

Jiang Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Will there be too few one hundred immortal emperors? If we want to stay away from trouble, we must show our power and bring another nine hundred."

Ten thousand immortal emperor, this is extremely terrifying power.

In the peak period, the divine palaces and heavenly courts did not reach this level, so Jiang Yi really didn\'t pay attention to other forces.

Han Jue said, "It\'s not good to be too strong. Let\'s add a hundred more, no more. You can discuss with Han You."

Jiang Yi curled his lips and said, "Okay."

Han Jue thought for a while, and said, "Don\'t take the initiative to provoke the enemy. If someone makes trouble for you, don\'t hold back."

Too timid, sometimes it\'s not good.

The three nodded in response, and then Han Jue told them to retreat.

Han Jue silently sighed: "The innate creatures have not yet risen, and the various forces can\'t wait to divide the territory. The innate creatures of this generation are really pitiful."

His target is no longer the immortal world, and his opponent is not the quasi-sage, but the saints of all parties.

It is true to prove that the Tao is sanctified as soon as possible.

Nowadays, even if the hidden door is in trouble, it can solve it by itself.

Speaking of it, the hidden door still lacks a face figure.

Although Murong Qi was calm, his qualifications were a bit poor.

Among the three of Zhao Xuanyuan, Dao Zhizun, and Jiang Yi, a powerful existence must be quickly supported, at least Da Luo Jinxian.

From the current point of view, the Taoist Supreme will be the first to achieve Daluo, but this is too long and embarrassing.

In the future, the hidden door can\'t go wrong, it always depends on Han Jue.

Look at the three Taoist religions, the leaders are all disciples, and the saints are aloof.

Han Jue closed his eyes while thinking.

At the same time, the hidden disciples gathered in the Hall of Ten Thousand Worlds to discuss the Celestial Banquet.

They are very excited, which indicates that the hidden gate has truly become a great power in the fairy world.