Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1288

Water, this is a place with water.

It is built by the river and is located in a remote area.

The rusty Ferris wheel, creaking animal rocking chair and countless abandoned amusement facilities all show that this place has been abandoned for many years.

On the edge of the overgrown Road, a wooden billboard stood alone in the wind, with an old poster - the bonos brothers circus performing here.

Perhaps not many people remember the name now, but many years ago, the group was quite famous.

Gotham was one of their tour stops. The mayor at that time specially allocated funds to build such a carnival in the countryside just to meet them.

Now, the bonos brothers don't know where to go, and this carnival venue It has become a broken place where even vagabonds can't stop.

But tonight, here There was a guest.

Creak - creak -

the man in the purple suit sat on a tattered animal rocking chair. He dangled his chair like a child, with the appearance of doing nothing.

"I know you're here." At some time, Feng suddenly looked up at the sky and said to himself, "you are looking, listening, waiting..." He paused and said, "I've been sitting here for 15 minutes and I haven't done anything, but I still haven't been judged as a" negative game ", which can only be explained as You've interfered in the system of destiny. "

His voice fell behind, and there was a silence of about five seconds.

Then another voice said, "how do you know Is it me? "

This is a gentle male voice, the tone sounds cold and numb.

"Exclusion." Feng unwittingly replied, "list one by one the people who are able to operate the timeline and interfere with fate, and then figure out who is more likely The conclusion is that a character lower than you can't do this, and a character higher than you can't do this. So You are the only one I think about. "

After that, Feng unconsciously turned around and looked at the man who suddenly appeared not far away from him.

Then It's a blue humanoid with the whole body shining like a blue fluorescent rod.

He is very tall, at least one head higher than Feng can't feel. Despite his abnormal skin color, he is generally a middle-aged man without clothes or hair.

In the setting of DC Universe, there are many enough to be called "God", and he is one of them, and he is a very powerful one; people call him "doctor" Manhattan ".

"I guess You're going to talk to me about a deal now. " Two seconds later, Dr. Manhattan said.

"You who can predict the future Do you still need to guess? " I can't feel the way.

"Yes." Dr. Manhattan replied, "because You are not within my range of observation. "

"Then And Bruce Wayne? " Feng unconsciously asked, "or That 'probably Bruce Wayne' guy Can you see his future clearly? "

"You already know the answer. Why do you ask clearly?" Said Dr Manhattan.

"Ah..." Chueh smiled, raised his legs and turned sideways, and turned down from the pink elephant (that is, the animal rocking chair he sat in), "yes If you can see clearly, our conversation at this moment will not exist. "

"You seem to be dissatisfied. Why?" Dr. Manhattan is telepathic. Even if he smiles on the surface, he can see his real emotions.

"Because the" hint "you gave me was so obvious that I felt a little bored." "You can keep your own ideas, and I'm very happy to help you get rid of this confusion. When you find out the truth, you will get a logical answer "Foreign tourists." The next second, he repeated the last paragraph of the opening introduction word for word. Then, after half a second, he said again, "the last" alien passenger "in your paragraph seems to be my name in context, but in fact It's the answer itself You told me the truth from the beginning - the reasons for all the anomalies in the world are Foreign tourists. "

"Can't you tell me?" Asked Dr Manhattan again.

"Ah..." I don't want to answer this question. After all, you don't know me, so I can't say you did it wrong

"Well..." Dr. Manhattan pondered. In the process, he tried to analyze brother Jue's psychology You are such a dangerous person. "

"You should be glad that I'm not like Wayne I will not stay here for long. " I don't know.

"Yes, I'm very glad." Dr. Manhattan nodded, "if you were the one who came I'm afraid the world has turned upside down. "

"Well, I don't have time to imagine another nonexistent timeline with you. Let's talk about the" deal "part." I can't help but change the subject.

Smell speech, the expression of Dr. Manhattan has no change, he just paused for a moment, then he said: "a long time ago I also made a deal with him when he first came here

"That year, Bruce Wayne was nine years old. On the night of the first anniversary of his parents' death, he sadly swallowed half a bottle of sleeping pills and ended his life.

"The cause of all this happened at that time

"A minute after Bruce's vital signs disappeared, a 'consciousness' from a different world entered his body and brought him back to life; and that' consciousness' It's the Batman you've been competing with twice today.

"When this" unpredictable "special individual was born on this timeline, I immediately came to him and negotiated with him.

"He claims that he comes from a higher dimension than me, where all the multiverse, all the people, things and things in my dimension But it's all a product of imagination for recreation.

"He detailed several different panoramas of the future, and I did observe the universes that were exactly the same as his description.

"In addition, he knows me well, and can tell many secrets about me that are never known to outsiders.

"As an observer, I will not choose to wipe out such an existence Because he is' unique 'and' highly referential ' His appearance has changed the "realistic trend" of the universe. No matter what the future of the universe is, it is an excellent specimen for me.

"So I made a deal with him

"I gave Bruce Wayne what he should be able to do - amazing intelligence, physical strength, energy, and so on, and I swept away all the people he thought might become 'threats' For example, in other multiverse, krypton man, known as Superman, and other alien civilizations in the universe that may interact with the earth.

"He promised that he would" do better than the real Bruce Wayne. "

At this point, Dr. Manhattan paused for a moment and shook his head: "actually, I don't care that he will do 'better' or 'worse', I just want to see What would he do? And "How to do it."

"So So far, have you seen enough? " I don't feel like following the trend.

"I've seen enough." Dr. Manhattan replied, "what I need now is change, but I can't predict. It's up to me Or "one me" (Dr. Manhattan can copy himself into countless, and each has its own thinking, ability as ontology) what kind of influence will your intervention directly have on my own quantum flow and all the multiuniverses in this dimension if you directly intervene in him on the material or non-material level. "

"So..." Brother Jue said, "you just want me to replace you "Kill Batman"

Dr. Manhattan nodded and said, "my demands and needs, that's all. Tell me about you."

"Ah It's easy to say ~ "Feng can't help but pick up the corner of one side's mouth. An evil smile appeared on his face." my request is definitely simpler than that of the "passer-by". It can be realized easily... " /p