Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 463: Dian Wei, dead body from heaven

Chapter 464 Dian Wei, Heavenly Remnant

When Han Jue chose to move out the dojo and cover the Baiyue Xianchuan, the aura of Baiyue Xianchuan began to increase, and almost everyone could feel it.

They are very familiar with this kind of aura increase, and they have felt it before in Hidden Gate Island.

They expected Han Jue to be displaying magical powers, so they were not surprised.

After confirming that the dojo was moved from the Hidden Gate Island, Han Jue suddenly thought of a bold idea.

Since the dojo can move the ground now, can he move there in the future?


One hundred billion years is too much.

Han Jue usually has to use the evolution function, and maybe he will have to curse the enemy in the future. Adding up many aspects, there are too many places to consume life, and he can’t form a habit.

"Can the dojo always move?" Han Jue asked in his heart.

[Every time you change the dojo, the cost of life will be doubled, and the cooling time is 100 years]

Will it double?

Han Jue made up his mind that he could not easily move the dojo in the future.

After that, Han Jue continued to practice.

The aura and innate aura of Baiyue Xianchuan continued to improve, and reached its peak ten years later.

Although it is not as good as Hidden Gate Island, it is also much better than before.

Han Jue also moved the hibiscus tree out, located among the mountains, towering into the clouds.

Zhao Yun and the new guard Dianwei stood in front of the time and space vortex, while Lu Bu and Ma Chao stood at the east-west border of Baiyue Xianchuan.

After the hibiscus tree appeared, the black jail chicken, Ah Da, and Xiao Er immediately moved to the tree, and they were still used to staying on the tree.

This time, it is completely stable.

Han Jue collected Hidden Gate Island into the world of stars deep in his soul, and then continued to practice.

Strive to enter the realm of quasi-sage as soon as possible!

The immortal world is extremely lonely after the renewal of the Heavenly Dao, and the blood stains after the massacre fight have not been completely dissipated. After all, the creatures participating in the massacre are not weak in cultivation. Their blood is also a sacred thing and an evil thing to the mortal. Heaven and Earth cannot erase it in a short time.


Thirty years have passed.

A loud bang, shaking the world!

Han Jue who was cultivating opened his eyes, his gaze passed through the Taoist Temple and the mountains, and he saw a huge finger drop from the sky and hit the end of the horizon.

It is a human finger, which is tens of thousands of feet long, and you can see the white bones at the end.

Han Jue frowned.

The finger of the quasi-sage!

This breath is much stronger than Da Luo Jinxian.

Soon, that finger disappeared at the end of the horizon. Then, a terrifying wind swept across, and the mountains along the way were shattered, swept through hundreds of millions of miles, and spread to Baiyue Xianchuan.

The dojo array is automatically defended, and the strong wind is blocked, forming a huge wind wall visible to the naked eye. It is extremely magnificent. Hidden disciples and You Clan people can see clearly.

"what is that?"

"Whose finger fell?"

"It seems that there is a big battle in the sky."

"If we get hit..."

"When did the sect master set up the formation in Baiyue Xianchuan? I didn\'t even notice it..."


When the disciples of the Hidden Gate were discussing, many huge stumps appeared in the sky, like rain, scattered in the world, and accompanied by blood, dyed the sky and the sea of ​​clouds.

Han Juemin saw that he could feel that the aura of these stumps were all different, the strongest reached the quasi-sage, and the weakest had the cultivation level of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

How can there be so many?

Han Jue\'s gaze looked towards the sky, and through the thirty-floor sky, he saw a mysterious black-robed man who couldn\'t see his face waving his sleeves, and countless stumps fell out of his sleeves and spilled into the world.

The direction of his swaying is still different, obviously he wants to lay out the whole heaven.

Han Jue asked secretly: "Who is this person?"

[3 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


Looks like a saint!

[Emperor Xiao: Unknown cultivation base, saint of heaven, disciple of Taoist ancestor, one of the ancestors of demons]

Sage of Heaven!

Han Jue frowned, this man turned out to be one of the ancestors of the demons, and he still worshipped Dao ancestors?

The known heavenly saints are Nuwa, Fuxitian, Antarctic Tianzun, Qiuxilai, Tianjuejiao, Mingji saint, Jinan saint, Xiaodi, and there is one more, and the nine saints gather together.

"I want to know why Emperor Xiao did this?" Han Jue asked in his heart.

【Need to deduct four billion years of life, whether to continue】

Why is it more expensive by one billion?

Han Jue chose to continue.

Immediately afterwards, he entered the illusion of evolution.

This is a dimly lit hall. Two figures are sitting opposite each other. One figure is known to be Emperor Xiao by looking at his figure, and the other is several times larger than Emperor Xiao even if he is sitting, and he is surrounded by black flames.

"Heaven\'s Dao restarts, so are the remains you collected ready?" Hei Yan asked.

Emperor Xiaoxiao replied: "It is ready."

"Well, sprinkle it on the heavens."

"Why is this?"

"These remnants are creatures that contain monstrous karma and resentment. After the heavens are restarted, they have been abandoned by the heavens. While the heavens are evolving, they can be scattered to the heavens and turned into cursed things, cursing the heavens, for the demon race in the future. Turn out to be born to prepare."

"Will the saints stop me?"

"I will lead them away."

"it is good."

The picture is broken.

Han Jue frowned, and he was a demon again.

He raised his eyes again to see that Emperor Xiao was still spilling his remains, and it was hard to imagine how many corpses this servant had collected.

The Great Emperor Xiaoxiao suddenly looked at Han Absolutely, and the two eyes collided in the void.

Han Jue immediately staggered his eyes.

On the thirty level, Emperor Xiao frowned.

"Strange, I couldn\'t see through the man\'s dojo just now." Emperor Xiao muttered to himself.

He figured it out, and his expression became more and more weird.

There is so little cause and effect for this person...

Not as good as Fanling!

How did he cultivate to such a realm?

Emperor Xiao Xiao became interested in Han Jue, and at the same time, he had a hunch that this person would be an obstacle to the rise of the demons.

【The Emperor Xiao has a good impression of you, the current good impression is 0.5 star】

0.5 stars?

Han Jue looked at the prompt in front of him with an extremely strange expression.

This is the first time he has encountered 0.5 stars.

Such a low degree of favorability is likely to become an enemy.

However, Han Jue didn\'t worry, Emperor Xiao couldn\'t enter the immortal realm with his deity, so he wouldn\'t be threatened.

The great emperor Xiao Xiao swayed too many dead bodies, and Han Jue was too lazy to stop it, thankless.

Leave it to posterity to solve it.

When the saints return, they should be able to figure out a way to deal with it.

Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to practice.

After a time of burning incense, the sky no longer spills the huge remains. UU reading www.uukanshu. The com fairy world returned to calm again.

A blink of an eye.

Thirty-two years have passed.

[Please ask the West to ask you a dream, do you want to continue?]

This prompt started to swipe the screen frantically.

Han Jue secretly scolds beasts, not being a human being!

He chose to accept the dream of seeking the west.

is still the familiar hall, Qiu Xilai took the lead and said: "Have you ever seen the remnant of the sky?"

Han Jue nodded.


Is this guy asking me to clean up?

"Just don\'t see it, you practice as usual, don\'t tell other saints about this." Qiuxilai continued.

Han Jue was stunned.

Do not say?

Dog things actually colluded with the demons!

Han Juedao: "Except for you, no saint has contacted me for the time being."

(End of this chapter)