Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1354

At the moment when Chuanyi turns white and returns to the landing space, in addition to Zhitian love who still squats in the corner and draws circles, the members of the Warring States period Including Yasukuni Kawabata, they are all in a state of muddle.

They were silent in this strange atmosphere for about ten seconds

Ten seconds later, it seemed that konkawa Yi suddenly understood what was going on. His expression suddenly changed, his face turned white, and he was sweating again.

Seeing this, Sasaki, who had just returned to his mind, asked: "I said What's the situation? How did you die? "

"I......" Konkawa's voice was shaking, "I launched the [killing intention wave seal scroll]..."

"What?" When Takeda heard these eight words, he almost jumped up. "How can you use the secret weapon?"

"Wait, wait..." Sasaki waved and motioned to Takeda not to be in a hurry. "Now Sichuan..." He then looked at jinchuanyi and said with a dignified face, "I fully understand the mentality of the reason why you use the scroll, and tell the truth It's not a bad thing to use this item on the old man, but the problem is... " He said, glancing at the battlefield again, "Why have you used the scroll You are the last to die? "

"Hoo..." Now Chuanyi took a deep breath, as if to suppress his fear, but his voice was still shaking, "the principle of the scroll Don't you all know that? "

In a word, the faces of the members of the Warring States changed.

The article of the secret weapon shows that they have read it naturally, and they have also seen the scene just now - I, Lao Shi, just walked to jinchuanyi at a walking speed, raised his hand and made a straight fist that looks very common. As a result, in the moment when Jinchuan was hit by a fist, a purple black energy suddenly appeared and swallowed up.

"That is to say..." After thinking for a few seconds, Sasaki said, "when his fist is about to hit you, you launch the [killing intention wave seal scroll], but The "wave of killing will" liberated has swallowed you up? "

"Ah That's right. " Today, Sichuan Yi is powerless to answer the Tao.

"How could it be?" Shangshanren asked, "isn't the murderous intention and breath released by the old wet when he attacks you better than the passive counterattack?"

"Well It's really unreasonable... " Sasaki also said thoughtfully, "even if in some way, Yu Laoshi had a clear understanding of the intention of Jinchuan and the effect of the scroll, but if he wanted to kill Jinchuan by the power of the scroll He also had to do something like "almost completely abandon the idea of killing when attacking, and greatly restrain the breath..." Sasaki shook his head. "Impossible I can't do it anyway. "

Hearing this, the wise letter also said: "if you deliberately restrain killing, I can do the same But in the battle of life and death, go to the place close to the enemy and lower your Qi than the opponent It's like reaching into a blender with the power on The instinct to fight won't allow the body to do it, even if I force myself mentally. "

"It's hard not to..." At this time, straight shangshanren, said a very dangerous line, " Because of his extremely low combat power, his killing intention and breath when attacking is not as strong as that of the present Sichuan, which is preparing to fight back with objects? "

Voice behind, silence again.

"Poof..." A few seconds later, Takeda's first laugh came out, "you are stupid to practice sword with renjiang? You said that kind of person, hidden score is less than 50 points, right? I'm afraid that none of the players in S3 can find such a person, OK? "

"Yes, we are talking about monsters at the same level as ghost." The wise letter echoed, "it's a bit far fetched to speculate that the war power is extremely low.".

"Well That's right. " Shangshanren nodded, although she was a very serious person, but it was very easy to be convinced.

"Then..." At this time, IDA Cheng, who has been standing on the edge and watching coldly, suddenly interrupts in a loud voice, "there is only one possibility..." He paused and looked at jinchuanyi. "I didn't mean to offend you, but From the look of chuansang's face today, he should have known the truth. "

"Ah..." Now Chuanyi's face was gray, and he said in a deep voice, "in fact, it's very simple..." He glanced up at his teammates and asked an unanswered question, "when you step on an ant, will you kill it?"

As soon as he said this, everyone realized it.

But then came an indescribable fear.

"The same thing..." Now Sichuan read Xiang Zhixin again, "when you step on an ant, you won't feel like" reaching into the blender with the power on. "

This question There is also no need to answer.

After seeing no one make a noise for a long time, Ichikawa said: "that's what happened

"How do you think about "Know in advance the special effects of our secret weapons, guess what is on me, and understand the intention of my use" This kind of harsh multiple hypothesis is also unrealistic.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the other side undoubtedly attacked me in a state of no killing intention without knowing about [killing intention wave seal scroll]."

"Wait, what about the breath?" Wise letter followed his teammate's thinking and cut in and asked, "since he didn't have the strength to guard against the scroll, at least he should be better than you in breath."

"It's off force." At this moment, Zhitian AI, squatting in the corner of the wall, suddenly answers. Although she doesn't turn her head back and sounds very depressed, she still answers her teammate's question, "well In fact, it's not accurate to say "disengagement". It's just a skill similar to "disengagement", but with a much higher realm. I can only understand about it But I can't do it if I want to show it as casually as I let Lao Shi do. "

"That is..." "What kind of skill?" pursued the wise letter

Zhitian love pauses for two seconds and then says: "so You can imagine that in combat, except for those brief moments when the attack has direct contact with the opponent, the consumption of Qi will be reduced to a level close to nothing in all other times. "

"What What? " Even the wise letter, which has always been calm, rarely shows a look of amazement, "that kind of thing Even in theory... "

"That man It's different. " Before she had finished speaking, he interrupted with the tone of "past man", saying, "he is powerful As if it has reached another dimension, that transcendent strength It's not a move or equipment to measure. Apply common sense and theory to him It doesn't make sense. "

His words seem to be the final conclusion of this discussion, and people will not say more about this failure.

At the moment, the score after the 2-0 loss, as well as the great deterrence and frustration brought by Lao Shi, brought the momentum of the Warring States to the freezing point.

However, "join the general war" It's about to start.


[the game will start in 30 seconds]

the rest time passes. With the system voice, the two players of [Warring States] and [waste wood League] participating in the "general war" are all introduced into the battlefield.

The team-up of this match is not so unexpected, it is in the expectation of the two teams.

In the Warring States period, shangshanren came out.

As in S2, shangshanren was dressed in a blue armor and a white shirt, with a black long straight and waist length. Her weapon was still the legendary super long Taidao with fire attribute, i.e., [long wood fixed length], with a very high degree of identification.

On the side of the league, seven kills were played.

I'm sure everyone is familiar with this fierce fighter. This time, to represent the FAW alliance, he changed the original robe of the blade, and simply changed a new shape. He put on a set of thick black tights from the neck to the feet.

Although this set of "teeth" battle clothes "is only" fashion ", its high price means that it provides quite remarkable bonus effect; especially for the close combat fighter, this set of fashion is extremely practical

The texture of the surface layer of the battle suit is as solid and shiny as armor, but at the same time, it can tightly fit the curve of the body and deform at will. After wrapping the part outside the player's head, hands and feet in an integrated way, it can not only reduce the heat consumption, but also avoid a lot of "throwing" grasping physically.

It can be said that in terms of performance, this fashion can at least equal to a sophisticated equipment; to say the disadvantage, it is that this set of clothing "specially used for arena fighting" is not equipped with shoes It's not a matter. Seven kill put on his original shoes.

Of course, in the eyes of the majority of players, as a set of fashion, the biggest disadvantage of the "tooth" battle clothes should be Ugly.

This kind of overall shape is roughly equivalent to the fashion of "thickened full black diving suit with muscle outline". If it is not worn by people with strong physique and distinct muscles, it will be particularly obscene.

Fortunately, seven kills basically meet the above requirements, and he doesn't care much about image If necessary, it doesn't matter to put him on the ancient wrestling clothes.

[5 Four... Three... ]

soon, the countdown to the last five seconds has already sounded, and a fierce battle is imminent.

The two men who came to fight "general war" belong to the type of "direct" fighting style. Neither side has any plans to detour, and they just think of the front

So, in those 30 seconds of preparation time, they are both standing in place, eager to wait for the barrier to disappear.

Judging from the past achievements, the strength of these two men is stronger than that of others It's hard to say.

On the whole, this should be the most "normal" match between the two teams so fa