Thriller Paradise

Chapter 47

[crazy, level 11]

[sigh in vain, level 11]

[please select the game mode the team wants to join. ]

[team survival mode (normal) is selected, please confirm. ]

[your team is participating in team survival mode (normal). The random number of team members has been generated: six. ]

your team has entered the queue and is searching for other ready individuals or teams. ]

[matching completed, coordinating neural connection, scenario generation ]

load start, please wait. ]

"welcome to thriller park." This time the voice sounds like a middle-aged man, and the words are not clear.

[loading completed. Currently, you are in team survival mode (normal). ]

[this mode provides a brief introduction to the script, and there is a chance of occurrence of branch / hidden tasks and special world view. ]

[script clearance reward: you can get 100% of the basic experience bonus of clearance when settling the reward]

[script introduction will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after playing. ]

the unseen picture soon became the real-time CG movie from the first person perspective, with a certain sense of calling of duty.

The camera shows that he is "landing" in the air, but he does not have a military uniform. He still wears the default black long sleeve T-shirt and trousers. In front of us is the blue sky, white clouds and a sunny scene.

Turning down, you can see a modern city with many tall buildings.

The voice of the system, accompanied by subtitles, began to play at the same time: [you are a member of the search and rescue team, and you are ordered to find Dr. Ashford, an employee of allerbmu company, in this city. But due to the plane's unexpected failure, you and your other five teammates unfortunately lost all communication equipment and heavy fire weapons when parachuting, and were scattered throughout the city. ]

"what is Aleppo Isn't that just the reverse of umbrella? " Feng can't help but look at the subtitles before him and say, "is the city name just transliterate the English of Raccoon City?"

[an unknown virus is raging in the city of nooccar. ]

"hello I really did it! "

[the virus code with extreme biological hazards is "Z", and the four most significant characteristics are: 100% infectivity, 100% lethality, infection through exposed mucous membrane and all body fluids, not in the air and water]

"depend on! It's the T virus. What Z? No one can see the urination of the play

All the infected individuals have become Vampire werewolf zombie. ]

"ah?" Feng suddenly froze, and his mind flashed over some imagination with a very bad shape

[the basic abilities and habits of this monster are the same as those of ordinary zombies, but it also has some characteristics of werewolves and vampires, which is called Blood wolf zombie]


[silverware can burn the body of the corpse of the blood wolf. The smell of garlic mixed with saliva can have a certain deterrent effect on them. Their mobility and intelligence are extremely low. They can be killed by cutting off their heads or smashing their brains. ]

"isn't it weaker than a zombie? What's the point of this setting! "

[blood wolf zombies hate the sun very much, but the sun will not cause substantial damage to them. They have a strong sense of smell and respond to sounds and flashes. Its carnivorous has nothing to do with the digestive system, even if it loses chin, esophagus, stomach and other related organs They will also continue to try to shred their prey and send it to the entrance. All living people will be their targets. ]

the CG and commentary in this episode are relatively long. It may take a while to fall from the air. At the end of the introduction, the last screen shows that Feng unconsciously landed on the rooftop of a street store.

A second later, the vision of itself overlaps with the screen, which is officially loaded into the game. He didn't have a parachute on his back. It seems that it was deleted by the system and saved him time to solve it.

The prompt of [main task triggered] rings immediately.

This time, six players were scattered all over the map, and then started the script. This was the first time for him. He opened the menu and looked at the contents of the main line task: [enter and search the Aleppo company building to find the whereabouts of Dr. Ashford. ]

then he took a look at the team bar, where five names were displayed, i.e., [vain sigh], [unparalleled general Pan Feng], [thousands of people killed Huaxiong], [naming is really difficult], [Master trace]

Feng said to himself: "Pan Feng and Huaxiong are a team In a word, the script seems to be full of male players. "

"Ah -" all of a sudden, a murmur sounded behind Feng unconsciously.

Feng unconsciously turned around and saw a Or the corpse of a blood wolf, which is limping towards itself.

The appearance features of this thing are as follows: its body is covered with hair, not only on its hands and face, but also on its skin. Its face is human like, and its mouth has vampire like fangs. In addition, there are some features of zombies, such as some ferocious wounds and decaying limbs.

The monster really walked slowly, or because exposure to the sun made it move more slowly, and it was stupid enough to moan meaninglessly to reveal its whereabouts.

Feng unconsciously stared at the guy for a few seconds with a kind of 45 degree downward squint, then walked half a circle from the side to the back of the monster

And the monster was limping, slowly turning around, facing the seal again, whispered again, and approached him.

"So slow..." Feng didn't even get his weapon out of his suitcase. He didn't even bother to kill the monster. He just walked straight to the door to leave the roof.

The corpse of the blood wolf is still approaching him, but its moving speed is slower than the normal walking speed.

The door of the roof was opened, behind which was the stairs leading to the downstairs. Although he despised the strength of the monster in the play, he watched the situation behind the door carefully before entering. When I left, I didn't forget to close the door

Down the stairs, on the first floor is an ordinary small restaurant. The kitchen is just opposite the bar. There are a row of tables and chairs on the side of the window facing the street. There are also some seats beside the bar. There are a few tables with leftover food, such as sandwiches, French fries, bacon fried eggs, etc., which have become a delicious meal for flies.

When Feng unconsciously looked around, he heard a whisper again.

"Er -" there is also a blood wolf zombie in the bar. Its upper body is leaning on the oven, its lower body has been eaten up, and its intestines are flowing all over the place. Seeing Feng unconsciously appeared nearby, the monster raised his arm in the direction where he was, and made several calls, almost saying "come to the bowl soon".

Feng didn't notice the guy. He looked at the street outside through the window. There were indeed several blood wolf zombies wandering in the sight. But they were all hiding in the shadow of the building, and their movements were also extremely slow.

"Well It doesn't look very dangerous. Let's do an experiment. " He took out his pipe tongs and broke into the storage room. Two minutes later, he came out with a basket of garlic.

Seal unconsciously put the basket on the bar, take out a garlic, put away the pipe tongs and take out the kitchen knife, cut open a little garlic skin, pick a piece of raw garlic, put it in your mouth and chew it.

Eating in the thriller park can simulate almost the same taste as the real thing from the taste, and eating too much will also produce a sense of fullness, but in reality, there will be no increase in the stomach of players. Both taste and fullness are hallucinations created by the nervous system.

After the hot and spicy taste bloomed at the tip of the tongue, it went around the back of the bar unconsciously and approached the corpse of the blood wolf on the ground. The arm of the latter had been put down at this time, which seemed to lose the appetite to eat people. It seemed that the smell of garlic had effect.

Feng didn't realize that he was humbly close to him, stretched out his neck, and at a distance of about one meter, "Ha -" breathed in the direction of the monster.

At this time, the monster started to crawl on the ground with his hands, trying to stay away from Feng.

"Ha ha The play is heaven. " Feng can't feel the excitement on his face. He has decided to brush in this city until he is cool.
