Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1100: roaming the blank

The latest website: Hongmeng Hall, purple air permeates.

Hongjun looked at the majestic back standing on the high platform in front of him and was in a trance.

"what do you want?"

Han Huang asked with his back to Hong Jun, his tone indifferent.

Hongjun said: "Pindao hopes that the Daotian human race can become the first heavenly race of Hongmeng."

The Heavenly Dao race is the protagonist of the Heavenly Dao, which means that the Daotian Human Race will become the first luck race of Hongmeng to rule thousands of races.

Han Huang slowly turned around and looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun\'s generation is the same as that of Han Huang. Han Huang knew his master Liu Bei, so he also had a relationship with him, otherwise he would not have seen Hongjun in person.

Hongjun faced it calmly, without fear or emotion.

Han Huang said: "Hongmeng needs the sincerity of the Daotian Human Race. After destroying the Jiuji Dao Lineage, I agree to let the Daotian Human Race be the orthodox of Hongmeng, and carry the first destiny."

Jiu Ji Taoism...

Hongjun was moved, he had naturally heard of the Nine-Eight Dao Lineage, and its leader was still from the Heavenly Dao.

Han Huang stared at Hongjun\'s eyes, extremely majestic, the sense of oppression rushed to his face, and if he were an ordinary person, he might not be able to stand firm.

Rao Hongjun, who was the reincarnation of Daozu, couldn\'t help but be shocked.

How strong is this Hongmeng Demon God?

This kind of aura feels stronger than when he fought chaotic sentient beings before, and it can even be said that they are different from each other.

Hongjun feels the pressure, but he understands that there is no room for bargaining.

Han Huang didn\'t trust him.

He even felt a murderous aura in the hall.

This murderous aura was so terrifying that it made his soul tremble.

Obviously, Han Huang felt his ambition.

Hongjun said: "Okay!"

Han Huang smiled and said, "Very good, then I will wait for the good news from the Daotian Human Race."

Hongjun bowed his hands and turned to leave.

Looking at the back of his departure, Han Huang\'s eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Daotian Human Race? I want to see if you are worthy!"

Han Huang hummed in his heart, full of disdain.

After so many years, the Daotian and Human Race should also make a name for themselves. In fact, they did not. This race just claims that its talent is comparable to that of the Chaos Demon God. It has not recruited other races.

For such a race, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they harbor great ambitions.

Han Huang\'s eyes looked into the depths of chaos.

The four extremely powerful breaths made him uneasy.

He had never seen it before, how could there suddenly be so many existences that could threaten him?

He suddenly felt that he had not fully seen Chaos.

What kind of world is above chaos?

What is your father\'s vision?

Is the mysterious being who opened up chaos still alive?

Too many doubts filled Han Huang\'s heart.

"After all, I am too weak. If I can surpass the avenue and reach the realm of my father..."

Han Huang\'s eyes flickered, and his ambition turned into flames burning in his eyes.

Everyone thought that he wanted to be the strongest being, but in fact his biggest wish was to surpass his father.

First surpass his father, and then look forward to the strongest existence.


Time goes on.

Han Jue was completely immersed in his practice, and he even forgot about the great calamity and became obsessed with it.

The creator of Tao can create everything. It is already the supreme realm, the limit that can be imagined by living beings. It is omnipotent and omniscient, immortal and immortal. Time and space, cause and effect, and luck are all in the eyes of the creator of Tao.

Creating masters is a more powerful realm.

Han Jue doesn\'t know exactly where he is strong. This is a realm that no one has ever reached.

When the End Origin Realm madly devoured the blank realm and continued to expand, Han Jue also gained a lot of insights. He saw a lot of things, all from the blank realm.

The blank field seems to be empty, but in fact it is extremely rich. It contains basic ingredients such as rules, good fortune, and destiny. It seems that controlling these esoteric substances that even the creators of the Tao can\'t see can open up everything.

Even let the final realm replace the blank field, reaching the point of infinity.

What is endless, even the creator of Tao can never go to the end.

This is a trip that makes Han Jue intoxicated.

Han couldn\'t help but wonder, will there be an end to the blank field?

How did the blank field come into being?

Everything has a cause and effect. What is the cause of all this existence?

Han Jue\'s will roamed freely in the blank field, and in a trance, Chaos swept away in front of his eyes, but at this moment, everything that happened in Chaos since ancient times and the future evolution are all in his eyes.

The future is uncontrollable. No matter how powerful the cultivation base is, he can only control the future that is weaker than himself. If Han Jue achieves the mastery of creation, then any future that exists can be controlled by him.

Although he hasn\'t mastered this kind of power yet, just imagining it is enough to make Han Jue intoxicated.

Except for those basic ingredients, there are no other worlds and races hidden in the blank realm. The ancient Hongmeng realm and Huang Zuntian were seen by Han Jue. In the Hongmeng realm, apart from them, there are no living things, not even rules. They just rely on the remaining power of Hongmeng. Become stronger.

at the same time.

In the ancient Hongmeng realm.

Shi Yuan Hongmeng opened his eyes and frowned.

"Is it an illusion just now?"

He pinched his fingers and calculated that nothing could be counted.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for his cultivation to be delusional, but he absorbed too much Hongmeng karma, and indeed there were many delusions.


Han Jue\'s consciousness roamed the blank realm for an unknown amount of time. He himself felt that it was extremely long. He had seen too many pictures, enough to be a hundred times, a thousand times, or even more than the experience of all the creatures in Chaos since ancient times combined. More.

If you are a saint of the Great Dao, I am afraid that you will not be able to withstand such a memory shock.

Han Jue suddenly opened his eyes.

He found himself in the empty field.

There is nothing in all directions, not even the avenues.

Han Jue looked down at his hands, still in control of his body.

But he can\'t feel the final realm, and he can\'t feel the chaos.

This state of affairs is amazing.

As if he was the only one in the blank field.

Han Jue\'s eyes condensed, the blank area suddenly changed, various colors appeared in the space, and various distorted auras appeared, like the condensed form of the Three Thousand Avenues.

These gaseous substances moved rapidly, making the entire blank area dazzling and psychedelic, and even Han Jue felt dizzy.

Not dazzled by vision but with a power.

Ground rules for empty fields!

The so-called basic rules are the description of the core operating power of Han Jue-blank\'s realm. He doesn\'t know what it is, but this power is very strange, enough to make the creator of the Tao dizzy.

at this time.

A figure appeared in front of Han Jue, and it was himself.

"After achieving the Master of Creation, what do you want to do?" Another Han Jue asked, staring into his eyes.

Han Jue can feel that this is not a blindfold in the blank field, but his Dao Heart is asking him.

He is about to touch that unprecedented door!

Before that, he needs to make his Dao mind pure and transcend all sentient beings.
