Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1355

When the time comes, the battle begins.

Similar two people, do not need too much words.

The eyes meet, the war is clear.

A sword goes out horizontally, and the blade rolls wildly.

At that moment, shangshanren moved in a flash; he had no intention of matching a sword, and wanted to cut off his opponent.

On the other hand, the fighting spirit of the seven killers is also booming. Facing the fierce killing style, his arms show a flowing hand and a gentle push, and even lift the angle of the cutting attack upward and out from the top of his forehead.

"Take off the force..."

"Soft fist..."

In the first meeting of extreme moves, both of them secretly told their opponents how to use them.

What they think is right

She is one of the three people who can use this skill in the current [Warring States] team.

And what the seven killing uses is really "soft fist"

At the end of S2, because I feel that my "hard fist" has reached the bottleneck, if I don't open up a new field, then my strength and realm will stop. Therefore, seven kills learned the way of fighting with softness, strengthened the training of various ground skills, and practiced the high-level application of energy by the way

Today, he can be called the "achiever" in the field of fighting. His whole person is a deadly weapon - changeable like water, strong as diamond.

"Hum Not bad, but I can't win! "

A second later, the two of them said the same sentence in the same voice.

Sonorous -

the voice is not down, the palm and sword have been held together again, and a sound of fighting Qi friction that makes people's scalp numb is aroused.

Then, the two figures are transformed from real to virtual in the intertwined air vortex, and another round of ultra-high speed attack and defense is launched in the sparks of energy collision.

"It's really hard to adapt to this messy move..." With the fighting going on, seven kill couldn't help thinking, "if I hadn't studied her video in advance, I'm afraid I couldn't make it through ten moves..."

He was very lucky that he spent time to do some "homework" before the game; although there was only one day, he tried to pass through the existing high-level game videos of the seven [Warring States] as much as possible.

Among them, shangshanren is undoubtedly the one who impressed him deeply.

Because Shangshan's "fighting mode" seems very strange to orthodox fighters.

The weapon she used "fixed length" is a very special weapon, the biggest characteristic of which is the unusual "length"; the whole weapon, just the part of the handle, is longer than the scabbard of the short knife, if you count the blade, it stands higher than her people

In order to cooperate with such weapons, shangshanren naturally has to abandon most of the conventional fighting routines and create a set of special skills to match the fixed length.

At first, she was also very unaccustomed to this change. She also had the idea of "giving up this kind of weapon that is not available and changing some weapons" But after a long time of practice, now Shangshan can use this super long Sabre which is not stable for ordinary people like using his own hands and feet.

And the uniqueness of "weapons" and "tactics" also made her take the lead in the competition with experts.

Shinning -

a moment later, a blood light suddenly appeared in the wind, and a strange sound came out.

In the attack, both of them are stagnant.

This moment Even the audience with poor dynamic vision can clearly see that the fixed length sword blade was cut at the shoulder and neck of the seven kills Although the wound is not deep, there is no doubt that it has torn the trapezius muscle of the latter.

"When was cut down Earlier than expected... " At the moment, seven kills didn't produce any sense of tension, as if this situation had been expected for a long time, but he still sighed to himself, "Alas Maybe that's the bottleneck of my orthodoxy In countless exercises, muscle memory has been formed This determines the inevitable response I will make in some extreme states. If I change to someone who has no fighting skills, I may quickly adapt to the opponent's action mode and make a counterattack. "

Thinking about it, his movement didn't stop. While thinking about it, his body had already tilted forward, and he had a forward somersault

This ingenious action not only takes off the residual force of the chop and leaves the blade off his shoulder, but also drives his heel to circle, as if the Tomahawk were to fall directly on the opponent's head.

"Cut..." Seven kill's foot hasn't fallen completely, shangshanren knows This beheading not only didn't make her ask for anything cheap, but also brought serious problems, so she couldn't help spitting.

Since fixed length has the advantages of wide attack range and high power, it will certainly have the corresponding disadvantages - that is, after hitting the target and stagnating, the speed of receiving and resuming is too slow.

Seven kills is to see through this point, with the cost of a sword shoulder, the success of the fight into his best "close combat" rhythm.

Chih -

the wind pressure brought by the "foot axe" was wiped from the tip of the nose, and a burning sense of pressure came to the face.

Although shangshanren took a step backward to dodge the attack, he lost his momentum It's not good for her to be broken into the dead corner of Ding Chang's swing.

To put it figuratively, shangshanren now is like holding a machine gun with her arms outstretched, while her opponent, though only holding a knife, has rushed to a distance parallel to her wrist.

"Wolf teeth..." Regardless of the pain from the shoulder, he immediately steps forward like a ghost and doesn't give Shangshan the chance to adjust his posture Wind fist! "

Fight and kill.

The seven kill boxing is like a wolf's tooth, and the style is like the wind.

The upper fir retreats suddenly with its blade, but it refuses with its edge.

After fighting for such a long time with a fixed length, Shangshan obviously knows how to deal with the situation of being attacked to the front When [wolf tooth wind fist] hit, her foot suddenly stepped back, and her arm tilted back the blade and turned the circle force Although it can't rectify the situation, it can withstand the damage of the attack.

When -

unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the seven kills have stopped their fist moves and changed their moves. With the two fingers of their right hand, they caught the blade of Shangshan's Cross in front of them.

"Two finger vacuum handle?" This move, shangshanren saw seven kills used when watching the video, so without the opponent's opening, she called out the move name in her heart; however, what she wanted to know at the moment was "What does he want to do? This move is not used in close combat at all. Is he going to break my weapon with this defense flying prop skill? "

Of course, that's impossible Legendary weapons are always broken even when they are used, let alone when they are used as "two finger vacuum handle"?

Seven kills will come out of this hand, not to break the fixed length, but to temporarily clamp down the opponent's blade Even one second.

Because one second It's enough for him to use his left hand.