Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1282

I used "data vision" to see through the wall, but behind it was a white light produced by the system shielding.

In a sense, this is a good omen, because it usually means that there are some very important hidden elements behind the wall This also makes brother Jue 's determination to break into the wall more firm.

The question now is, how to break it?

In the past, if you don't feel it, you can choose to poke an apple sized hole in the wall with a smart finger, and then insert the grenade in the endless grenade box, and it's easy to blow up the wall.

But now, he has to think of something else

In that instant, Jue GE's mind had flashed three plans.

First: pick up something that can be picked up in the sewer, such as a can floating on the water, unknown garbage, or a piece of shit Put it in the leather pocket of [Yu] and shoot it out. Then pray that the power of this thing after it is added by the legendary weapon can blow away the wall in front of you.

Second, cut a rectangular area on the wall with haze feet, and then kick the wall down from the middle.

The third kind: directly use brute force to break the relatively fragile ordinary wall beside, and make a small bend in.

After a short period of thinking, Feng unconsciously decides None of the three.

Because these three methods, including the "use of a grenade to explode" method mentioned before, all bring about the same problem - the possibility of destroying what is hidden behind the wall.

Suppose there is a very fragile hidden props, such as a flower, an egg and so on, less than a meter behind the wall Then with the above methods, there is a high probability that the props will be broken by the broken wall.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for brother Jue to come up with a method that had little effect on the back of the wall.

But when he raised his hand, his psionic weapon appeared in his fingers.

Although the attack power of [mad poker] is displayed as "??" But according to the conclusion that Feng unconsciously has made countless personal tests in the actual battle, the cutting ability of this thing is absolutely no less than that of the plasma cutting machine; the vast majority of metals known and available for processing in the 21st century can be cut with mad poker. What can effectively defend this poker, usually with magical properties, or is a special material in the magic world; and the wall at this moment Obviously not in this category.

As expected, Jue GE's Poker easily cuts a hole in the wall. Judging from the cut off touch, the poker can just penetrate the thickness of the wall.

Not long ago, Feng unconsciously cut a circle of round cuts at a place about the height of his chest, the diameter of which just allowed his arm to pass through; then, he scraped a few times at the edge of the cut with poker, hanging out a circle of defects, so that he could hold the edge of the cut with his fingers, and "dig out" the small cylindrical wall.

After taking out the small cylinder, there will be a round hole slightly smaller than the mouth of the bowl on the wall, which is the first step.

The second step is much simpler. Brother Jue uses poker to draw a rectangular area around the hole for him to pass through. Then he extends his arm into the hole in the middle, uses his arm to "string" and "carry" the large block of cut wall, and takes a few steps back to "pull" the wall out, and then throws it on the ground nearby.

In this way, a rectangular entrance is created, and during the whole process, only some dust generated by cutting falls into the other side of the wall.

However, when the scene behind the wall came into view, brother Jue found that This caution is unnecessary.

"Alas After all, ordinary difficulty... " I can't help but look at the ordinary sewer corridor behind the entrance and say something.

He didn't complain too much. He couldn't control the difficulty of setting the script. Anyway, his principle was to try to make the best of things within his own ability.

After observing with flashlight for a few seconds, brother Jue took off the oxygen pipe, changed the way of breathing, and smelled in the corridor Apart from the smell of the sewer, he didn't smell the smell of corpse or poison gas. At first glance, there was no place like a trap

Therefore, Feng unconsciously walked in.

The passage is not long, and the wall inside is also made of ordinary brick and cement. After walking for a long time, there is a door in the right front of Jue GE's house. It may not be exact to say "door". It should be said that it is a "door frame", because there is no door panel there.

Inside the door frame, there is a relatively more spacious space, or "one room"; the corridor only reaches here, and there is no other access.

Feng unconsciously looked into the door with a flashlight and saw a picture that was enough to make people gasp for breath.

This room If it can really be called a room There is a bed, a table, two stools, and one TV? Yes, there are still electric appliances in the room at the end of the passage of the sewer. In fact, there is not only a TV, but also a light bulb on the ceiling. In fact, he even found a switch beside the door. But after he fiddled twice, he found that the light bulb has lost its function.

Of course, none of the above is the point. What makes people feel numb in this room is On the ground next to the bed sat a huge skeleton which was obviously different from that of ordinary people.

Moreover, in the trunk part of the skeleton, there is a metal shackle similar to a vest, and the other end of the shackle is connected to the bedstead by a chain.

"Killer crocodile?" Feng unconsciously guessed the identity of the skeleton in just two seconds. As a person who knows all kinds of characters in the DC Universe, he can naturally identify the skull and hand bones of the killer crocodile.

"Well It's not easy to infer the time of death... " I don't know why brother Jue is more relieved to see a dead creature than to see a living creature. "Let alone that the body of this creature is different from that of ordinary people, let alone the environment of sewer, plus the activities of scavengers The time needed for ossification is unclear... " He paused, and his eyes shifted to the set of locks and bedsteads on the skeleton. "What's more important is What kind of material can we lock the assassin And lock it to death? "

All of a sudden, he saw something in the corner of his eyes. He immediately turned the light of the flashlight and pushed the skeleton aside a little.

By the light, he can see clearly On the wall behind the skeleton, there was a line of writing carved with sharp objects: "I am not a monster, he is."