Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1026: Chaos rises, furious star

Han Ling turned to look at Lao Tzu, vigilant in his heart, and said, "What can you teach me, senior?"

For Lao Tzu, Han Ling only respects in name only.

Lao Tzu said: "I think the little friend has extraordinary luck, and the future will surely rule the chaos. The world that the little friend wants to create will be ruled by Ru Dao. What kind of world you choose is extremely important for the future path. Don\'t take a wrong path. "

"Thank you for your advice, senior!"

Han Ling bowed respectfully and left.

After leaving the domain of the Three Thousand Avenues, Han Ling was moved back to the dojo by Han Jue.

Looking at the direction she was leaving, Lao Tzu murmured: "Shenwei Tiansheng, it is really amazing, the bloodline inheritance is so high, unprecedented, could it be that he has mastered some kind of rules?"

Inside the third dojo. .

Han Ling sat next to Han Jue, constantly complaining about Lao Tzu, feeling that Lao Tzu was betraying the old.

"Why did he teach me, his world is very good, I don\'t think he has made a name for himself. He used to be in the heaven, and he didn\'t dare to offend the ancestors.

Later, in the Sanqing Sacred Realm, he could not keep the Sanqing Sacred Realm, which is ridiculous. "

Han Ling said indignantly, she was equal to Lao Tzu\'s cultivation level, but was educated as a junior.

Han Jue said with a smile: "In fact, there is not much difference in the realm of the Dao, apart from the difference in strength and weakness. He just thinks that if you govern the realm of the Dao with benevolence, the way you do will be of great kindness. It\'s also reckless."

Han Ling pouted.

Han Jue changed the subject and asked her how the trip turned out.

Han Ling was immediately happy, claiming that he had absorbed the power of the rules of the Three Thousand Avenues, and he could create a new Three Thousand Avenues within his own avenues.

In Chaos, the Dao is unique, and there cannot be two of the same Dao, but there is no such restriction across the Dao world.

A few hours later, the father and daughter entered into their own practice.

The years of practice in the dojo were extremely peaceful, but chaos was surging.

The forces of fate began to open their fangs, and Huang Zuntian sent dozens of Dao saints, centered on the field where the forces of fate were located, and began to annex other surrounding chaotic fields.

The hero of the Northern Chaos began to attack various fields with the way of the emperor, and his prestige was monstrous.

Wuxiang Tianxia, ​​Datian God King, Qiankun Shengjun, Zhou Song Daotian, Xie Tiandi, Zhou Fan, Pangu, etc., also began to compete for hegemony.

Not only them, but also the Dao deities are involved.

And after all this chaos unfolded, the Supreme Punishment God Venerable did not block it, obviously acquiescence.

The capital of the gods acquiesced, and chaos is naturally chaos.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the war broke out. On this day, Li Daokong, the life force, had a decisive battle with Lao Tzu. The two were originally related to their ancestors and grandchildren.

This battle was earth-shattering, disturbing most of the chaos, and even Han Jue and Han Ling in the dojo were disturbed.

Han Jue just glanced at it and concentrated on practicing.

Han Ling watched with relish.

Mainly because she was inexplicably happy when she saw Lao Tzu being cleaned up.

This battle lasted for several days, and finally the two sides drew. Li Daokong\'s name spread throughout Chaos, and he was named Sword Sovereign!

With the broadcast of Li Daokong\'s prestige, the power of the forces of fate has reached an unprecedented level. The Ten Jue Tianjiao Fate Lord, the peerless swordsman, two giants who have shaken the ages, all the forces targeted by the forces of fate, are all looking out for the wind and fleeing, or directly surrender.

More and more great forces began to compete for the chaotic territory, causing many of the great powers who were still in retreat to be awakened, and they did not understand what happened and why the sky suddenly changed.

They deduced carefully and found that all these troubles lie in one existence!

Hongmeng Demon God!

I don\'t know who has released the news that the Great Dao Tribulation is coming, the strongest can transform into the Primordial Demon God, open up Primordial Primordial in Chaos, surpass Primal Chaos, and achieve unprecedented supreme status!

At first, the great powers thought it was a rumor. Later, before the seven supreme rules, they conducted a rule deduction and found that the rumor about the Hongmeng Demon God was true!

When the calamity of the Great Dao comes, whoever has the strongest luck will be empowered by the seven supreme rules and be promoted to the Demon God of Hongmeng!

For a time, the whole chaos went crazy, the higher the cultivation, the more crazy!

In a blink of an eye, another five million years have passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes with a look of joy on his face. He finally spied the possibility of a breakthrough.

Twenty million years have passed, and it is only close to breaking through the small realm, which is enough to see that the creator of the Tao is deep and difficult to break through.

Many fields in the final world have also become lively, and the final world itself is also expanding, and it is very likely to catch up with chaos.

The addition of 10,000 people from the You clan has a great effect on the promotion of the final world. They stay in Baiyue Xianchuan all the year round. They are extremely skilled in teaching and preaching, so they preach in the final world and have the name of the gods.

Seeing Han Jue open his eyes, Han Ling asked, "Father, is Li Daokong really from our hidden door? Can you tell me about him?"

Obviously, the battle between Li Daokong and Laozi millions of years ago surprised her.

She always thought that by relying on the imperial soldiers, she could be in the same realm, but now she found that other powers also have incredible means.

Her imperial soldiers only have mana, but they have no supernatural powers or the power of the Great Dao.

Of course, she felt that she could still outperform Li Daokong, and it wasn\'t difficult, but she had another calculus in her heart.

Han Jue told Li Daokong\'s past with a smile, and Han Ling listened carefully.

After Han Jue finished speaking, Han Ling suddenly sighed with emotion: "With the background of Hidden Sect, it is not difficult to dominate the chaos, that is, my father likes to practice and does not like to fight for hegemony, UU reading

Otherwise, Chaos would have long been surnamed Han. "

Hehe, now also last name!

Han Jue asked, "Could it be that Linger has great ambitions?"

Born to be an emperor, as Han Lingxiu reached the peak of chaos, and it was difficult to improve his cultivation, ambition naturally began to breed.

Han Ling hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, I\'m just curious. Chaos is very lively now. From time to time, there are battles between the saints of the Great Dao, and even the Great Dao is supreme."

Han Jue smiled without breaking it.

Chaos is really lively, there must be a calculation behind this, but Han never cares.

The endless era is what all creators want to appear, and he will naturally not stop it.

"There are still two good fortune elections. Do you want to use it? Add some firewood for the great calamity."

Han Jue thought silently.

He found that Han Ling was a little arrogant, and he didn\'t take the chaotic beings in his eyes in his words, which was not a good thing.

It\'s time to stimulate her!

Use Good Fortune!

[Open the selection of good fortune, a random natural born great good fortune will appear in your children] [Your son Han Huang awakens the great natural great good fortune - Extreme Furious Baxing] [Extremely Furious Bastar: Natural Great Good Fortune, contains the ultimate transcendence rule Pity, you can borrow the power of the transcendental rules of the final yuan.

Han Huang....

Isn\'t this great fortune relying on Lao Tzu\'s power?



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