Thriller Paradise

Chapter 949

"Death penalty!"

"Absolute death penalty!"

"Death penalty + 65535!"

"What kind of ghost is aunt Si?"

"How dare you spread the rumors that Shangshang is infatuated with you all over the script world?"

"Burn this scum!"

"If you are mad, you must die!"

"Xu Huaishang's official fan group said that we have contracted the crazy people!"

"Join the sentinel guard! I can't forgive crazy

As the semi-finals are broadcast in different periods of time, all the viewers who pay attention to S2 are watching the same game at the moment.


and how they feel when they see this Basically, it's also reflected in the above barrages and comments.

of course, most people make complaints about Tucao. As we all know, Cao Gonggong's conclusion must have been drawn after being fooled in a certain play.

A misunderstanding in the game world, no one would take it seriously.

But Even so, the crazy behavior is unforgivable. Fans of Xu goddess agree that it's better to let him die.


After finishing the off-site business, I still look back to the script.

After a rather awkward silence, Cao Qin said again: "by the way, Fengliao Lord I do have one thing to ask you... " Looking at brother Jue, he asked casually in a non denying tone, "when we were at the top of the Forbidden City, you and that girl Xu turned into white light and disappeared What kind of technique is used? "

"Oh That... " Feng didn't realize that he had rich experience in answering such questions. "Duke Cao has already entered the Tao with martial arts. Can't you really see it?"

He said this speciously, as if he had said something, but he had thrown the problem back.

Cao Qin smiled and said, "Oh The owner of Fengliao is still the same Well, if you don't say it, don't say it. I won't force it. "

Compared with the last time when he saw brother Jue, Cao Qin's mind had obviously changed.

Ten years ago, he was still a little grumpy. It can be seen from his attitude towards the three swordsmen in the Wulin Although he is not fond of killing, he is not tired of killing. He can be compassionate, but not compassionate. He looks down on fame and wealth, but still sticks to respect.

However. More than ten years have passed

Today, Cao Qin's appearance and posture have been restored to the appearance of less than 40 years old. He looks even younger than when he was in Cangling town.

And in his words and deeds There is always a sense of indifference, a sense of freedom, and a sense of cynicism that is not in line with age.

Those things in the Jianghu, martial arts, people to people He listens and asks, but he doesn't care or cling.

In Cao Qin's present state, he is thinking more about "how should he treat the world" As for what the world thinks of him. He can laugh it off.

"So Very good. " Feng didn't feel a word back and asked, "speak up There is something unknown about Feng. I want to ask you for your advice... " He glanced at the stone pond, "as the saying goes It is hard to drink without wine. In the evening, Mr. Cao stood alone by the stone pool drinking and looking at the spring, but why

Brother Jue didn't ask Cao Qin why he appeared in the valley of funerary heart, because he knew by reasoning that he was coming into the valley together with the court soldiers and horses at the beginning of the film. What brother Jue can't speculate about is the problem in front of him

"Oh Well... " Cao Qin chuckled, "an hour ago. When I stopped here, I suddenly realized a new set of martial arts, which is being improved. "

"Ha?" Xiaotan listened to this and asked curiously, "can you improve martial arts by standing and drinking?"

"Hahaha..." Cao Qin listened to this and laughed, "little brother, then you say How about me? Have you set up your posture by the stone pool and practiced your fist and foot moves? "

"Well..." Xiaotan wanted to answer "yes", but he always felt that the tone of the other party was not a question.

"Ha ha Let Grandpa Cao have a laugh. " I can't help interrupting. "My apprentice is the worst one of all Laoke. I thought he was a smart boy when I saw his beautiful appearance. I didn't expect to find out that he was a fool when he was earning. You see... It's been with me for decades The realm of martial arts is still very humble and shallow. "

"Oh..." Cao Qin nodded. "It's not easy to seal the landlord."

When they said this again and again, their tone seemed to be that two adults were discussing small fart children, which was very annoying. Fortunately, Xiaotan's temper was excellent, or he was born with a very good mind, so he basically didn't let this go to his heart.

"Say..." After a few words of conversation, Feng didn't feel that the time was right. Then the topic turned to the plot, "if I have guessed correctly, this time, Duke Cao is here to bury his heart But in order to get the "longevity skill" for the emperor

"Hum The news of the fenglaozhu is very clever. " Cao Qin's response is to acquiesce in brother Jue's statement.

"Grandpa Cao, you are joking..." Feng chuckled Isn't it an open secret? "

This question is also a trial.

"Ah That's right. " Cao Qin said, "there is a rumor in the Jianghu that the 'King of Hell' in the heartbreaking Valley has the skill of longevity.". And the news of the emperor's death It can't be concealed. In this period, the royal guards commander, the deputy governor of Dadu Prefecture, and the three of us rushed here together, the purpose of which is clear. "

"Well..." Two seconds later, brother Jue nodded and followed the other side's words, "those people in the Jianghu also know these things before they hear about them..."

"Alas That's what's wrong with people. " Cao Qin shook his head and sighed, "the legend of the king of hell has been circulating in the Jianghu for decades. There are many people who know about it, but few believe in it. As for those who dare to come here to find out It's even fewer. " He paused for a few seconds and took a sip of wine. "But now, once the emperor's Secret edict came out, the soldiers and horses of the imperial court moved, these people couldn't sit down All of a sudden, they believed and they all came. " He smiled, "but what about it? Hum... The Emperor himself believed only three percent in the art of longevity. It's hard to hear. He also knew he was dying and wanted to be a living horse doctor before he issued the secret edict. "

"Duke Cao..." When Feng heard this, he jokingly said, "you're so rebellious. You should kill the nine tribes."

"ha!" Cao Qin's big sleeve put, "I still care about that?" He looked up at the sky. "If it wasn't for the appreciation and kindness of the former Emperor, I would have left the dynasty long ago. All over the world Who can stop me? " He took another sip of liquor and said, "as for the nine tribes As a eunuch, I was alone when I was young. After entering the palace, there are no descendants. If you want to kill me, go to kill those people who think I'm a godfather and grandfather. Most of them are also traitors, one is less. "

"Then..." Feng didn't realize that when he heard this, he probably understood Cao Qin's position. Then he asked again. "What are Cao Gonggong's views and plans on the current situation in the valley?"

"Planning? Ah... What do I have to plan? " Cao Qin asked, "if I had a plan, would I come here alone to drink and enjoy the spring?"

"The leader of Yuan League and those Wulin people came here for killing and seizing......" At this time, Hua Jian began to remind him, "don't you fear that all the soldiers and horses of the court will be killed by them?"

Cao Qin smelt the words, looked at Huajian, and then showed a meaningful smile: "girl You seem to make it easy to think of someone. "

"Oh?" Hua asked, "who?"

Cao Qin's answer was quite unexpected: "Yuan Qi."

"Yuan league leader?" Hua Jian asked again. She just knew the full name of the Wulin alliance leader.

"Exactly." Cao Qin returned.

"Sounds What do you seem to know, Duke Cao? " If you don't feel it, you can hear more information from the other person's words.

"Yes I know so much. " Cao Qin returned.

"Gonggong, then you let us know?" Feng received with a smile.

"Well..." Cao Qin said. "It's boring to say that..." After that, he walked down from the stone pond. "Come with me, everyone I'll take you to a good play. "


At the same time, another part of the valley.

At this time, the leader of the alliance yuan led the Wulin disciples along the road for a long time.

Along the way, they have encountered more than ten "little ghosts" to block. Although there are gods like yuan Qi sitting in the town, the casualties are still inevitable.

After all, they are hundreds of people working together, and the terrain of burial Valley is very complex, mountains, stones, forests, gorges, water There is no shortage. And light and fog It's so easy for the "little ghosts" in the valley to ambush.

Moreover, the residents in the valley are basically all "hard hands", many of them are first-class figures in the Jianghu before entering the valley. After entering the valley, the martial arts are more advanced than before. A guy like Song Wuqi can hardly be ranked as a soldier in the valley. He is better than others.

Repeatedly attacked by such a group of people It is absolutely impossible not to die.

"Alliance leader The total number of casualties of all sects More than 100 people If it goes on like this, I'm afraid... " The name of the speaker at this moment is Ji Neng. He is the descendant of Ji Tong, the owner of the Bafang building, and the current owner of the Bafang building. Its "eight square supreme mind method" is a little worse than the previous building owners. But in terms of martial arts, he can still be regarded as the leader of the surrounding masters.

Here, it's a good opportunity to illustrate the world outlook. Let me briefly introduce

After "Cang Ling talks about Swords", the world's Wulin pattern has changed a lot. The original ranking of "one house, two floors, three schools and four gates" was completely overturned.

Ye Fu lost his vitality after that incident and never recovered. At least in recent decades, there has never been a master in Ye's mansion who can be compared with Ye, the master of his family. Even those who have reached the level of "Flower Shadow six Swords" can not be selected.

As a result, Wanxia building and Bafang building became the strongest two heroes in the Wulin.

As for the "three schools and four schools", we can basically sum up with "decline in inheritance and inheritance in decline". As the blind man who pointed out yuan Qi said Many people can teach or not, others can learn or not. There is a deep-rooted mode of word arrangement in the great school of the gate, and there are also some stories of collusion among peers This has resulted in successive dynasties