Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1101: Transcendent breakthrough! Supreme!

The latest website: After achieving the creation master, what do you want to do?

In the face of his own Dao Xin inquiry, Han Jue was not confused.

From start to finish, he was firm.

"I won\'t do anything specifically, but I can do whatever I want. Since I\'m invincible, why should I set rules for myself?"

Han Jue replied that the other one nodded with satisfaction.

The real invincible should be unrestrained, without the constraints of rules, strength, morality, etc.

Another he asked: "Will you continue to practice?"

"Yes, I will continue to climb to a higher level, rather than consolidate my position by suppressing the younger generation."

Han Jue confidently smiled and said, as long as he loses his heart, he will be paralyzed sooner or later.

During the Hongmeng era, did you ever think that there would be digital Taoist creators?

The other one, that is, the transformation of the mind of the Tao, dissipated like a smoke, leaving only a sentence:

"The creator of Dao is in front, I wish you all the best."

In the blank area, various gaseous substances of different colors move faster.

Han Jue was suddenly able to spy on Chaos.

Chaos time flies so fast!

One second here, millions of years outside!

Han Jue saw that Han Huang made a move, which shocked Chaos and brought despair to Chaos. Then he sent Hongmeng to despair and slaughter. The six Chaos, plus their own clones, the nine Chaos shot together to suppress Hongmeng.

At a critical time, Shiyuan Hongmeng rushed out to support Han Huang, and the two Hongmeng demon gods joined forces to fight against the nine great chaos.

The Ninth Chaos couldn\'t bear the pressure, and began to personally intervene in the great calamity.

Han Jue frowned.

He finally got such an insight. If he was distracted and interfered, this special state of enlightenment would be destroyed, that is to say, he would miss this breakthrough opportunity.

Could this be one of the tests?

Han Jue\'s eyes became firm.

He must become the master of creation!

No one can interfere with him and drag him down!

The ninth Chaos can resurrect all beings in Chaos. He has become the master of creation. Why can\'t he resurrect his children and disciples?

Han Jue cut off the perception of chaos, stepped forward, and realized the true meaning of the blank field.

Without his help, Han Huang would surely die in this great calamity, not only Han Huang, but also the direct disciples who supported him.

But Han must not give up the mastery of creation for the sake of his children and disciples.

Since he was weak, his mind has been firm and selfish.

If he can help those close to him, he will help, but if he can\'t help, he will take care of himself and ask with all his heart.

Looking at everyone around him, Han Jue has a clear conscience, he doesn\'t owe anyone anything!

Including his wife and children, without him, how could there be today!

"Wait until I get to the point of creation, and then let you revive!"

Han Jue\'s eyes became arrogant and confident.

He must be able to prove the master of creation!

With the rise of this arrogance, the gaseous substances along the way rushed to him one after another, casting his fleshly body, his fleshly body dissipated, leaving the spirit to move forward.

All kinds of light overflowed from his soul, and it was dazzling, and he could clearly feel that his soul was changing.

What he felt was the power that was higher than the supreme rules of the Dao world, and this feeling was extremely wonderful.

I don\'t know how long it took, Han Jue\'s soul strength reached the extreme, which was unprecedentedly powerful, which made him excited.

When his soul couldn\'t bear it, he just stopped.

The front is still densely packed with gaseous substances, still so dazzling, as if he had never lifted a step.

Han Jue raised his right palm and murmured: "Create the master, dominate everything, and nothing can stop it. Since this is the case, I will see if my strength is enough."


He slapped it with one palm, it was the Shenwei Datian Palm!

The extreme force of destruction directly shattered everything in front of his eyes. This blank area was like a broken mirror, and the absolute paleness came into his field of vision again.

Break the rules of the blank realm with one palm!

At this moment, Han Jue has surpassed the creator of Taoism.

His fleshly body re-condensed and began to fuse with his soul, and the power of the final element began to transform.

A beam of light spewed out of his body, with no end in sight from the top and bottom, as if the blank area was divided into two!

His momentum skyrocketed, unstoppable!

Han Jue was immersed in it.

At this moment, a figure appeared near him.

It is the Ninth Chaos.

" could you..."

The Ninth Chaos cried out in astonishment, Han Juexian panicked, and with a glance, the Ninth Chaos was destroyed.

Even the imprints of the transcendental rules that remained in every corner of the blank field all perished.

In other words, the Ninth Chaos fell directly!

Just a glance!

No resistance!

This glance used the power of the rules of the blank field, so the ninth chaotic transcendental rules hidden in every corner of the blank field had nowhere to hide and disappeared.

The gap between the creator of the Tao and the creator of the master suddenly appeared.

Han Jue did not have any turbulence in his heart, and continued to enjoy the breakthrough.

It didn\'t take long before the Great God of Transcendence without Form and Form, the God of Yin and Yang Wushou Wushen appeared.

They looked at Han Jue in shock.

For these two men, Han Jue did not make a move.

Formless and invisible, the detached great **** said helplessly: "Why didn\'t you show up earlier... The original Dao calamity..."

Han Jue already knew that he seemed to be breaking through quickly, but it was actually a long time ago.

The great calamity has been over for a long time, and all sentient beings have forgotten the chaos in the endless era.

Chaos has now become a legend.

Except for those wives and children who stayed in Han Jue Dojo, Han Huang, Ji Xianshen, Murong Qi and others have all perished in the great calamity. Han Ling, Han Ye, Han Yao, and Han Ba ​​God survived because they supported Chaos. .

All of this is very similar to the future that Han Jue evolved before.

Han Jue was indifferent and said, "It\'s still too late, you can step back."

Formless and formless, the great **** of transcendence, and the yin and yang immaculate silence gods looked at each other, all confused.

Could it be that Han Jue wants to reverse time and space?

But this is a great calamity. It is independent of time and space, and it cannot be reversed with the intervention of supreme cause and effect.

They were puzzled, but had to retreat.

Han Jue is quiet again, and can consolidate his cultivation with peace of mind.

This time, the time to consolidate the cultivation base is far longer than before.

Not long after, someone came.

It was Han Ling.

Han Ling exudes endless divine light, even more sacred than the old Virgin of Order.

She looked at Han Jue and said respectfully, "Father, you are still here."

The beam of light on Han Jue\'s body was extremely dazzling, and the terrifying power made Han Ling instinctively fear, and she couldn\'t help but be shocked.

How strong is the father?

Han Jue glanced at her, and UU read and said, "You\'ve worked hard all these years."


All kinds of emotions poured into Han Ling\'s heart, making her feel a long-lost grievance.

She wanted to say more, but seeing that Han Jue was busy breaking through, she left silently.

In the vicissitudes of life, too many things happened, which opened the distance between her and her father.

Han Jue understood her back but didn\'t say much.

When his breakthrough is successful, he can make everything in the present illusory and reshape the past.

------off topic-----

Come, come, create master, he is coming!
