Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1080: Confronting the presence of divine power

The latest website: Xing Hongxuan waved her sleeves to cast a spell, and a light curtain appeared in front of everyone, beginning to show her dream.

In the dream, a young man Yujian walked forward. In front of him was an unparalleled giant monster who was trampling the ruined city full of gunpowder smoke. The screams and screams of countless people resounded under the sky.

The young man was dressed in white, raised his hand and pointed, it was actually the black and yellow sword of heaven and earth, and the sword energy slashed along the fingertips, thousands of miles away, pierced the head of the unparalleled giant monster, and blood spilled into the yellow sky.

Han Jue looked strange.

I have to say, this boy does have his taste.

"Strange, this kind of thing did not happen to Tiandao."

Chang Yue\'er pinched her fingers and calculated that the heavens and the heavens did not match the scene in the dream.

There are many Yuqingzong in the heaven, and their names belong to the road, but if you combine this battle and that young man, they can\'t be counted at all.

Fairy Xixuan stared at the dream and said, "Maybe it didn\'t happen right now."

The girls continued to watch.

The dream is constantly changing, and the key processes of several battles are intercepted. These experiences are too similar to those of Han Jue\'s battles, and of course they are not exactly the same, but they always think of Han Jue when they look at it.

When the projection of Xing Hongxuan\'s dream was over, Li Yao said, "Could it be a certain descendant?"

Qing Luan\'er nodded and said: "It should be, but there are many people among the descendants who admire their husband."

This is an idea.

Han Jue smiled and said: "I will know later, anyway, it can\'t be counted for the time being. It can only be a future event. If you can dream about it, it may come from Huang\'er\'s lineage."

Xing Hongxuan\'s eyes lit up and said, "Will Huang\'er marry a wife and have children?"

Han Huang is as hard-hearted as Tie Shi. For so many years, he has not had a woman. He seems to despise women.

Only Han Jue knew that Han Huang felt that he was not of the same race as all sentient beings, so he did not get married.

Just like it is difficult for a person to marry a chicken and a dog, even if he changes shape, it is almost the same, but the arrogance in Han Huang\'s bones does not allow him to do that.

"Perhaps, marriage is such a thing, who can predict?"

Han Jue got up with a smile, then left the Taoist temple, leaving the women to discuss curiously.

Women are all gossip, and they are all curious about what kind of woman Han Huang will marry.

the other side.

Transcend the realm and create the imperial court.

In the dark hall, a faint white fire was ignited at the edge, and thunderclouds appeared in the sky. Han Huang meditated in a mysterious pool, next to him stood the divine spear of Hongmeng, surrounded by purple dragons, nourished by the pool water.

The sound of footsteps came, and I saw Han Ling in a graceful golden dress, wearing a phoenix crown, with a mysterious jade hanging on her forehead, bursting with dazzling light, covering her peerless face, floating behind her long skirt. With the phantom of a row of imperial soldiers, like a guard, they are inseparable.

Han Ling stopped, looked at Han Huang from a distance, and said: "Second brother, don\'t be obsessed anymore, that existence is willing to let you comprehend the power of the seven supreme rules of transcendence."

Han Huang didn\'t lift his eyes and said, "Thank you for his kindness. I have to understand my own magical powers first. The previous battle has taught me a lot. It\'s not obsessive. Fourth sister, you can rest assured."

Han Ling sighed softly: "The most evil **** is indeed powerful. Even if ten of me go to help you, it is not its opponent, mainly because of the gap in realm."

"But how long did the most evil demon be born?"

"The origin should not be so simple, even the father can only expel him."

"No matter what his origins are, he is stronger than us in the end. This is a fact. We must strive to surpass him!"

Han Huang said firmly, hearing Han Ling can only sigh again.

The hall was silent, only the sound of running water in the pool reverberated slightly.

Han Ling turned around and left, leaving a sentence: "Second brother, your focus should be on Hongmeng, not others. If you are too obsessed with the strength of others, you will forget the most basic and important things, and try your best to make yourself better. Well, it\'s more important than trying to outdo everyone else."

Han Huang opened his eyes, looked at her back, and frowned.

He did not refute, but fell into thought.

Chaos, Jiu Ji Dao system.

Zhao Shuangquan, Jiuyi Shenling, and Yu Yuan meditated facing each other.

Seeing Zhao Shuangquan\'s ugly face, Yu Yuan asked, "Daoist, what do you want to say?"

Zhao Shuangquan glanced at him, took a deep breath, and said, "The Jiuji Dao Lineage needs to become stronger, and the current level is far from enough."

Zhao Shuangquan, who has awakened the memory of the Eighth Chaos, knows the true identity of Yu Yuan. He is the inheritor of the will of the First Chaos. Received far more treatment than in the Imperial Court of Fortune.

"What the Jiuji Dao Lineage lacks the most is the top power, but I think of an existence who is the head of the previous god. He is called the original ancestor, and he has the strength not inferior to the most evil demon." The nine gods smiled leisurely. road.

Zhao Shuangquan raised his eyebrows and said, "Where is he?"

"He was cursed by the Dark Lord, and only a wisp of will remained in the blank field. I will find a way to revive him. He was my capable soldier and will listen to me."

"Oh? You used to be so good?"

"Cough, I used to be in charge of Chaos anyway."

"Then why did you end up in such a situation?"

Zhao Shuangquan and Yu Yuan both looked at the gods of nine descendants in confusion.

The nine gods were embarrassed and did not answer.

Zhao Shuangquan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who is it?"

Nine descendants of the gods said: "Shenwei... But this matter has passed, and I was careless at the beginning."

Zhao Shuangquan didn\'t ask any more questions. After seeing the scene in which Shenwei Tiansheng suppressed the evil demon, he knew that the nine descendants of the gods were not wronged.

Yu Yuan didn\'t interrupt, he didn\'t know what he was thinking about.

"One is not enough. What I want is the strength that can compete with the power of the gods. The more existences like the original ancestor gods, the better. When the great calamity comes, who can guarantee that the gods will not enter the calamity?"

Zhao Shuangquan said solemnly, he is used to preparing for the worst.

The face of the gods of the nine descendants was bitter.

Brat, do you really think there are a lot of primitive ancestors?

If it weren\'t for the appearance of divine power and heavenly saints, the original ancestor gods would be considered invincible existences in the chaos.

The nine gods sighed in their hearts. UU reading

What is the origin of Shenwei Tiansheng? He has risen too fast, and he can\'t understand the speed of his growth.

"Where\'s the Dark Lord? Isn\'t he able to curse even the original ancestral god?" Yu Yuan asked.

The **** of nine descendants rolled his eyes at him and said, "The Dark Lord is so mysterious, even Shenwei is cursed by him, do you want to subdue him?"

Yu Yuan said: "The Dark Lord does not dare to show up, and he must be afraid. If we join forces with him, maybe he will be more confident."

"It\'s easy to say, how to win over?"

"Jiuji Dao Lineage can directly believe in the Dark Lord, wait for the Dark Lord to contact us, and recruit followers of the Dark Lord. As for the negative effects, we can make up his legends and beautify him. In this era, the real There are not many people who hate the Dark Lord."

Zhao Shuangquan\'s eyes lit up at Yu Yuan\'s words.
