To The Lovely You

Chapter 234

Autumn in the south is not cold, and the temperature during the day is even similar to that in summer.

The night wind blew in the face, with a little warmth, but Su Rourou felt the coolness.

In the whirling shadow of the tree, she saw the figure of herself and Luo Yichen shuttling in the shadow of the tree. If only I could accompany each other like this and keep going

"Didn\'t you say something to me?" Luo Yichen finally couldn\'t help asking, and a glimmer of expectation flashed in the cold Feng\'s eyes.

Because the opposite sex usually speaks: I have something to tell you. In this case, it is usually the rhythm of confession

Su Rourou\'s heart trembled and her long eyelashes covered it: "I want to tell you that in the future... You don\'t have to cooperate with me in acting."

"What do you mean?" Luo Yichen raised her eyebrows. Originally, it\'s not confession! There was some faint disappointment in my heart.

But... This idiot, why do you say that all of a sudden?

Su Rourou sighed and glanced at the direction Ke Shaoze disappeared: "because... It\'s no longer necessary."

I don\'t know when her feelings for him began, from liking to pure friendship between "brothers".

Yes, isn\'t that what Ke Shaoze has always wanted? He wanted her to be his buddy, and then she really became his buddy.

Luo Yichen pretended to be careless and asked, "why... It\'s not necessary?"

She didn\'t want to act with him anymore because he kissed her on the chance of acting?

Su Rourou took a deep breath, summoned up her courage and looked up at him.

"Because... I don\'t seem to like him anymore." Staring into his deep eyes, she slowly spit out this sentence.

And I like you. Just the last sentence, she couldn\'t say it.

"So it is." Luo Yichen\'s eyes, which had been somewhat dim, lit up immediately, shining like stars in the sky.

After waiting so long, he finally waited for this day

He was ecstatic when he suddenly heard Su rourourou say, "Luo Yichen, are you free this weekend?"

The heart, which was beating violently, jumped more violently. She, is this an appointment? So the reason why she doesn\'t like Ke Shaoze is... She likes herself?

"Free." He answered quickly for fear that she would repent. This is the first time she has asked him out!

But as soon as the words came out, he regretted a little. It was obvious that he was eager. Is it really good? He always takes the high and cold route! However, when facing her, he couldn\'t get cold at all.

"If you are free... Let\'s go to the library to study by ourselves!" Su Rourou hesitated to say this sentence.

These are what LAN Xier asked her to say. How she wished he could refuse. In this way, she can confidently tell LAN Xi\'er that I made an appointment for you, but he didn\'t promise.

Contrary to her wishes, Luo Yichen promised more simply than she thought

"OK! What time?"

Not only did he answer very simply, but he looked very happy, with the corners of his mouth raised and his eyebrows bent.

His smile was beautiful, but she felt dazzling. Su Rourou\'s eyes sank and she bit her teeth: "nine o\'clock..."

Luo Yichen nodded: "well, I\'ll pick you up at your house."

Although there was no expression on his face, he had already thought about it in his heart. He should make a good plan to confess to her and give her a big surprise.

Su Rourou didn\'t speak any more. She just stepped forward.

Luo Yichen also quickened his pace: "idiot, why do you suddenly walk so fast!"

Is she embarrassed?

Su Rourou walked faster, because she was afraid that if she walked slower, he would find her abnormality.