To The Lovely You

Chapter 233

Luo Yichen soon caught up with Su Rourou and stood in front of her.

Su Rourou quickly bypassed him and continued to move forward.

Luo Yichen rushed forward with another arrow step, blocking her way again. This time, Su rourourou went to the left, and he followed to the left. Su Rourou went to the right, and he followed to the right.

Su Rourou was so angry that she simply stopped and shouted at him, "get out of the way! What do you want!"

Luo Yichen was also a little unhappy: "this sentence is exactly what I want to ask you. What\'s the matter with you?"

Su Rourou was silent, clenched her lower lip and lowered her head.

Luo Yichen saw her silent. She just thought that her kiss on the stage was too hasty, which made her angry. She was just about to apologize, but she heard Su rourourou say.

"Luo Yichen... I have something to tell you."

Luo Yichen was stunned, and then nodded, "OK."

"Tonight, let\'s walk back!" Su Rourou looked up at the dark night sky and thought of the midsummer night walking with him.

The night sky that night was no different from that of tonight. It was also such a starry night, but... They were different.

Not far behind them, Ke Shaoze came out slowly from behind a big banyan tree and looked at their figures walking side by side in the moonlight.

Then, another figure as agile as a monkey came out from behind the banyan tree and put on Ke Shaoze\'s shoulder.

"I said, brother, what are you looking at? Don\'t look, people have gone far!" Hou Xiaofeng\'s unique joking voice sounded in his ear, which made him even more upset.

He clapped his hand off his shoulder: "get away, don\'t touch me with your claws, get away from me as far as you can! I\'m bored!"

Hou Xiaofeng stuck to him like brown sugar: "why? Look at you. You\'ve been killed by Romeo played by Luo Yichen... And now Brother Rou has been chased away by Luo Yichen. You lost to him both inside and outside the play..."

He didn\'t mention this. It\'s OK. When he mentioned Ke Shaoze, he was angry. He thought he wanted to play male number two! He signed up for the first man! But the heroine chose Luo Yichen

In order to get close to her, he had to take the second place and play the second man... Otherwise, there was no chance at all?

Fearing that he was not upset enough, Hou Xiaofeng added fuel and vinegar and fanned the flames and said, "I really can\'t see it anymore. You like brother Rou, why don\'t you chase him? Are you still not a man?"

The green veins on Ke Shaoze\'s forehead jumped abruptly, and finally waved his fist at Hou Xiaofeng: "you\'ll soon know whether I\'m a man or not!"

Hou Xiaofeng shouted, covering his head and running away in the night.

Ke Shaoze chased after him. Both of them played basketball all year round. They ran as fast as lightning and soon surpassed Luo Yichen and Su rourourou.

"Brother Rou, help! There\'s a mad dog chasing me!" When Hou Xiaofeng ran past Su Rourou, he turned back and begged her bitterly. Because he knew that only Su rourourou could cure Ke Shaoze\'s mad dog.

Who knows, Ke Shaoze chased more quickly and almost grabbed his collar.

"Don\'t talk nonsense here. I won\'t break your teeth!"

Hou Xiaofeng was too frightened to beg Su Rourou. He quickened his pace and ran forward.

They ran one after another, their soles seemed to step on the wind and fire wheel, and soon disappeared at the end of the night.

Su Rourou looked at the funny scene and thought it was funny, but she couldn\'t laugh.

Because her heart is too heavy now, and the muscles on her face can\'t squeeze out a smile.