Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1287

Gotham River, a black river.

Before Gotham became a commercial city, it was a typical industrial city. The perennial pollution has permanently changed the color of the river across the two ends of the city. Today, even if people spend more money to manage it, they can't recall its original appearance.

Many things in the world are like this. It's easy to get from clear to turbid, but it's hard to get from turbid to clear. It's easy to get from white to black, but from black to white It's expensive.


In this dark night, no one will notice what is happening quietly in this wide turbid river.

Now, a "bat submarine" If you want to call it that Moving slowly on the river bed.

And the man who drives it, of course, is Batman.

About an hour ago, after incarnating as a taxi driver and raiding Feng, Wayne entered an underground tunnel not far from Xianfeng bridge.

It took him many years to develop this kind of "hidden road" all over the city (the slow development is not due to technical reasons, but simply because he has to try to avoid the places that may become subway lines in the next few years). The entrance is distributed in every corner of Gotham, and it needs to scan Wayne's own iris to open it.

There are simple tracks and small maglev mobile cabin in the dark road, which can help Wayne travel fast in the city. In addition, there are some "bat equipment" hidden in some places of the dark road, in case of emergency.

Of course, these spare "equipment" do not include "submarine" this big guy.

So Wayne had to go back to his bat cave, launch the submarine, and then follow the tributary of the river into the Gotham River, heading for the place where his fake taxi sank.

This process undoubtedly took him a lot of time.

If he can find Jack's body in the wreckage of the bombed car successfully, it will be worth the time, but

"This boy Did you escape? " Looking at the picture on the scanner, Wayne was shocked and confused, then he fell into a deep thought, "how did he do it According to akham's surveillance video, he has not shown any other special ability except for his slightly better physical fitness Was it his eccentric companion who rescued him? " He quickly dismissed the speculation, "no No, in order to do that, he must let his partner wear a complete set of diving equipment to wait at the bottom of the water in advance, and get him out of the car within a second after the car enters the water This arrangement can only be made if he knows the exact falling point in advance, and there is no error of one meter; but the specific falling point It's beyond my driver's grasp... "

The so-called "reasoning" is like walking in a maze. The exit of the maze is the "truth". In this maze, when you walk into a dead end, you often have to step back a few steps and find another way to go on. You can't drill a corner in that dead road. Wasting time is a small thing. It's bad to be stuck there forever.

"Then Did he break the window at the last minute and escape from the car? " Wayne was obviously an old hand in the maze of reasoning. He immediately backed out of the dead end to find another way. "My timing of detonation is undoubtedly perfect. A minute earlier, the sound of explosion cannot be covered by the river A late minute will give him more time to react and act Within seconds of reaching the limit, the inflow of water will seriously hinder his movement. Even if he really breaks the window, it's too late to escape from the car When the car exploded, he leaned out half of his body at most... "

At the thought of this, Wayne's eyes moved away from the scanner, and he immediately turned the submarine dozens of degrees to the downstream of the river.

"So Maybe the shock wave of the explosion pushed his body out. I should look for it downstream. Maybe I can find it in... " Wayne thought as he began to speed up the submarine.

"Wait!" But at that moment, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

Inspiration is like a hot current, pouring a series of thoughts into his mind.

Feng didn't realize the gesture he made to the surveillance video, and every word he said before falling into the water They all reappear in Wayne's eyes.

"He wanted to invite me in from the beginning I'm sure I'll be in Wayne can't help muttering to himself. At the moment, he has to say these words to help him think more intensively. "When he got on my car, he knew my identity He can pretend that he doesn't know, and suddenly attack me from behind without talking to me, or Just jump out of the car and run. " He paused for half a second and said, "even at that last moment, he still has a chance to escape He even made it clear that there was a button on the back of my steering wheel, which indicated that he had expected the danger of docking. "

Remember, under Wayne's mask, the cold sweat had soaked his strong and handsome face.

"Think about it This "Jack" is faster than me everywhere, but he didn't take advantage of that "one step" Why? " Wayne was afraid. In the world, he had never been so afraid.

"Time!" Maybe it's fear that stimulates the brain. Wayne's mind becomes more acute. Two seconds later, he finds the right answer: "he's hiding ability from the beginning!"! He had guessed what I was going to do before I drove into the river Or at least that possibility has been taken into account, but he doesn't care Because before he was ready to face every possibility.

"He not only has some special ability that I don't know And... Very strong.

"If he wanted to kill me, I would have died, but for some reason He wanted me to live, but he didn't want me to stand in his way, so he jumped into my trap To fight for "Time!"

When Wayne solved his doubts, he quickly operated the panel in front of him to let his communicator begin to receive the communication signals from the police.

In less than 30 seconds, he learned about the accident at the twin towers from the police call frequency.

"Damn it!" Wayne was unable to calm down. He could not help swearing. Then he got up and ran to the back of the submarine.

As a result of akham's prison break in the afternoon, more than half of the police force in the city is still in the suburbs, and this half is usually the elite in dealing with major cases and major cases. At present, those police officers in Gotham City can maintain the basic public order all over the country. They are expected to save the mayor It's like a dream.

So now the mayor and others can count on Batman is the only one.

"Ready to start the 'three pointer' program." Entering the back cabin of the submarine, Wayne fixed himself firmly on a horizontal seat with a very skillful action, and gave a command to the computer with voice.

[sir, based on the results of the last test, the security of the program ]Instead of immediately executing his orders, the computer tried to tell him the risks.

Wayne didn't let the computer finish talking at all. He interrupted directly: "start the program and target the" twin towers "in the center of the city. Hurry!"

[yes, sir. ]

["three point ball" program starts, target point calibration -]

along with the non emotional voice of the computer, a layer of translucent light film is projected from under the metal deck, wrapping the seat where Wayne lies, making it a rugby like cabin device.

[calculating the probability of obstacles, adjusting the best parabola -]

[enter the projection process in five seconds, five, four, three, two, one ]

at the end of the countdown, the super long-distance "three-point ball" rushed out of a pipe slot above the submarine, broke through the water of Gotham River, and flew obliquely to the high altitude


Meanwhile, in the banquet hall on the top floor of the twin towers.

"Gentlemen, I know you are in a mess. Let me help you sort out your thoughts." When Feng can't feel talking, he is still approaching, "if any of you shoot me, there will be a very high probability that all five of us will die together, and I will shoot you..."

Bang -

so he actually fired.

But he didn't run for people. He just smashed the glass in the building behind the mayor.

The astonishment brought by the gunshot hasn't gone away. A gust of "high-rise wind" blew in from the big opening in the glass. Almost all the four people who were close to the gap knelt on the ground instinctively and lowered their body's center of gravity For fear of being taken out of the building by a strong wind.

"Ha ha It doesn't have to be worse, does it? " Looking at the reaction of those people in front of him, Feng unconsciously opens his arms and smiles wantonly in front of the cold wind.

"You lunatic!" Dent put his hand on his windblown hair and roared in the wind, "what do you want to do?"

"I just want to Ask you, and the mayor One question... " At this time, Feng didn't realize that he was no longer close to each other, because he knew that if he kept approaching, the two bodyguards would be sure to shoot his head directly without touching the bomb, "as long as you answered me truthfully I don't need you to invite me. I'll leave myself. "

After that, brother Jue shook his arm and carried his gun on his shoulder. Then, like a drunk man, he staggered to a nearby table, picked up a glass of champagne on the table, and drank it up.

His behavior seems to be madness. In fact, every step has its own meaning - gun barrel on his shoulder, unpredictable movements, exaggeration when drinking champagne It's all about getting in the way of people aiming at his head; plus the interference of the wind Even though the other guests in the banquet hall were gone, the two bodyguards couldn't shoot the crazy man with explosives strapped to him.

"What do you want to know?" Two seconds later, mayor coporte opened his mouth. Of course, he was shouting at the top of his voice.

"Very simple..." Feng unconsciously looked at the two men and said, "please, two of you Clearly Say your full name. "

It's a bit baffling, but in the eyes of the four people in front of the window, it doesn't matter if there is any logic to the request made by a madman. Since he is in charge of the situation now, such a request Just satisfy him.

"I'm Oswald Chesterfield coport." Mayor of coport