Thriller Paradise

Chapter 48

Professional players, it sounds like a desirable job, can support themselves by taking the game as a career, or even earn both fame and fortune. Who hasn't thought about it?

In 2055, it did become a socially recognized profession, with top talent in the industry having the same influence as well-known athletes.

The age range of professional players is between 14 and 35 years old. Of course, there are some masters who are younger, but the age of some games makes them unable to join.

Generally speaking, professional players can be simply divided into two categories, one is star players, the other is ordinary blue collar players.

Star players generally choose to retire when they are about 30 years old. They are either turning to amateurs or retiring in the second tier, basically preparing for entering the studio management. There are also other related positions in the game industry, such as commentary, referee, organization, etc. More earn pot full bowl full, oneself become boss.

Everyone in the industry wants to be such a star player. But many people have entered this field since they graduated from junior high school. They didn't mix up any fame until they were thirty. At last, they went to the society to find a way out. These people can be said to have gambled with their youth. As for the win and loss, they are the only ones who have a clear idea. These non star players are the blue collar in this industry. They are the backbone of the industry. Without their support, the studio can't operate at all. Those star players also need their solid support.

The most helpless thing in this industry is the cruelty of competition.

Any game that can be popular for a while must have "confrontation". If there is no way to separate two or two groups of players in a game, the game will not attract any studios, and the number of players that can be attracted is very limited.

In terms of multiplayer online games, it doesn't matter whether it's competitive or not. Even if it's fighting monsters and training level and wearing equipment, there's PK to win.

The easiest way for professional players to prove their worth is to win.

It's a pity that there is only a moment of brilliance in the world, and there is no ever victorious general. No one can win all the time.

The increase of age, the ups and downs of competitive state, the decline of a game and so on Make countless players have been regarded as the "God" of high play gradually fade out of people's sight. There are only a handful of people who are able to retreat at their peak.

The more top game studios are, the more brutal the competition will be. What they need is always fresh young blood We need a group of new people who are in a high competitive state and have the spirit of struggle and enterprise The kind of person who can pull a god level player down the altar at any time.

In short - ambitious genius. For example,... Heaven swallowing ghost.

This time, the order studio put in four groups of ten people in the thriller Park, one or two star players in each group, and the rest were basically senior and experienced blue collar players.

Among these four groups, the only one who is less than 20 years old is tuntian ghost Xiao.

Order studio has high hopes for him, so he will be included in the first batch of players to enter the thriller park. The team leader didn't give him any task, he just needed to play according to his interest. Who knows that in the mode of a killing game, he ran into a group of three headed by the brave without fear. This kid also killed all his predecessors with great disrespect It can be said that he made such willful and reckless behavior, and was "off" by the group leader was also deserved.

Of course, bravery is not the "strongest" level. Among the many star players in the order, he is not in the top ten in terms of past game achievements or popularity. Although his team succeeded in winning the title of the first level 20 player in internal test, the real strength of order is far more than that.

At present, these four groups can only be called the "pioneer team". The strongest group of players in the studio have only registered their accounts and locked their nicknames, so they have never been online again. That is to say The real masters of order have not been officially dispatched to this project at this stage. The top management of the studio has already made a decision to stay on the sidelines, at least until dream company has opened its currency exchange and charging business, and then decide whether to invest the top talent resources.

After saying so much, you may be a little confused. How did you get there? Can't you feel it? What about the script of nuka?

Please wait for me to pull things back in three bars.

Speaking of the studio, there are also members of the studio in the script.

But he doesn't belong to the high school of order. He is the third class studio boss, financial manager and player I mentioned earlier

He is the master of the trace department.

Well, I'm sure you've guessed it. Yes, his studio is called "ice emperor".

Mr. trace is 23 years old in reality. He just graduated from university last year. My father started the factory. My family has a small savings. He can make Anyway, the cost of opening a game studio is not high. It's just to rent a place and buy a few game cabins. The investment in human resources basically doesn't need to be calculated. The staff are all his buddies in his student days.

At present, there are only three employees under the young master trace. One is the "hard to get a name" in the same script with him. The other two nicknames are "hard to get a name" and "hard to get a name". Although the trace ministry young master once seriously asked his three brothers to use nicknames such as birdie and forbearance, they were mercilessly rejected. When he threatened with his salary, he met Aruba.

Their studio also knows that they need two shifts to take turns, so they are divided into two groups of games. At present, the other two are in the interval between games and go out for supper.

In the game, the image of young master trace is a beautiful white man with thin body. The overall image gap between him and himself is not too big It's just a slight change in the face.

It's hard to choose a middle height name. He's a little shorter than Mr. trace. The game image of this man shows a kind of slovenness like his own name. He not only hasn't changed himself into a handsome man, but also a bald image. It's to say that he experiences the feeling of bald in the game.

It seems that the title of young master tracebu is a kind of systematic malicious irony, called "a swordsman". The weapon he uses is a simple Dao, which looks like the weapon specially used by miscellaneous fish minions in martial arts TV series. Its quality is ordinary, and it has no attributes and special effects, but at least it is a serious weapon.

Different from the general title of passer-by a, the title that is hard to get is highly recognizable. There are four words - "strong outside, strong in the middle". His skinhead and skilful image are in sharp contrast with his performance on fright value. This one doesn't even have serious weapons. There are two baseball bats and a rusty iron tube in his luggage. I don't know where he picked them up

They were lucky that the two landed about a block apart, so they would soon be together.

These two people seem to be unreliable, but in fact, they are also a bit extraordinary. If they really don't know anything about the game, what studio will they open. So, young master trace made a very correct decision. Let's leave the task alone and find a gun shop to arm ourselves.

As soon as we look at the situation of the city, we know that the place set by the script is in the land of the evil US emperor. So there will be gun shops in the city. Even if there are no amazing heavy weapons in the gun shops, the standard pistols, shotguns, rifles and so on, especially the sufficient ammunition, are all of great value.

The two of them walked on together. They often met the corpse of blood wolf wandering in twos and threes in the street. However, the threat of these guys was really small. They didn't want to fight and then went around. They couldn't avoid it. So they gave them a blow on the head. Although these monsters will suddenly speed up their movements when approaching their attack range, they are very easy to kill as long as they are careful not to be surrounded by three or more monsters in a short distance at the same time.

After two blocks, Mr. trace entered a phone booth. He picked up the phone. The line was fundamentally different. In fact, even if it was through, he didn't know who to call. Did he dial 911? The main purpose of his coming in is to look through the telephone book. After checking for three or five minutes, master trace successfully found the address of the nearest gun shop. He and his name were hard to pick (I decided to call him a nickname next) so he stepped up to get there.

After another ten minutes' walk, they got close to their destination, but found a rather unusual sight.

There are more than 30 corpses of blood wolf lying on the street. The head of each corpse is smashed. The corpse stretches all the way to the entrance of gun shop.

On the street in front of the shop, in broad daylight, in the center of the road, there is a large cylindrical ice bucket with the trademark of Gatorade. The bucket is filled with red liquid, and there are many empty plastic blood bags scattered on the ground nearby. The pure and strong bloody smell can be smelled even by the human nose from a long distance.

Two stereos were placed next to the "blood bucket", playing the "March of the matador" loudly. Looking at the drag marks on the ground, it seems that they were dragged out of a stereo store across the street. An electric box on the side of the road was disassembled, and the situation inside was not clear. Anyway, the power line of the sound system was extended there

"What's the matter?" Xiaoming asked.

Young master trace didn't understand what was going on, but he didn't have time to answer anything, but he saw a blood wolf zombie flying out of a corner behind the blood barrel.

Then, a man covered in blood came out of there. He had a sharp knife, a pair of pipe tongs and a string of garlic on his shoulders. The two strings of "garlic belt" crisscrossed into an X-shape in front of him, which had been dyed red with blood.

He follows the rhythm of matador music, dances like the axe gang in Kung Fu, and chews white unknown objects like chewing gum He walked to the corpse of the blood wolf at a brisk pace, and then he chopped the head of the fallen monster, which was bone and muscle, blood plasma flying.

After killing the monster, he seemed to realize something. Suddenly, he straightened up and turned around, just in time to see the figures of young master and Xiaoming.

"Run!" "Flash!" The two of them looked at each other for two seconds and shouted out at the same time. They turned around and ran.

I don't know if I'm too wordy. I'll catch up with you. He really wanted to yell, "why don't you run? I'm a player! " But because his mouth is full of garlic, there is no way to shout loudly.

On the other side, seeing that evil star running up with vigorous posture, Xiaoming's scare value suddenly surged,