Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 464: Hidden Door Traveling in the World

Chapter 465


Faced with Han Jue’s answer, Qixilai responded, not sure if he believed it.

Han Jue asked: "My apprentice Su Qi..."

He didn\'t finish the following words, I believe Qiu Xilai can understand.

Qixilai replied: "He was imprisoned in the prison of the Celestial Clan. He will be put to death after a hundred years. I will protect his soul and leave it to you. Remember, you can\'t keep him within the scope of the Celestial Dao."

Han Jue hastened to thank you.

As long as it can leave Su Qi with a glimmer of life.

Su Qi really deserved to die, the supernatural powers of extinguishing the Tao slaughter sentient beings, if it is not punished, the ghost knows whether the mentality of this servant will be distorted in the future, thus expanding.

Don’t talk nonsense when you come to the west, and relieve the dream.

Han Jue’s consciousness returned to reality, and he suddenly found that Qiu Xilai\'s attitude towards him seemed not as enthusiastic as before, and his words were reduced a lot.

Perhaps it was related to the end of the calamity. Qiuxi felt that he had won, and no longer valued the so-called variables of Daozu.

Han Jue smiled, which is also a good thing.

The more Xilai does not value him, the better he will develop quietly.

Waiting for the West to look back suddenly, and discovering that Han Jue is already a saint, how shocked?

Han Jue no longer thought about it, and continued to practice.

According to the inheritance of the Hongmeng Reincarnation Dao technique, if you want to achieve the quasi-sacred realm, you need to understand the Dao. While Han Jue absorbed the 36-Rank reincarnation black lotus karma, he at the same time visited the Extreme Source Dao.

As for the previous avenue of life and death, Han Jue planned to give up.

Thousands of life and death have already been cultivated by predecessors, so Han Jue will not be able to surpass the opponent if he cultivates again.

Different from Jiyuan Avenue, Han Jue’s exclusive avenue, he can practice with confidence.

Soon, Han Jue entered the state of enlightenment.

Jiyuan Avenue is unpredictable, even if it was created by Han Jue, it takes a long time to fully penetrate it.


Long years, fleeting.

On this day, Han Jue finally saw Su Qi’s email.

【Your apprentice Su Qi suffered a punishment from the heavens and died, but his soul was saved by the saint】

Han Jue heaved a sigh of relief. Although Qixilai had a hidden conspiracy, he was really talking about it.

Recently, his emails have become active again, almost all of them are emails from Celestial friends who get chance.

The heavenly beings have fallen, and there are too many magic weapons left in the world.

Han Jue thought for a while and called the disciples together.

"Do you want to go out?" Han Jue asked.

Hearing this, the disciples were stunned, no one said anything, thinking that Han Jue was speaking an irony.

Han Jue smiled and said, "The way of heaven is restarted. There are too many treasures left in the heaven and earth. If you have ideas, you can go out and collect them. All the magic treasures belong to you. "

"Remember, when you encounter those huge remnants and detours, those remnants have become evil things and contain the power of cursing, and they may even take you away."

Everyone\'s eyes lit up. They actually had this idea for a long time, but they didn\'t dare to mess around without Han Jue\'s consent.

Zhao Xuanyuan, Dao Zhizun, Jiang Yi, Murong Qi, Xun Changan, etc. all spoke.

Han Jue all agree.

In the end, only the Black Jail Chicken, Chaos Tengu, and Li Yao stayed behind, and even Xing Hongxuan, Fairy Xixuan, and Chang Yue\'er left.

Wu Dao Sword went out for the first time, very nervous, but there should be no accidents with other people.

Han Jue did not allow them to act alone, and must form a team of three or more.

Han Jue looked at the Chaos Tengu and asked jokingly: "Why don\'t you go?"

Chaos Tengu shook his head in horror, and said: "I won\'t go out, I won\'t go out to die in the future!"

Han Jue smiled.

It seems that Li Xuanao\'s psychological shadow on Chaos Tengu is too great.

Thinking of Li Xuan\'ao, I haven\'t seen Li Daokong\'s movement recently. This man has just reached the Daluojin Wonderland Consummation not long ago, and it is estimated that where will he retreat.

The black jail chicken smiled and said, "My son, my enlightenment is good."

The Chaos Tengu grinned quite proudly.

Han Jue looked at Li Yao, and asked, “Don’t you dare to go out? Although your qualifications are good, you have too few treasures.”

Li Yao shook his head and said: "The magic weapon is a foreign object after all, I only believe in my own magical powers."

Han Jue has nothing to say about this.

The four were disbanded and each went back to practice.

Five years later.

Qingxilai entrusted the dream to Han Jue, saying that he would give Su Qi\'s spirit to him, and let him go to the 33rd floor.

Thirty-three layers of heaven, that is beyond the reach of heaven.

Han Jue thought for a while, and let his puppet of heaven go and take over.

After   Heaven’s puppet injects his mana, it is also equivalent to the Daluo Jinxian, and it is not difficult to fly to the 33rd floor of the sky.

Half a year later, the puppet of the sky returned with Su Qi\'s spirit.

Han Jue directly included him in the world of stars, suppressed it in a star, curbed his bad luck, and waited for the right time to release Su Qi\'s reincarnation.

Only Han Jue remained in the Taoist temple. The weird deity likes to wander around the Baiyue Xianchuan recently and rarely comes back, but it can control its own power and will not harm other people, so Han Jue will let it move freely, as long as it doesn’t Just leave the dojo.

Han Jue took out the book of doom and began to curse the saint of life.

Baiyue Xianchuan has a dojo isolation, Taoism has a systemic barrier isolation, double isolation, Han never worried about being discovered.

After so many years, the task of cursing the saint of life machine has not fallen, once every ten years.


time flies.

Three hundred years passed quickly.

The unicorn egg in the Baiyue Xianchuan Grotto finally hatched. Han Jue let the reincarnation clone Liu Bei take care of him, and Liu Bei notified Han Jue immediately.

Han Jue transferred to Liu Bei to take care of the unicorn.

Liu Bei is naturally happy. Once trained, this unicorn family may still be able to listen to him in the future. By then, he will have the right to speak in the hidden gate.

Although Liu Bei is a clone of Han Jue, he also has his own independent thinking. In addition to never betraying Han Jue, his heart is human.

After so many years, the hidden disciples who went out have not yet returned. It is estimated that they are still converging their treasures, and no one was injured.

Han Jue is still far from the realm of Quasi-Sage, but he is not in a hurry. Now, the most important thing is time.

On this day, Han Jue’s Order of Heaven came to God.

Han Jue took out the Order of Heaven, UU Reading to connect with Shennian.

"Master." Fang Liang\'s respectful voice came.

Han Jue smiled and said, "You are still alive."

Of course he knew that Fang Liang was still alive, so he deliberately joked.

Fang Liang embarrassedly said: "Ahem, it\'s over. For example, today Dao is respected by the heavenly clan, and the patriarch of the heavenly clan is the immortal **** Ji. Master, you can return to the immortal realm and it is very safe."

Han Jue replied: "I have already returned."

"Oh? Where can I come to visit?"

"I can\'t say for the time being, are you okay?"

Han Jue was very cautious and did not fully trust his disciples and grandchildren.

Fang Liangdao: "The way of heaven is restarted. I would like to invite the hidden gate to enter the heaven and become a god, and then I will have the opportunity to become a heavenly race again. The heavenly race is a race of heaven and will not be affected in the next few calamities."

Han Jue raised his eyebrows.

Sounds like this, Heavenly Court has become a subsidiary force of the Heavenly Clan.

(End of this chapter)