Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1027: Pave the way for my daughter

Extreme Fury Baxing can use the power of the final world, and the power of the final world is the power of Han Jue.

Han Jue never thought that he could also become the source of his son\'s strength.

He didn\'t think much about it, the power of the ultimate energy in his body was endless, how could Han Huang be able to use it up.

A trace of the creator\'s power is enough to overwhelm the entire chaos!

I have to say, Han Huang is really lucky.

With this power, Han Huang is invincible.

Han Jue thought so.

There is another good luck selection, just use it together!

It would be interesting if the selection of good fortune still fell on Han Huang\'s head.

[Open the selection of good fortune, and a random natural great good fortune will appear in your children]

[Your descendant Qin Ba Shen Awakens Natural Great Fortune - Final Gravity Star]

[End Gravity Star: Innate Strength and the Way of Weight, contains the ultimate power, with the expansion of the ultimate world, the power continues to increase]


But why not surnamed Han?

Han Jue began to calculate that it turned out that the difference between Qin Bashen and Han Yunjin was tens of thousands of times, and their ancestors had fallen into the mortal world for more than ten generations.

This Qin family is the emperor\'s family in this mortal world. Qin Ba is a prince. He is born with infinite strength, but his mind is lacking. He is like a five- or six-year-old child who cannot even speak clearly. Without the treatment of a prince, the first half of his life can be described as ups and downs.

At this moment, Qin Bashen awakened to the great creation, and his mind began to recover.

The green hills are continuous, and there is an army stationed in the belly of the mountain. Next to the territory where the prisoners are being held, a big man leans against the guardrail, his body is dirty, his hair is mixed with mud, twisted into strands.

Next to it is the stables, and the feces stinks.

Qin Ba God!

He slowly opened his eyes, the memories of the first twenty years emerged like a tide, and when his mind recovered, he recalled those memories, and his heart was sour.

He made great contributions to the dynasty, but because of his lack of mentality, he couldn\'t even go to the court. When he was seven years old in the palace, he accidentally knocked down a concubine, and was driven out of the palace by his father and raised in the army.

The army is full of reckless men, and no one takes care of him, so from childhood to adulthood, he exudes a stench all over his body. As he grows up, he kills countless enemies, and the stench turns into murderous aura.

"The sky has eyes, I didn\'t expect that I would have a day of awakening in my life."

Qin Bashen stood up slowly, and he walked towards the commander\'s barracks. At this moment, his eyes were bright, and his whole person was like an unsheathed sword, showing his sharp edge.

Han Jue stared at him silently.

The descendants of the Han family ended up in such a miserable situation. If it wasn\'t for this fateful selection, Qin Bashen would probably have lived a life that was inferior to a pig and a dog, until he died on the battlefield.

In a chaotic world, Qin Bashen may be reused, but the dynasty he belongs to is strong, and the surrounding dynasties are the most troublesome, so they cannot affect the dynasty. .

Han Jue looked at Han Ling and said, "I found that the Han family has a great descendant."

Han Ling opened his eyes and followed the calculation.

Soon, she will be Qin Ba God.

Different from the expedition of Tianxing and the ultimate killing of stars, which requires growth, the final gravity star is based on the final world, and the final world is already very powerful.

Han Ling frowned and said, "My descendants of the Han family have been humiliated like this. Father, what are you going to do?"

Han Jue said, "There are all kinds of things in the world. There are countless descendants of my Han family, and some are worse than him. Do you all want to save and help?"

Han Ling pouted, and secretly said, what are you asking me to do?

Han Jue smiled and said, "Look at it again. When he is desperate, you can go and save him."

"Why save him?"

"You don\'t want to take it for your own use?"


Han Ling was stunned for a while, and immediately understood.

Facing his father\'s gaze, Han Ling felt a little embarrassed and felt like he was being poke at the center of things.

Han Jue said meaningfully: "Han Yao, Han Ye, Han Ba ​​Shen, that\'s all I can pave the way for you. What you want to do in the future depends on yourself."

Han Ling can\'t pretend anymore after hearing the words. She really already has ambitions in her heart, especially since she has witnessed the battle between the overlords of the chaos in these years, she is fascinated.

At this stage of cultivation, Han Jue felt that it was difficult for Han Ling to make further progress. Even if he knew how to create the Dao world, it would take countless years to become the creator of Dao.

Han Jue said: "The next is the endless era, when the situation changes, before that, you still have to try your best to become stronger."

Han Ling nodded and said, "Father, I understand."

Han Jue closed his eyes and began to practice.

Han Ling stared at Qin Ba Shen, waiting for the opportunity.

After Qin Bashen said goodbye to the commander of the military camp, he returned to the dynasty and wanted to find his mother. From childhood to adulthood, he never cared about her mother, and because he gave birth to a freak, his mother was also put into the cold palace.

When he came to the imperial city, Qin Bashen wanted to enter the palace, but was blocked. In a hurry, he forced his way in, attracting guards to encircle and suppress it, and soon the emperor was alarmed.

The emperor was furious and, as his father, forced Qin Bashen to stop.

The emperor was shocked by Qin Bashen\'s awakening of mind, but Qin Bashen\'s mother was dead. He was afraid of Qin Bashen\'s madness, so he intentionally changed the subject, but Qin Bashen was reluctant, and finally asked the truth and learned that his mother had been arrested by the queen. Killed, Qin Ba Shen went crazy.

He started a killing spree in the palace and vowed to kill the empress. The emperor was so angry that he had to invite the Xiuxian sect to come to suppress it.

Facing the cultivators, Qin Ba was still unstoppable, killing the sky to the point of red.

The queen\'s family is also a cultivator\'s family, and the disciples are desperately protecting them, and things are getting out of hand.

Finally, the Mahayana monks were disturbed, and there were more than one, UU reading www. cast spells to suppress Qin Bashen.

In the ruins of the palace, God Qin Ba was bound by a golden rope, his body was covered with talisman paper, his legs were entangled with tree roots, thorns pierced his flesh and blood, and blood spilled on the ground.

Qin Bashen\'s eyes were red and his face was covered in blood. He stared at the dozens of cultivators in the sky. The soldiers around were all holding weapons, trembling all over, and were extremely frightened.

An old man in white robe opened his mouth and said, "Your Majesty, this son has committed a heinous crime, so he should be punished."

The other Mahayana monks followed and said that they must kill Qin Bashen.

In addition to the heavy losses of the palace, even their sects did the same.

The emperor was furious and wanted to agree directly, but seeing Qin Bashen\'s tragic appearance, his heart ached inexplicably.

He really owed a lot to this son.

But it\'s not up to him to decide when the matter is at this level. The Qin family\'s Jiangshan is only able to stand upright by relying on these sects.

Qin Ba Shen said angrily: "Kill it, I will turn into a ghost and also come for revenge! I will kill the queen! Eternal!"

The white-robed old man hummed: "Specious ghost? The old man will **** your soul, so that you will not be able to survive even if you die, and you will be in pain forever!"

He raised his hand and prepared to cast spells.


The sky suddenly changed, thunderclouds gathered, and the terrifying heavenly might descended. Such a drastic change moved everyone and looked up.

A group of Mahayana monks were also frightened, this is definitely not a normal celestial phenomenon.


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