Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1081: The ban on the main trend

The latest website: The vast years are like a rushing river, and they will never return.

Before he knew it, Han Jue was 240 million years old, and his cultivation had grown.

It feels so good.

Han Jue habitually began to check his emails.

[Your apprentice Su Qi was attacked by a mysterious power] x72

[Your friend Zhao Shuangquan suffered a mysterious curse]

[Your enemy\'s ninth chaos divides the soul and soul, and the Taoism is damaged]

[Your son Han Huang absorbed the rules of transcendence, and his cultivation has risen sharply]

[Your apprentice Ji Xianshen is lost in the long river of time and space]

[Your friend is invisible and invisible, the great **** of detachment is attacked by detached existence]

[Your friend Huang Zuntian absorbs the Qi of Hongmeng, and his soul begins to transform]

[Your apprentice Jiang Peishi realized the great good fortune, and his luck skyrocketed]

[Your friend is chaotic and ignorant to open up great good fortune, and your luck will soar]

In recent years, it has not been as chaotic as before.

After experiencing the catastrophe of the most evil chaotic demon, Chaos began to rest in peace, and Han Jue seemed to return to the days when the Tao of Heaven was restarted.

Han Jue patiently checked the email.

After he read the email, he turned his attention to the Taoist temple.

Some disciples could not hold back their restless hearts and left the dojo. For them, listening to Han Jue preaching was a worthwhile trip.

Nine gods, good and evil are cultivating in the Taoist temple, but Han Jue\'s attitude is very satisfied.

Han Jue\'s eyes are placed in the final yuan world. Although there are spies from other avenues in the final yuan world, the world has always been stable. The three thousand chaos demons are about to become the final yuan demons, even if their qualifications are not as good as Han Jue, the real one. The ultimate demon god, but also the Chaos Demon God who can surpass chaos.

The final world is temporarily worry-free. Even if the creators see the potential of the final world, the current final world is still far from being comparable to chaos, and the final world is approaching chaos.

As long as the two Dao Realms collide, the Final Yuan Realm will inevitably fall into the ending of ignorance, detachment, and release.

Han Jue turned his attention to Chaos.

He suddenly raised an eyebrow.

Dark Lord...

In the chaos, countless dark masters have emerged, and there are also many forces of the dark masters, and the dark religion of heaven that disappeared at the beginning has also been reborn.

what happened?

Han Jue began to calculate, and his expression became strange.

It turned out to be the Jiuji Dao Lineage...

Zhao Shuangquan, the reincarnation of the Eighth Chaos, Yu Yuan, who inherited the will of the First Chaos, and the gods of the nine descendants actually declared their belief in the Dark Lord, and they wantonly beautified the Dark Lord, as if the Dark Lord was the savior of the world.

Han Jue was dumbfounded.

What is this method, what is the idea?

He made a serious calculation, and the more he counted, the more strange his expression became.

Actually want to use the dark forbidden master to compete with Lao Tzu?

Very floating.

Zhao Shuangquan still maintains a favorable impression of him, but he has already begun to prepare to guard against him.

Could it be that he thought that if he fought Han Huang to the death, I would take action?

Han Jue took a look at Zhao Shuangquan\'s point of view. This layer is indeed guarded. If it was him, he would not rely on the opponent not to fight with the juniors.

However, the Ninth Chaos did not tell Zhao Shuangquan that what he is most afraid of now is the Dark Lord?

Han Jue had no intention of intervening. He naturally wouldn\'t stop someone from beautifying his vest.

As long as he ignores it, Zhao Shuangquan will be in vain.

Han Jue turned his gaze to the Imperial Court of Fortune, which was beyond the realm. Han Huang and Han Ling were also very calm during this time, especially Han Huang. It is estimated that the evil demon gave him too much stimulation.

In addition, the great **** of invisible and invisible detachment began to do things for Han Jue, and gave Han Huang his own supreme rules to comprehend.

Investing in Han Huang means showing goodwill to Han Jue.

Han Jue observed Han Huang.

This kid is already a unique existence under the creator of the Tao, but he is still far from becoming the creator of the Tao.

The development and construction of the Dao world takes a long time. This is why there have been five Taoist creators since ancient times. Han Jue is different. His system is the greatest creation. From a long time ago, his Dao world began to take shape. And his physique far exceeds that of the Hongmeng Demon God.

"I don\'t know when the next Taoist creator will appear and who it will be."

Han Jue thought out of curiosity that he did not use the system evolution function.

It\'s interesting to leave the unknown.

A new Taoist creator could not threaten him.

After that, Han Jue closed his eyes and continued to retreat.

Before the age of 300 million, see if you can reach the Consummation of the creator of the Tao.

The sky is vast, the sky is like blue, and the undulating mountains form a moat on the horizon. On the top of a giant mountain, there is a Taoist palace, and there is a plaque on the gate with three big characters printed on it.

Zixiao Palace!

Inside the palace, thousands of practitioners in Taoist robes meditated, facing the same direction.

Hongjun sat in the first seat, with white hair and an indifferent face, exuding an aloof air all over his body.

A Taoist asked: "Teacher, now the Great Dao Calamity is about to come, and the most evil chaotic demon slaughtered Chaos, which is already a disaster, what is the real Dao Calamity?"

As soon as these words came out, all the seekers in the entire Zixiao Palace looked at Hongjun.

Hongjun is the reincarnation of the Taoist ancestor, preaching for hundreds of millions of years, and already has a great reputation. In the eyes of this group of seekers, Hongjun is already a master of Taoism in the chaos, standing at the top of the existence.

Hongjun replied: "The calamity of the Great Dao cannot be predicted, but it must be more difficult. You should think about how to strengthen yourself, not worry about how the calamity of the Great Dao will come. That will only increase your troubles."

His words caused a commotion among the seekers.

"My qualifications, how many years do I have to cultivate to catch up with the ultimate evil demon?"

"The entire chaos was almost wiped out, what role can we play?"

"Looking at Chaos, Jiuji Dao Lineage, Good Fortune Emperor Court, Northern Chaos, and Chi Dao Sect are the most powerful, but it is difficult for us to join."

"Hey, after hearing what you said, I suddenly felt that cultivation was meaningless, and we couldn\'t change anything at all."

"No, no, you still have to have faith in your heart. You may not be able to do one, but what if there are ten thousand, one million, or even hundreds of millions?"

Hongjun did not interrupt the discussion of the disciples in the hall.

After a long time, after all the seekers lost their enthusiasm, Zixiao Palace became quiet, and their eyes fell on Hongjun again.

The only one they can rely on is the one in front of them, UU reading www. The rumored great power of Chaos is too far away from them.

Hongjun said slowly: "I have experienced several calamities of the Great Dao. Although the calamity this time is far greater than before, I will take action. You can cultivate well in Zixiao Palace, or there may be a turning point."

The seekers looked at each other in dismay, and many of them smiled, which was regarded as Hongjun\'s asylum guarantee.

At this moment, a burst of applause came, and all the seekers turned their heads to look, and saw a figure walking through the gate of Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun narrowed his eyes and said, "Why are you here?"

The visitor laughed and said, "I\'m here to get my things back!"

He is Pangu!

Hong Jun squinted his eyes and said, "You can go out first, I have something to talk to this old friend."
