Thriller Paradise

Chapter 144

The difficulty of crossing the fourth area is far lower than Hank's expectation. They have hardly met with any decent resistance. They even did not expect to be so easy.

Originally, there were not many residents in the fourth area of Shenyou village, just talking about hundreds of people. These guys were very sorry for their lives. As soon as Jing rang in the village, they all closed their doors and hid. The number of guards is about 100, 60% of which are scattered in various posts and checkpoints, and only a few patrol. Even if the communication between the guards is unimpeded, they are unable to organize any effective interception measures. They are only so small in total, and there is no rapid response force or any other organization. In the face of the intruders who are not aware of their rapid action and fighting power like monsters, sporadic resistance is nothing.

Koben, who lives in the temple, has been informed of the invasion of outsiders for the first time, and he also issued the order to ring the Jing newspaper. If Feng doesn't realize that they are not three but three hundred, it's estimated that at this moment Kou Ben has already announced his surrender. But at this time, he didn't worry much. Bi Jing had the "magic power" in his hand. There were only three invaders. As long as they rushed into the temple, they would never return.

In just ten minutes, Sanjin arrived less than a kilometer away from the temple. The wreckage of this half starship has been transformed into a huge palace, but the original outline is still there. When we come to this distance, we can't help but see some doorways.

"I thought what was the" Temple "in your mouth It turned out to be a spaceship "Then, the last questions are solved," Feng chuckled

"Spaceship..." Hank wondered: "well What is it? "

"Oh, yes, you don't have that concept." "In short, it's a giant saloon that can fly into space," Feng said

"I see Koben told us that the temple is God's creation, which can only be used for the son of God to live in. Those who enter the temple without permission will be cursed and die. " Hank said.

Feng didn't realize that he had figured out the causes and consequences. He explained: "don't go into such nonsense as gods and curses. According to my speculation, this spaceship should have been built in ancient times, which is what you call" outsiders "built hundreds of years ago. I don't know what happened to you on this earth. Anyway, it's nothing but environmental reasons or wars As a result, they had to move into space, and some of them remained for various reasons. Your ancestors were those who could not leave. " He licked his lips: "maybe this ship is where they are, because of the failure, they crashed here; maybe they found the wreckage of this ship, and then settled in this place. I don't know what the historical version of Koppen's family will tell you after they won the sovereignty. Anyway, religious stories are almost routine. They are shamelessly blasphemous, and all can be attributed to miracles. "

"Brother crazy If you talk like that outside the game, you will offend many people. " Crazy trace sword shadow way.

"If you are offended by me, you can kneel down in a corner and pray for the God you believe in to kill me with thunder." I don't know.

Three into the conversation between the temple has come to the front. At the entrance of the temple, about 40 guards are standing in a row, ready to meet the enemy. They hold a gravity shield and form a wall. In front of the SH è weapon of the anti gravity bomb in their hands are all hovering metal shells, and they have aimed at the target.

"It's a rare situation. I have a consuming skill of group attack. I haven't had a chance to use it. Now I can try it." Crazy trace sword shadow says with a smile.

"Swordsman storm?" Asked Feng at once.

"Er No. Crazy trace sword shadow answers.

"Oh, whatever." Feng's expression shows that he has lost interest in the skill.

[Name: yidaoliu. Eegangniao]

[skill card belongs to Xing: active skill, disappear after one use]

[skill category: Combat]

[effect: long-distance chop with one arm, set off sword waves for group attack, with powerful moves and moderate speed (can be started when using sword weapons)]

[consumption: physical strength value 300]

[study conditions: Combat specialist JINGD, grade 15 and above]

[Note: this move was created by a famous three blade swordsman born on singles day. After many years, it seems that this guy just gave a name to the long-distance chop. ]

the guards didn't talk to the invaders any more. When they reached the range of SH è Cheng, which was about 50 meters away from them, under the command of a guard general, they all used the SH è weapon.

Dozens of shell like pieces of metal arrived quickly, and the move of crazy pursuit of sword shadow was also launched according to the situation.

He swung his arm and slashed, a visible sword came out, and rushed forward. The metal blocks from sh è hit the air wall in the middle of the sky and were shot away. However, the advance of sword waves did not decrease at all, and immediately rushed to the front formed by the guards.

Clang for a while, the sound of the metal shield flying to the ground came one after another, followed by the shouts and exclamations of the guards. In addition to standing on both sides of the queue, the guards in the middle were almost like bowling pins, which made them stagger and unable to defeat the army.

"O ah There is no chance of performance Feng didn't realize he was talking, but he took the lead in entering the temple.

There is no difference between the inner part of the temple and the ordinary compound mansion. In addition to the men of kouben's family, they also provide the women who come to receive the baptism. In addition, there are many servants who live in the temple. These servants are basically the old women. When they were young, they entered kouben's family, but they had no children. After many years, kouben gave them white The spoon body has lost interest, they can only use this way to "serve" the family of the son of God.

The space of this starship is quite huge and complex. If koben intends to hide, it's not easy to find him. Fortunately, Hank knew where to find the "son of God". In this case, York Coburn would definitely go to the "between God's orders", which was the place they would never allow to enter.

Shenyou village will hold large-scale gatherings from time to time, depending on the situation. During the gathering, the kouben family will display "miracles" in front of the villagers by means of some "rituals" (such as the treatment of illness, or the warning of RI eclipse in advance), and convey some of the latest "will of Shangyao". This is also a means to consolidate the rule. Every once in a while, RI, koben, we should remind these slaves that the authority of the son of God family should not be offended or questioned.

This kind of ceremony naturally needs the audience, but the square in front of the temple can't accommodate the whole village, so only the "selected" villagers can watch it on site. In fact, the selection mechanism is very simple. Most of the entrants who are lucky to watch the ceremony are randomly selected from the first and second areas, so that these entrants can see the power of the son of God. After returning, they can promote it with a little spice, which has a great publicity effect.

Hank had visited the "miracles" once before. Although he had not entered the temple, he knew the general orientation of "between the divine orders". That room can be looked up outside the temple (that is, a space under the command tower of the Starship). Every time, the son of God comes out of the divine edicts and stands on a platform high above to display various miracles and announce various wills.

Three in search of the path to move forward, there is no block on this path, because there are no half guards in the temple, even if there are, they can't be stopped. Before long, the gate between divine orders appeared in front of us. In the corridor in front of the door, there is still an entrance.

"This is York Cobain's brother, Harvey Cobain." Hank said.

He was half taller than hank. He was fat, broad-minded, and his face was oily. When he saw three entrances, he was not afraid of s è and said, "you know what you're doing, bitch?" He glared at hank, grinning, "do you know how serious your crime is?"

Hankley ignored him, raised the SH è weapon and fired the prepared ammunition directly. That piece of metal, the size of a basketball, hit Harvey at high speed, but the other side didn't dodge. He raised his left arm and took it with his palm.

With a bang, the sound of the metal block seemed to hit the iron wall. In fact, it hit Harvey's palm and landed on the ground.

"Well, do you want to challenge the power of God?" Havez sneered.

"No wonder you dare to stop here." "The body has been transformed mechanically, right?" he sneered

He lightly pierced the so-called "divine power" theory of Harvey, whose face s è instantly became very ugly.

"Well We can't accomplish this transformation without the knowledge of mechanical engineering and the support of biological science and technology in this era. " "It shows that you not only have the technology recorded on this starship, but also can obtain the civilization of the outside world," Feng said. It appears that... Did the sacrificial priests who helped you complete this body all get killed? "

"It's up to us to decide how much information we need to learn and how much information we need to learn." "Outsiders, even if you know something that these pariah people don't know, don't be too proud. You can't leave alive, and there won't be any people in this village who believe you."

"Ah..." "You are so stupid that I want to cry..." Feng sighed

Shinning - a flash of cold, steel knife already in hand.

Feng can't feel the knife in his right hand and the gun in his left hand. As he moves forward, he fires continuously. However, when he raises the gun, Harvey has raised his hand, protected his head, and leaned down to rush up with a loud roar. The bullet pours on him like hitting the wall.

After two close quarters, the fight can only be described as horrible. Harvey can't fight at all. His fighting skills are much worse than those of Feng can't feel it. To put it plainly, he belongs to the type that hasn't eaten pork and hasn't even seen pig running. When fighting, he waved his arms like swimming Feng didn't realize that he just stepped back a little, raised his knife to meet him twice, and then cut off his arms, and he didn't exert much force. Most of the force was his own.

"How could it be?" Harvey looked at his two broken arms in shock. He didn't feel much pain, but he was surprised that his iron arm race would also be cut off.

"I can't even watch it." Crazy trace sword shadow shakes his head: "look at your action. I haven't fought since I was a child."

I don't know what's going on,