Thriller Paradise

Chapter 143

More than ten minutes later, Sijin has come to the boundary between the fourth area and the third area, which is obviously different from the previous areas. There is a high and thick metal fence separating the two areas, and guards guard each entrance of the wall. Om guards use the same anti gravity catapult as patrolmen, but they use different shields. Patrolmen only have ordinary metal shields, but guards use anti gravity shields.

[Name: Anti Gravity shield]

[type: Armor]

[quality: excellent]

[defense: medium]

[attribute: buffer]

[special effect: none]

[equipment condition: Combat specialization F, level 10]

[Note: This armor can make flying objects with volume less than one cubic meter and force path less than 25 kg stagnate in the air , such as flying baseball, falling suitcase, etc. But if you take an ice chest and throw it at you, or launch a melee attack directly, the defense ability of this shield is no different from that of ordinary metal shield. ]

"OK, Miss Molly, now you can leave." When it was only a street away from the wall, Feng suddenly stopped and said, "for your safety, it's better to stay far away next."

Molly stopped, but she still didn't give up. She still wanted to persuade hank to turn around: "hank, you have to think clearly about what he said Darwin, evolution Freedom... It's all unheard of madness. Maybe it's just their heretic evil theory. You're confused by them... "

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Molly." Hank replied, "if I have no return, please say sorry to my mother for me."

Molly stood still, watching hank turn around and leave, speechless. Sanin didn't communicate with her any more. They walked towards the entrance of the front wall. At the same time, the sword shadow of the blind and the crazy trace took the protective clothing out and threw it away.

He took out the anti gravity catapult he had seized from Hank and returned it to him: "we will try our best to protect you, but you are still safer to take a weapon."

"Don't be nervous, hank." Feng Bujue said: "these guards who have nothing to do but stand guard all the year round are not at the same level as you, a scavenger who fights with mutated creatures all the time. As long as you don't flinch mentally, there's nothing to be afraid of." After a pause, he added, "we'll rush over the wall and go straight to the temple. You need to keep up."

Hank nodded, "I'll try."

Three into the speech, already stand side by side in front of the checkpoint.

The guards on duty had already been shocked. Looking at the shape of the sword shadow, they did not respond. They were guessing These two goods may be the legendary "outsiders", but since I haven't seen them in my lifetime, I just heard a lot of related brainwashing propaganda, so when I saw them, I was at a loss.

The man who followed the two intruders was in the first area of the same village in terms of clothes, but he had a catapult in his hand and a desperate look on his face Is this guy trying to break into the place where the priests live by force?

The guards are stupid, or a leader of the guard is more calm, he also regardless of 3721, raised the anti gravity shield, stopped in front of the three, as far as possible with a deterrent voice shouted: "stop! What are you going to do? " He stares at the sword shadow of Feng Bujue and crazy trace: "you two Why are you wearing this strange dress? Who are you? " He turned to Hank again: "and you, what do you want with weapons?"

Three in didn't talk, just silence.

A few seconds later, Hank laughed. "If I was yesterday, even if I didn't do anything, as long as a patrolman stopped me for questioning, I would tremble with nervousness." He smiled and shook his head: "but now, in the face of a guard chief, I don't think it's anything. Ha ha... I began to understand So that's what Coburn did to us. "

"Do you call the name of the son of God?" The guard chief looked at hank in amazement.

"If I still think of him as the son of God, I dare not call him by his name." "But if I treat him like a piece of shit, I can call him whatever I want," hank said

"What do you say! You blasphemer! " "Take him down!" roared the captain of the guard

Seven or eight guards around had to rush in.

At this moment, crazy trace sword shadow is out.

In almost ten seconds, with the thumping and thumping of fists and fists to the meat, the guards were all thrown down, either knocked out or groaned on the ground, unable to get up.

It's useless even to use the sword. On the one hand, he doesn't want to kill innocent people. On the other hand, with his skill, he can even out these disciples.

"Oh It's really powerful. You can do it without skills I can't feel it.

"They are too weak." The crazy trace sword shadow replied: "the physical quality and reaction are worse than ordinary ones. From the point of view of the game, they are 30% weaker than the first level players. And I'm a professional player of level 17, and this level of fighting is not to be praised. " Anyway, Hank and the captain of the guard can't understand these sentences, so the two players have no scruples when talking.

At the moment, the Guard commander was too frightened to move. From his point of view, he felt as shocked and powerless as if he had been attacked by an alien.

In fact, there is nothing for these guards to do in ordinary times. In the small country like Shenyou village, where there are few people and the law is strict, there are very few criminals, and few who dare to subvert the rule of the upper class have come out for hundreds of years.

In terms of public security, patrolmen are basically in charge. The guards are only responsible for the sacrifice and the house guard of the kouben family. It can be said that the actual combat experience of the guards is almost zero. They didn't even dare to spit at the edge of the wall. Today, Yao suddenly met three people who came to break through the barrier. In ten seconds, he beat them into a somersault. It's normal for the captain of the guard to have such a reaction.

"Throw away the catapult." Feng didn't realize that he went to the captain of the guard and said.

The Guard commander swallowed a mouthful of saliva and wisely chose to do as he did. He threw the catapult on his hand to the side.

Feng unconsciously looked at the white face of the Guard commander, smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "is Qian so serious? Smile. "

The captain of the guard, facing the evil star in front of him, just squeezed out a smile.

Three in and calmly continue to move forward, pass the Guard commander, cross the checkpoint, and walk to the fourth area on the other side of the fence.

The captain of the guard stood there, and after a few seconds, he sat on his knees and breathed quickly, as if he were suffering from asthma. In the streets of the third area, many residents soon gathered and talked. Even though several witnesses witnessed what happened just now, they didn't understand what the situation was.

Two minutes later, the chief of the guard jumped up like a dreamer and shouted in a panic: "outsiders! The outsiders have invaded! "

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